tantek.comIf you do take screenshots, I recommend you do so from a public venue, because some views show a "distance from current location" which, if there's more than three of (and non collinear), then someone can triangulate your location
KupietzHah. That's what I get for using an AI coding assistant. I recognize where some of those errors come from. Thanks, Claude. Others are unfortunately part of the Wordpress parent theme, which is terrible, and I didn't realize it until I'd built on it significantly. A few I can take care of though.
KupietzArgh. It also caches results, so once it thinks there's an error, it keeps reporting that error, even after you fix it. Clearing cache and opening the site in a private window confirms the fixed version is being served, the validator is still reporting the version from before the changes I just made.
KupietzThis website, with more stuff on it than it has now, got a 99 on pagespeed performance a couple of weeks ago. (Less today, because I'm in the middle of working on stuff, but it'll be back to 99 again.) Not sure how much work I want to put into getting from a 99 to a 100. Just my feeling. It's a hobby site.
capjamesg[d]Please remember that everyone is working on their websites in their spare time. When giving feedback, please make sure it is constructive and feels appropriate to give.
[lazcorp], barnaby, grufwub, [Murray] and rvalue joined the channel
funkylarma[edit] Whilst sat in the library yesterday waiting for the kids to choose some books, I started hacking together a diary style page https://adamchamberlin.info/diary/
Guest6, CRISPR, MyNetAz, ren-, nemonical, klymilark, bterry, paotsaq, barnabywalters, JNCOBiloba, gRegor, gRegorLove_, bret, snowolf_, merlins_, benji-, plantroon_, ghostwolf, schmudde1, sivoais_, sebsel_ and mooff joined the channel
Moultwhenever kupietz comes back should probably check out the way he renders text on the page. for example he's got the word <https://...> directly rendered. not sure what his backend is but it sounds like its rendering out content unescaped, could be a security issue.