Xenguy What a weird week. Went to get my roti's today and there was tape up all around. Foolishly ducked under the tape to get into the shop and was quickly told by a cop that it was a crime scene. No rotis for you!
XenguyGuy in the watering hole said some guy was shot in broad daylight, but he thinks it was the barber shop, and not my roti shop, but still, a bit unnerving
[morganm]I worked on a website today, I found a web component from 8 years ago and a shorter 2023 one for a share button using the window.navigator.share method
Menchers, Xe, bencevans, troojg, Maxpm, dmowitz, mahboubine, codeshakingGlitc, athan, ttybitnik, petermolnar, rvalue- and cuibonobo joined the channel; dmowitz left the channel
codeshakingGlitc<c=173,173,173>CG: the discord link in the wiki does not work anymore, is it dead? i am using pesterchum to get here because it is the only irc client i have (i am not complaining, though)</c>
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