#indieweb 2024-08-07

2024-08-07 UTC
plantroon, refica, Oclair, geoffo, Kaguneh, [jeremycherfas], capjamesg[d], [tantek], [Joe_Crawford], [schmarty] and kimo joined the channel
hey folks what's up
[snarfed], [jeremycherfas] and toastal joined the channel
[Scout], jimw5, jimw4, gRegorLove_, ttybitnik, barnaby, Guest6_ and gettie joined the channel
[KevinMarks] perhaps add folks from the obviously place on the wiki? https://indieweb.org/Bluesky#IndieWeb_Examples
I did, but I think James and Jacky since left bsky
oh interesting
I thought you had a bridged account, but couldn't find it
Still in the queue
There is a UK journalist exodus from twitter at the moment as Musk is encouraging the far right pogroms in the UK, so I am hoping to get them to bsky rather than threads or substack
[preview] OK, so you’re really, really sick of Musk’s antics now and finally want to make the leap to something else. Here’s your super quick guide how to do so. Do you need to close your Twitter account? Your choice, but not necessarily – my account ...
Threads seems more compatible (and future proof) since it's already partly part of "fedi" and allows migration to other ActivityPub implementations / servers, whereas bsky only conceptually does (no elsewhere to migrate to)
what is leaving twitter
It looks like we don't have a page for "leaving twitter" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "leaving twitter is ____", a sentence describing the term)
thought we did
[KevinMarks] ok I'm going to update the /Bluesky wiki page IndieWeb examples to actually link directly to people's bsky profiles (since most of the examples don't do that right now)
That's trusting Meta to maintain interoperability, which is not a bet I'd take given their history
Also, Mosseri has explicitly said that they don't want news and politics on threads
that's an incorrect summary
everyone seems to be getting that wrong, to some extent due to some folks IMO intentionally misquoting/misframing what Meta/Moseeri has said
OK, but “we’re also not going go to amplify news on the platform” is a good reason for journalists to skip it
the only thing he/they said was the "suggested posts " algorithm wouldn't amplify political posts, i.e. send them to people not following the author
which tbh is totally fine
never heard that about "news"
“It’s not that we’re not interested in news,” Mosseri said. “What we don’t want to do is amplify politics,” he said, by showing posts about elections, wars or even “social issues” to users who don’t want to see those things.
also Mastodon amplifies (checks notes) zero posts, so Mastodon also "not going go to amplify news on the platform"
right, that quote precisely backs up what I said
Instead threads amplify drivel and gen ai junk.
and generalizing it to "all news" or some other kind of ban is misinterpreting or bad faith mischaracterization
I don't really understand what Threads is amplifying tbh
AramZS joined the channel
it does make it easy to get bored of quickly and quit reading their For You stream though, which is perhaps a feature
Threads has a graph problem as it imported the graph from Instagram, but then most people left so it has a fairly stale graph for a new product
Did they have a lot of Walz content yesterday?
[KevinMarks] I'm seeing the opposite among my followings, more people from IG slowly using Threads more and more
sebbu2, sadome, bterry, sadomei, [snarfed]1 and [Scout]1 joined the channel
Instagram sure tries to get me to sign up for Threads. But I do not think I know anyone who uses it.
Zegnat, I see lots of former heavy Twitter users not on Threads. You know [benatwork] and he uses it.
now* on Threads
I guess I never got into Twitter, so I do not notice where people move. And these days I try to limit social media to people I have personally met. And none of those contacts have brought up Threads yet
rvalue joined the channel
yeah, if you were never really into Twitter or IG you're likely not missing anything on Threads
IG did default everyone into Content Preferences > Political content > Limit political content from people you don't follow, without really notifying or explaining it. I saw anecdotes for a little while that even if you changed it to "Don't limit", it was resetting to "Limit" after a while. Just checked and mine still respected my "Don't limit"
No idea if Threads was similar; haven't used it.
Aha, in that section it says "This setting also applies to Threads"
bterry joined the channel
Homebrew Website Club Europe/London is starting soon! Join us! https://events.indieweb.org/fk4atYf19pgP
Join us ^^
jjuran and [Jo] joined the channel
are you still going
We're talking pineapples.
↩️ i might!
[tantek], [Joe_Crawford], ttybitnik, AramZS and flambop joined the channel
_fluffy, Kaguneh, barnaby and to2ds joined the channel