[morganm]I was told this was a good place to show off personal website updates: https://morganwebdev.org. this is a Hugo static site generated website I've been updating and decided to use as my main web presence.
[morganm]The goal for this website is basically producing a reaction like "Hey this Morgan guy exists and seems professionally interested in technology, and seems friendly enough to contact". Does this strike anyone?
[morganm]I've been on the web basically since a long time ago it feels like, relative to my life at age 35. This is a consolidated web presence across my once many personal projects.
[tantek]I am suddenly seeing hundreds of new Twitter followers. Are these bots before the US election / aftermath or is something else going on? Do folks have timely ideas / suggestions for "tweeting for good" beyond providing onramps and information about the IndieWeb to help people migrate?
[mattl]Thereβs no good reason I can think of to keep using Twitter at this point. Make your account private and logged in seems to the advice to not lose it should anyone else ever take it over and rescue it.
[Joe_Crawford]Tantek one aspect of your account in particular is it's single-character-ed ness. I wonder if that makes you more subject to bot mass following activity. My account is still open and my usage is nearly nil. I've also made an effort to remove my follows and mute any bot that over-replies. I've not seen any followers, bot or otherwise in many months. For a time there was a trend of mysteriously attractive women avatarred followers, but
[tantek]There are definitely hashtags you can use which will trigger a bunch of bots to retweet you, and while I haven't really explicitly used that tactic, it's there to use if anyone wishes to consider doing so
[tantek]^ we have that for some guidance for good approaches to bringing people into the community in a positive way. Could further discuss such approaches in #indieweb-meta as well since it's community related rather than explicitly about our personal sites. My original question was about the personal publishing practice of POSSEing to Twitter, like remaining good use-cases which still makes sense to discuss here