#indieweb 2024-11-15
2024-11-15 UTC
Ezri, tenaciouslyGnarl, troojg, CRISPR, GuestZero_, geoffo, spew_, bterry, toastal, cedric, AramZS, aelaraji, earlps, jeremycherfas, BigShip6, alephalpha0, Artea, rvalue, dmowitz, spew and gRegorLove_ joined the channel; toastal and freddy left the channel
[Joe_Crawford] Terrific interview with [sarajaksa] — https://manuelmoreale.com/pb-sara-jaksa — IndieWeb Carnival and James’ enthusiasm during IndieWeb zooms mentioned prominently :)
AramZS joined the channel
capjamesg[d] I am excited to read the interview!

__DuBPiRaTe__, aelaraji0, nemonical and LeoDB joined the channel; toastal left the channel
calebd hey folks, I'm not super sure what the protocol here is but it says to post an intro here. I don't have much to say other than that I'm interested in what's happening here and am surprised by how small the discord server is. I kinda thought this would be one of those 200,000 member thingies lol
doesnm joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] Welcome @calebd! We’re all spread across IRC/Discord/Slack (I’m in Slack) but the scale and size varies. We also have multiple channels with different focus and Loqi is an automated answerer to questions and also a fun toy. Loqi is around even if most folks are asleep.
[Joe_Crawford] What is discuss?
Loqi 💬 Join #indieweb discussions via Discord, Slack, web chat, or IRC, (they are all bridged!) with focused channels for developers, WordPress, and meta topics! https://indieweb.org/discuss

alesr joined the channel
calebd gotcha. I saw the bridging, I suppose I'm just used to discord always being jam packed. But yeah, I don't have much to contribute rn, I'm still very much in the research phase. Idk if there's a good place for promo, but I would love to check out some people's sites for inspiration
calebd [edit] gotcha. I saw the bridging, I suppose I'm just used to discord always being jam packed. But yeah, I don't have much to contribute rn, I'm still very much in the research phase. Idk if there's a good place for promo, but I would love to check out some people's sites for inspiration.
capjamesg[d] Welcome, calebd[d]!

[Joe_Crawford] I have a strong faith that the community would rise to the challenge of such scaling were it to occur. 🙂
calebd I've seen some pretty big servers that still had active communities. Granted, I was never able to actually break into the culture, but some folks were clearly having fun lol
capjamesg[d] You're welcome to lurk around and get to know the community before particiapting more.

capjamesg[d] *participating

capjamesg[d] With regard to other websites, check out this page:

capjamesg[d] What is a blogroll?

Loqi A blogroll is a list of other sites that you read, are a follower of, or recommend https://indieweb.org/blogroll

capjamesg[d] There are lots of blogs on there run by community members, and links to even more blogs!

capjamesg[d] What is discovery?

Loqi Discovery is a variety of methods for finding content, websites, communities, or people to follow on the web including search, directories, recommendation engines, tags, or other serendipitous methods; there are also discovery-algorithms for developers https://indieweb.org/Discovery

capjamesg[d] That page is useful, too ^^

doesnm joined the channel
calebd Thank you! This is super useful!!
sebbu2 joined the channel
[morganm]2 Hi Caleb, nice community around here of people basically working on their own websites and stuff. The bread and butter of discussion seems to be about making your own web presence and learning from others.
calebd I actually do have one question. Does anyone have any sugesstions for how to make and maintain a website on the cheap? I'm like super very broke rn because I'm trying to save up enough money to exist next semester, and wordpress.com wants to charge me 48 bucks for a whole year, when I'm not even sure if I'd be able to keep up with it. I'm a programmer, so I'm comfortable with writing my own code, although I'd have to learn html whatno
capjamesg[d] If you are comfortable with writing some code, you can make your own HTML web page and host it on GitHub Pages for free.

[morganm]2 There are many free/freemium options for coding a website and hosting it -- definitely don't need to pay WordPress dot com
jetpack joined the channel
capjamesg[d] We have a template at https://github.com/indieweb/blank-gh-site

capjamesg[d] [edit] We have a template at https://github.com/indieweb/blank-gh-site

[morganm]2 https://glitch.com/
capjamesg[d] ^^

[morganm]2 Philosophically a lot of people here strongly advocate for renting your own domain name and controlling what you share as much as possible, and having a domain name allows you to interact and auth and other things that people talk about here. But it absolutely is not required to get started with making your own website
[tantek] also http://micro.blog, omg.lol

