#indieweb 2024-10-06

2024-10-06 UTC
cambridgeport90: i haven't read that post, but i would say that the indieweb isn't irrelevant, but there definitely needs to be better communication about what it is. and an official directory. IMO when people visit indieweb.org, they should immediately see both a prominent link to the directory and ideally also get a randomly chosen site (from a human-curated list) showcased and linked.
IMO for most people the big boon of the indieweb is having a collection of sites with reasonable assurance that you're not being fed AI/SEO slop.
Hence, I see an official directory as essentially mandatory for it to actually be useful.
PS, aaronpk: don't i know you from a post about nuclear technology?
phryk: IDK about mandatory, it's created value for me almost without it (https://indieweb.org/chat-names is a directory of sorts for example).
[edit] phryk: IDK about mandatory, it's created value for me almost without it (https://indieweb.org/chat-names is a directory of sorts for example).
_pi_r2_0[d]: i'm not saying that wouldn't be the case – it's just that it seems like currently, the potentially biggest boon for the most people is essentially ignored.
with "mandatory" i just wanted to stress just how centrally important i think this is.
important how? how long have you spent on eg https://personalsit.es/ indirectly linked above?
[edit] important how? how long have you spent on eg https://personalsit.es/ indirectly linked above?
not any. this is the sort of stuff that should be prominently visible on the front page. not sure i'd file that under "UX", but it's definitely an accessibility thing.
not any *time
do you think you will?
yes. also ooh.directory, but most people wouldn't dig so deep. and even i still have some confusion around what "indieweb" actually means. :P
if both are good enough sources and either are easily scrapable or have a proper API, i might even have an excuse to finally start hacking around with vector-space based search.
people who believe in and/or practice "the principles of: owning your domain and using it as your primary online identity, publishing on your own site first (optionally elsewhere), and owning your content", and the websites they produce under those principles, and the community that's grown around it and has chats and events and a wiki etc.
honestly the wiki page articulates that better than I could. it's a bit like asking what's science? a set of beliefs, a method, a set of models, a trade, a community? well all those things at least a bit, the word is used differently by different people at different times
yeah, i might be nitpicking here, but i think for clear communication, there should be a proper delineation between those. i.e. indieweb is the collection of sites adhering to the principles, then there's the *indieweb community*, the *indieweb wiki* and… *indieweb other things* like this chat.
i'll read a bit after work (i *really* need to start working now^^), but will probably only look into possible code projects *after* my new site has gone live. :P
surprised no one has asked "what is" to answer the original question
what is the indieweb?
The IndieWeb is a community of independent and personal websites based on the principles of: owning your domain and using it as your primary online identity, publishing on your own site first (optionally elsewhere), and owning your content https://indieweb.org/indieweb
phryk ^
the suggestion to make a directory of indieweb sites more discoverable from the home page is a good one. thanks for the clear expression of that phryk++
phryk has 1 karma over the last year
you might appreciate this in the mean time
what is the indiewebring?
🕸💍 Indiewebring is a webring across IndieWeb sites and blogs, part of the great rebirth of of webrings powered by #IndieWeb technology that made 2018 the year of the webring https://indieweb.org/indiewebring
that fits a bunch of the criteria you were looking for, "randomly chosen site (from a human-curated [well, verified via IndieAuth] list) showcased and linked"
interesting. ye, bits and pieces of what i'm looking for definitely exists. gonna put some thought into this topic, see if it's feasible to unify this somehow. still not sure what would be involved into making a directory "official", tho. is there democratic or concensus based decision making on some mailing list or how would this work?
What is a directory
A directory on the web lists websites or pages typically grouped by topic or areas of interest, sometimes using categories or tags, often useful for finding niche communities and discovering new websites https://indieweb.org/directory
phryk, none of the above. There are many indieweb blog directories as linked from that page. No need or desire to "bless" any one of them because they each serve different purposes and audiences. And no desire for extra process / governance to vote about something that doesn't really need a decision or revoting (every year possibly?)
If you're looking for a local directory of people here in chat and their sites, as noted above, /chat-names provides that
strugee_, Menchers, ren, onla_, troojg, athan, [KevinMarks], [Joe_Crawford], spew, GuestZero and jonnybarnes joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "IndieWeb Carnival: Multilingualism in a Global Web" https://hacdias.com/2024/10/04/multilingualism/
alXsei and GuestZero joined the channel
Is there a directory of sites using webmentions? If some central hub like indieweb.org had a directory where people could add their sites by simply webmentioning the directory itself, then it could be quite easy to make a good directory without not much effort. It would just need to become popular for webmention users to once webmention that site. This webmention tech has so much potential that
it could attract any average joe to move consuming internet through indieweb sites if everything was in place. In my utopian internet world, webmentions would replace reddit etc
There are some directories, some listed on https://indieweb.org/directory. I think IndieNews is one that works fully with webmentions. Indie Map can be used to look for sites that have webmention endpoints.
thanks. Colin Walker's dir and indieweb.xyz unfortunately don't work anymore. That map and indienews seem to have more than a few websites linked so I guess I could use those as starting points at least to go see how different people have adapted webmentions on their pages. Don't have URL to that one attempt at making webmention forum similar to indieweb.xyz in my backlog atm but that one thouh
mostly had posts by one or couple users
webmentions can look complex. Should maybe make some very simplified example/tutorial for one way to use it to not overwhelm ppl
bterry1, [Jo], rvalue and Menchers joined the channel
onla: oh that'd be so helpful, I love the idea but I am a baby dev so from what I read about it it looked to be too complex for me to easily implement
onla_, Menchers, Achylles and JadedBlueEyes joined the channel
lhannan: indeed! I am also new and just exploring options at the moment. Maybe there is one written somewhere. If not, then that could be something I could write later
GuestZero, spew, [KevinMarks], ren, rvalue, thegreekgeek, Menchers and [snarfed] joined the channel
there are a number of those! for most people, we recommend using an existing service like http://micro.blog, or existing plugin for popular web servers like WordPress, Drupal, etc
#indieweb-dev is a good place for developer discussion
[preview] [Aaron Parecki] Sending your First Webmention from Scratch
GuestZero and athan joined the channel
Thanks for sharing the site directories above everyone, having a lovely time browsing https://personalsit.es/ now thanks to capjamesg[d]
Very relaxing to browse through personal sites on a Sunday eve
Little glimpses into indiewebbers lives!
Just browsing that now! Already found one to add to my RSS
I used to lurk on Making Light, writer’s blogs are something I need more of in my life
Omg I love this.
I love the indents on the headlines of long story; short pier
The thing with beautifully designed websites… it’s almost a shame to bring them into RSS
Damn now I want to redesign mine haha
[mattl], onla_ and Menchers joined the channel
^ this is so true. Feed readers can take the joy out of experiencing independent websites
athan and aesthetikx joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "Indieweb Movie Club - The Wizard Of Oz (1939)" https://antonio.is/2024/10/06/indieweb-movie-club-the-wizard-of-oz-1939/
troojg and robotsnowfall joined the channel