#indieweb 2024-12-19
2024-12-19 UTC
# [tantek]2 lol! victory Kupietz++
ben and ren- joined the channel
# Kupietz [tantek]2 Well, a relative victory, compared to the last few months :-) Definitely the first move in the right direction in a while, hopefully the start of a trend
LainExperiments, klymilark, Salt, bterry, Kaivery1001, Ezri, angelo, ren, grufwub, cdravcte2, doesnm and Guest3374 joined the channel
# Guest3374 bro why does this community have the worst CoC i've ever seen in myu life
# Guest3374 like they actively have a pro reverse racist bias
# Moult Guest3374: link?
nemonical, barnaby, rvalue, tyil, Pixi`, Pixi__, LainExperiments, GuestZero_, oakridge, Guest6, gvg, aelaraji4, klymilark, DKordic and AcesAndEights joined the channel
# capjamesg[d] My web reader now supports public feeds: https://artemis.jamesg.blog/u/indieweb
# capjamesg[d] [edit] My web reader now supports public feeds: https://artemis.jamesg.blog/u/indieweb
jjuran_ and ttybitnik joined the channel
# capjamesg[d] I guess you could say a stream?
# capjamesg[d] It's an aggregation of all of the feeds to which you have subscribed.
# jeremycherfas join #events
# jeremycherfas oops.
# capjamesg[d] You have to explicitly opt in to create a stream.
# capjamesg[d] The behaviour I would like to enable is to let people create something like https://stream.indieweb.org without having to do any programming.
# capjamesg[d] I also just added a message to remind people to unsubscribe from private feeds if they intend to make their feed public.
# capjamesg[d] [snarfed]++ for the inspiration.
ehmry, ren and Kupietz joined the channel
# Moult capjamesg[d]: sweet, is that available in atom?
# capjamesg[d] Yep!
# Moult capjamesg[d]: how do i find it? can you add a <link rel="alternate"?
# capjamesg[d] It's already there.
# Moult capjamesg[d]: ah nice sorry completely missed it
gRegor joined the channel
# Moult capjamesg[d]: i'm realling like this artemis thing, is there a way to see a list of public users to browse through?
# Moult s/realling like/really liking
sebbu2 joined the channel
# [mattl] https://indieweb.org/code-of-conduct for people looking for it. It would be nice to see some more names on it too.
nemonical, ren- and krjst joined the channel
# Moult capjamesg[d]: i was reading through your post on timelines https://jamesg.blog/2024/12/18/timelines/ and it's making me think. i've been building a ttyrec player which has a timeline, and i wonder how it could be enhanced to be more than just a progress indicator.
# Moult ttyrecs are a bit unique in that both time and individual frames are significant, so you can switch modes between showing a frame-based seek or a time based seek, which changes the timeline. the timeline can either show percent of total frames, or percent of time watched
ren joined the channel
# Moult but ttyrecs, especially those with known structures can have chapters in the timeline auto added, like if you're replaying a nethack ttyrec, there are DLs or XLs or other events that can mark milestones. it'd be a cool feature
vikanezrimaya and ren joined the channel
# [tantek]2 capjamesg[d]++ nice work!
ren joined the channel
# [tantek]2 also the term "public feed" isn't used elsewhere as "feeds to which you have subscribed"
# [tantek]2 that I've heard more as "home feed" since the "home" of most silos shows you an algorithmic feed aggregation of everyone you are following
# [tantek]2 public feed IMO is in contrast to friends-only feed or private feed etc.
# [tantek]2 I've also seen "news feed" used for that meaning of "home feed"
# [tantek]2 interestingly, Flickr calls that aggregation your "activity feed" https://www.flickrhelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/4404078406932-Using-the-Flickr-activity-feed
Pixi joined the channel
# Moult [tantek]2: aren't they just called feed aggregators or planets?
# [tantek]2 Moult, some folks called them that 20 years ago. Use of that terminology / phrases has largely shrunk to a quite small population.
# Moult [tantek]2: what term has replaced it?
# [tantek]2 services from that generation largely switched to "feedreader" or some still cling to the even more nostalgic "RSS reader"
# capjamesg[d] I like "web reader" because I like to use such softwares to read what's new on the web 😊
# [tantek]2 according to WP, the phrases "news aggregator, also termed a feed aggregator, content aggregator, feed reader, news reader, or simply an aggregator" have replaced it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/News_aggregator
# Moult that's a different thing though, you have a feed reader, which reads an aggregation of feeds. the aggregation is user-based, whereas a planet is server-based.
# Moult what capjamesg[d] is doing is a feed reader which also creates per-user feed planet
# Moult i guess it's not really a planet either, since planets usually are org/topic based
# [tantek]2 Planet is so rarely used that there are insufficient citation on the Wikipedia article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planet_(software)
bloot joined the channel
# Moult yeah, just that it's the most similar thing i can think of to what this is
# [tantek]2 it's a niche anachronism at this point, so it's not really helpful for communicating / discussing
# Moult what is rss
# Loqi RSS is an acronym for a set of XML feed file format variants used for syndicating time-stamped content from web sites like blogs and podcasts, and sometimes a shorthand for feed file formats as a whole including Atom, or even more broadly for the concept of feeds or syndication in general https://indieweb.org/RSS
# Moult nice to see indieweb promoting rss, definitely needs to have a comeback, less webrings, more feed aggregates :)
# [tantek]2 heh yeah exactly, format acronyms are not particularly useful as user feature terms/phrases. they're confusing at best, obscure at worst
# Moult rss feed / atom feed bad, user feed good?
# [tantek]2 Facebook introduce "News Feed" as the aggregation of all the people / groups / stuff you are following
# [tantek]2 format jargon bad for user comprehension
# Moult reading about h-entry now, haven't heard of it before, is it widely used?
# [tantek]2 yup! also a better topic for #indieweb-dev since it's a format technology
ttybitnik joined the channel
# Moult interesting, gut feeling from what i read is that these microformats seem to promote centralisation in social media
# Moult compared to rss which promotes decentralisation
# Moult like the whole purpose is to allow someone else to steal your content and redisplay it embedded in their way
# capjamesg[d] You could say the same thing about RSS 😄
# capjamesg[d] Or any open format!
# Moult well you could say the same thing about any API
# Moult not really, RSS stores metadata about an entire document, which links to the document itself
# capjamesg[d] Microformats encourage you to use HTML classes for adding semantic annotations to a document, instead of writing in another format.
# Moult whereas these microformats stores metadata about portions of a document
# Moult formats heavily influence the usecases, that's the issue
# Moult seems like a good idea in general, just easily abused in the current web climate
# Moult strange to be using css classes for the semantics though, seems like a hack
# [tantek]2 not really, they are fairly isomorphic from a consumption perspective
# [tantek]2 Moult, there is no such thing as css classes: https://tantek.com/2012/353/b1/why-html-classes-css-class-selectors
# Moult [tantek]2: good point, agree
# [tantek]2 For further standards discussion yes please follow-up in #indieweb-dev
# Moult is there some sort of equivalent of a feed reader that parses h-feed?
# [tantek]2 you've been requested several times to do so
Kupietz and troojg joined the channel; Moult left the channel