#indieweb 2024-08-27

2024-08-27 UTC
thegreekgeek, troojg, athan, Xenguy, [schmarty], lagbaja, jjuran, toastal and gRegor joined the channel; toastal left the channel
“It is time to make the friendship bracelets I want to wear. To make the messy zines about the weird things that run through my mind. To write words about all the things that matter to me. To dream up the things that I want to do. Starting with this blog post written on a summer afternoon, I have the energy to create things with the most glorious imperfection I can muster” https://hey.georgie.nu/post-xoxo/
toastal joined the channel; toastal left the channel
if y'all are talking to people who are thinking about making their own website I'd greatly appreciate it if you mention the benefit of an RSS feed
I keep seeing really interesting sites that people have lovingly crafted, but there is often no mechanism for getting updates
don't forget newsletter, not everybody has a rss reader (especially since google feedreader closed, that was the one i used)
I use thunderbird, personally
it's worthwhile to talk about email at the same time as independent web publishing, since it's largely the same big companies working to shut out competition in both areas
ttybitnik and [Murray] joined the channel
never got the proliferation of newsletters; managing an email inbox is tough enough 😅 Thankfully, Readwise Reader allows both RSS _and_ email, so I can now use that for both 🙂 Agreed on pushing for more feeds though!
there's tradeoffs on either side. a few writers I still want to follow remain on substack despite all the problems with the platform, and I preferred to follow via the built-in (hidden, I think) RSS feeds. A few people finally moved off the platform by taking their email list to another newsletter provider, but they failed to announce it before leaving, so I just stopped getting updates
in a few cases I was able to find where they'd gone, but I think a few writers fell through the cracks
I suspect a lot of that can be blamed on the fact that they probably don't even know that substack does RSS
hey ansuz: we try to keep jargon (RSS) out of this channel to make it more inviting to newcomers, can you move this to #indieweb-dev?
Loqi: sure, though I'm kinda surprised that something as critical as an open protocol for subscribing to a site is considered jargon
protocols in general are considered jargon, it's part of the answer to the implied question of "where have all the feeds gone?"
("long time passing")
kilipikonna, to2ds, bterry, ben, oakridge and [Jo] joined the channel
Darn. Going to have to miss it AGAIN!
Timing is tricky Jeremy -- I want to set up some with some other alt times.
We will miss you!
I will miss you. My evenings are seldom my own. Normally I can manage an hour at around 18:00 or 19:00 CEST but this evening we are going out.
lain` joined the channel
Front End Study Hall #009 is starting soon! Join us! https://events.indieweb.org/GOn9JPtiRiHR
I will be 10 mins late to FrESH.
gRegor, lagbaja and test1 joined the channel
ok I think I'm going to (re)start manually delayed POSSEing indieweb-related things to Twitter/X
for the few folks left there that still use it as a reader but appreciate indieweb things, also to keep reminding folks on Twitter that there's a better way
curious how people feel about that
or other opinions about POSSEing to Twitter or not (totally respect anyone's individual decisions to do so or not)
I don't miss it personally and think it would be low-reward, but maybe it will reach some people.
there is some (minor?) self-interest as well, as I presume that occasionally posting, even POSSEing, will reduce the chance of my account being closed for inactivity or otherwise "taken"
I see jacky is still sharing his links and reposting there
Searched the #indieweb hashtag to see what recent posts are like
lain` joined the channel
Tired from FrESH - will add photo and notes to the meeting a bit later. After I get some hydration and nutrition. 🙂 Great to see folks join!
[Joe_Crawford]++ thank you! and definitely take a break to recharge, great job facilitating and helping us explore various technologies and how to learn more about them
[Joe_Crawford] has 27 karma in this channel over the last year (74 in all channels)
to2ds joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford]++ for FrESH No. 9
[Joe_Crawford] has 28 karma in this channel over the last year (75 in all channels)
[Joe_Crawford] has 29 karma in this channel over the last year (76 in all channels)
[Joe_Crawford] This is what I was thinking about ^
athan joined the channel
gRegor, FWIW I am seeing a deliberate shift (recently) in Trending Tags on Twitter becoming increasingly anti-Trump. I can't help but wonder if there's a (apparently successful?) coordinate effort at work here, succeeding on Twitter despite Elon's antics
not saying anyone here should take-up that kind of labor (it's a lot), however, interesting to see that some folks are apparently still using Twitter in seemingly politically productive ways (mostly calling out misinformation, fact-checking etc.)
athan and thegreekgeek joined the channel; lagomorph_ left the channel
Alex Andreou is suggesting Blue Mondays - post screenshots of posts from BlueSky, mastodon etc on twitter so people see what they're missing (instead of posting screenshots of twitter on bsky to dunk on Musk)
lain` joined the channel
interesting. perhaps I'll make it a Monday thing, POSSEing particularly indieweb-relevant posts after the fact from the prior week to Twitter, to let folks know there what they missed
maybe generating FOMO on Twitter is a use-case for POSSEing to Twitter?
lagbaja and incommunicado447 joined the channel
How about the @indiewebcamp account? Haven't posted since June 2023
ansuz left the channel
definitely open to discussing how to use it as a community! perhaps in #indieweb-meta?
hello, my name's ruta, new to html & css. here to learn.
woot! welcome ruta123++
ruta123 has 1 karma over the last year
you may also be interested in #indieweb-dev for more technical HTML+CSS discussions!
ruta123 [tantek]: can you move the tech talk (CSS) to #indieweb-dev to keep this channel more inclusive and inviting?
^ or else we get warned off by Loqi like that 😂
purplesquare joined the channel
what reputation does the Gandi domain registrar have in the IndieWeboSphere?
i'm very new to the whole IndieWeb thing if that's not clear
what is a domain registrar
A personal domain is a domain name that you personally own, control, and use to represent yourself on the internet https://indieweb.org/domain_registrar
Welcome, ruta123[d]! 👋
Welcome, purplesquare!
^ a few points there about Gandi and other registrars
[dougbeal] joined the channel
thanks, i'll look into it
peikonjahtaaja, athan, thegreekgeek_, lagbaja, asarandi, alephalpha0 and Xenguy joined the channel; peikonjahtaaja left the channel