#indieweb 2024-11-17
2024-11-17 UTC
asarandi joined the channel
[morganm]3 I worked on a small webpage today, Id love it if anyone could give me an initial reactions or thoughts about it: https://whatcompublichospital.org/data
gvg, ren, xtex, mdemo2, toastal, barnabywalters, bterry1, mdemo20, glacier, barnaby, wobbol, olav and root joined the channel; toastal left the channel
awsamuel hi humans! I'm a tech writer, sometimes developer, longtime open source user and regretful social media evangelist, now trying to re-organize my online home. Fled Twitter a couple of years ago and set up beachheads on various other networks that I've barely used, but with the current surge on Bluesky I'm pretty determined to make my longstanding (just turned 20!) WordPress site into my forever home. Setup with JetPack Social but thi
awsamuel Also apologies if my greeting was species-ist, I also send my hearty greetings to all AI bots and agents.
capjamesg[d] Welcome to the community, awsamuel[d]! 👋

awsamuel capjamesg[d]:
awsamuel aaronpk: ooh! Can you tell me more about Loqi?
capjamesg[d] Loqi is an automated-bot that you can prompt with a set of hard-coded patterns.

capjamesg[d] Loqi has been our helper for years 😄

capjamesg[d] For example:

capjamesg[d] What is Loqi?

Loqi Loqi is a friendly and useful bot/digital therapist present in the IndieWeb discussion channels https://indieweb.org/Loqi

capjamesg[d] ^^

awsamuel capjamesg[d]: oh! Thanks. That is super helpful. One of the projects I'm trying not to get too distracted from is an AI thing, and it's useful to see how Loqi is setup for shared use.
capjamesg[d] Yeah!

capjamesg[d] Loqi is not AI. It's entirely pattern matching.

capjamesg[d] The page above describes the patterns that are recognised.

awsamuel capjamesg[d]: yes! I did realize it's not AI. But what's interesting is the idea of making it a shared resource that becomes part of a community dynamic.
capjamesg[d] Ah, yeah!

awsamuel capjamesg[d] and now that i have read Loqi's take on Bridgy Fed, any chanc eyou are the right human to help me figure out if I want Bridgy or Bridgy Fed as the way to interact with Bluesky, Masto etc via my Wordpress site? This is the million dollar (or perhaps, million hour) question.
[Joe_Crawford] Loqi strike me as more like an ELIZA than anything. But with some added ability to respond from data in the indieweb wiki. A pretty darn good tool.
awsamuel [Joe_Crawford]: ❤️ Eliza. I kind of owe my (24-year!) marriage to her.
capjamesg[d] awsamuel[d] Have you seen https://brid.gy/about#bridgy-fed?

capjamesg[d] If you want to post to an existing Fediverse account, you should use Brid.gy. If you want your website to act like Fediverse instance and your domain to be your Fediverse username, use Brid.gy Fed.

capjamesg[d] Brid.gy also lets you post to Bluesky.

awsamuel capjamesg[d]: aha! I had not made it that far into the site -- thanks. Reading now. Though TBH, scrolling through past bridgy mentions in this discord, I'm seein a lot of reports of issues etc...making me wonder if I just want to stick with jetpack social for now so that I don't fall into a troubleshooting rabbit hole
capjamesg[d] GWG [snarfed] would both be able to advise well on this!

capjamesg[d] (GWG maintains lots of WP plugins; [snarfed] maintains Brid.gy and Brid.gy Fed)

capjamesg[d] All of our chats are bridged to Slack and IRC, so the names above will automatically tag them 🙂

awsamuel capjamesg[d]: thanks! It's really an impressive project and I am embarrassed to be so lazyweb about it. And also (as I imagine many folks here will relaate to) I have such a habit of falling into weeks-long holes when I decide to restructure some portion of my online life, and I'm really not able to do that ATM.
capjamesg[d] No worries at all!

capjamesg[d] I wish I could help more but I don't use WordPress 😭

capjamesg[d] GWG Can you help with the question above? "scrolling through past bridgy mentions in this discord, I'm seein a lot of reports of issues etc...making me wonder if I just want to stick with jetpack social for now so that I don't fall into a troubleshooting rabbit hole"

GWG I hooked Bridgy to Bluesky, but I hooked into Mastodon using the ActivityPub plugin, but I never signed up for a Mastodon account. I always tend to prefer self-hosting though. And you can use both. Bridgy can't be beat for importing responses from other sites. But there may be publish tools elsewhere that are more to your liking.
awsamuel capjamesg[d]: aww, thanks!
awsamuel GWG: ok, thanks! I have a feeling I just need to clatter around for a bit like a drunk elephant and see how it works, and then fix things to my liking once I get a feel for how I want to interact.
aelaraji0 and Aabrinae joined the channel
Aabrinae I made a link sharing webservice for pages and sites to become listed
awsamuel GWG: Thanks!
ren, Aabrinae, alhBrit, root, toastal, [KevinMarks], GuestZero, grufwub, vrvogel, sebbu, bia, bterry, gvg, Nuve and klymilark joined the channel