[snarfed]2 morganm++ tantek++
calebd damn, you guys rule
neatnik calebd: if you want to set up your own little server that you can run anything on, I know of a few places where you can do that incredibly inexpensively
calebd I can afford a domain name, but frankly, I don't even wan't custom templates or anything, and I don't wanna have to double or triple the price of a domain name just to have tools I'd rather not even use
neatnik (You just have to be willing to do a little sysadmin work 😄)
calebd neatnik: I'd like to look into that. I've also recently restored an old tower I had to be a halfway decent little linux machine, and I'm not opposed to using that as a server
neatnik I’ve used https://www.hostkoala.com before and they’re great. Also https://www.nearlyfreespeech.net is wonderful and doesn’t require the sysadmin aspect
calebd [edit] neatnik: I'd like to look into that. I've also recently restored an old tower I had to be a halfway decent little linux machine, and I'm not opposed to using that as a server. Although I'm a total networking noob and I'm not thrilled with the prospect of letting strangers into my network
neatnik Yeah you probably don’t want to run things from your home, not unless you can somehow partition that traffic and not permit impact the rest of your home internet
calebd neatnik: no clue where to even start with that, so I'll stick to using services for now lol. I'll save the tower for a minecraft server or something
neatnik Thought a private/internal homelab can be a great way to learn
calebd neatnik: I just googled what a "homelab" is and I'm already intimidated
capjamesg[d] Agreed that you don't want to run things from home. That's making things _way_ more complicated than they need to be.

neatnik heh, no need to be intimidated; it can be as simple as that tower of yours 😄
capjamesg[d] GitHub Pages, omg.lol, micro.blog, and Netlify are all good options that you can customize to your needs.

[snarfed]2 specifically omg.lol and http://micro.blog if you don't want to do sysadmin or technical stuff
calebd That is very helpful, thank you guys so much again! I definately have some research to do. But I think I agree with the whole "host your own stuff" philosophy and I would like to get away from the brain poison of algorithm driven social media
Loqi 🔧 admin tax is all the time you spend maintaining your personal site, rather than actually using it (like to create posts) https://indieweb.org/admintax

neatnik I’m still paying my admin tax every day lol
capjamesg[d] I think a lot of people here can empathize with wanting to be away from social media.

capjamesg[d] On your own website, you can make what you want without worrying about an algorithm!

calebd I'm not above a project lol. And yeah, part of what I would want to use the website for is to host my art so it doesn't get buried by instagram and make me feel worse than I do when I don't post it at all. So I'd also just really like the website to be like... mine, and kind of a custom gallery among other things. So I don't really have interest in just using the same template as everyone else
calebd [tantek]: I will be sure to post there if I have any questions and/or updates about the actual website making process, once I can get a domain to show html
[snarfed]2 calebd++
capjamesg[d] calebd[d]++

[Joe_Crawford] calebd++
[tantek] if you'd like, I encourage you to capture those goals on your User: page on the wiki! see https://indieweb.org/wikify for details

[Murray] and klymilark joined the channel
Loqi [indienews] New post: "Hot Tubbing an Online Community by Caleb John Clark, 1999" https://artlung.com/blog/2020/06/26/hot-tubbing-1999/

RapidRotator, klymilark, ren, bterry, cedric, sp1ff, cambridgeport90, oakridge and CRISPR joined the channel
capjamesg[d] [edit] [tantek] https://jamesg.blog/2024/11/15/human-experience-design/

Loqi User experience, often abbreviated as UX, refers to the total experience a user has with a tool, or even an entire company, across all methods of communication and interaction with that tool, including both direct interactions using a tool UI and indirect interactions via other tools such as email, SMS, phone calls, in-person human representatives of the tool or company, etc https://indieweb.org/UX

capjamesg[d] What is human experience?

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "human experience" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "human experience is ____", a sentence describing the term)

capjamesg[d] Human experience is a person-focused alternative to the terminology "user experience," encompassing the usability of software and how the experience of the software makes people feel.

capjamesg[d] That's a rough definition. I welcome re-wording / brainstorming on that page!

[tantek] UX << consider renaming / reframing from "user experience" to "human experience", for reasons provided in https://jamesg.blog/2024/11/15/human-experience-design/ and per the IndieWeb community motto on the home page of The IndieWeb is a *people-focused* alternative to the “corporate web”. *Emphasis* added.

Loqi ok, I added "consider renaming / reframing from "user experience" to "human experience", for reasons provided in https://jamesg.blog/2024/11/15/human-experience-design/ and per the IndieWeb community motto on the home page of The IndieWeb is a *people-focused* alternative to the “corporate web”. *Emphasis* added." to the "See Also" section of /user-experience https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=98511&oldid=95408

capjamesg[d] Human experience << [https://jamesg.blog/2024/11/15/human-experience-design/ "Let's replace "user experience with human experience"]

Loqi ok, I added "[https://jamesg.blog/2024/11/15/human-experience-design/ "Let's replace "user experience with human experience"]" to a brand new "See Also" section of /Human_experience https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=98512&oldid=98510

capjamesg[d] Human experience << UX

Loqi ok, I added "[[user-experience]]" to the "See Also" section of /Human_experience https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=98513&oldid=98512

capjamesg[d] Oooh, sure thing!

capjamesg[d] ++

Loqi ok, I added "consider instead exploring renaming the existing UX (and UI) pages accordingly to HX (and HI) equivalents and long forms, and retaining subsections on UX/UI for historical purposes." to the "See Also" section of /Human_experience https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=98514&oldid=98513

capjamesg[d] Should we create a HX/HI redirect?

capjamesg[d] ^^