#indieweb 2024-12-26
2024-12-26 UTC
klymilark and Hoinkas joined the channel
[tantek] another thought I had about venue recommendations, inspired by gRegor's headings/sections for each city: when I look for venue recommendations I'm almost always not only looking for a specific city but also a specific neighborhood. like I'm already in that neighborhood and I'm wondering what else I should walk to and check out, or I'm looking into which neighborhood to stay in a city and curious what kind of cool things are in that neighborhood,

[tantek] huh, interesting out of order chats in the archive when it was too long in Slack! https://chat.indieweb.org/2024-12-26#t1735174197571500 should be before the entry ahead of it

Hoinkas Hi! It's my first time here so wanted to greet you all. Btw could you please provide link to that "gRegor's headings/sections" you keep mentioning?
[tantek] Hoinkas, you may also be interested in the event happening in ~1hr! https://events.indieweb.org/2024/12/homebrew-website-club-pacific-special-holiday-edition-j26UrI3OowGP

Hoinkas Oh I would love to but I am deaf and most of subtitles generating FOSS are not great with various accents :/
Hoinkas I don't have my site yet. Currently I am looking for good and viable domain hosting :)
Hoinkas Oh so maybe I will try joining and see how CC will keep up
Hoinkas Thanks
Hoinkas Oh. It's in less than an hour. I am not prepared, especially having 3AM here, so will try next time. But thanks for invitation
Hoinkas Good to hear! Wednesday then
Hoinkas So events are more indieweb technical solutions oriented? Is there a difference in topics between calls and chat?
MyNetAz joined the channel
jgee118692253458 joined the channel
Loqi 💬 Join #indieweb discussions via Discord, Slack, web chat, or IRC, (they are all bridged!) with focused channels for developers, WordPress, and meta topics! https://indieweb.org/discuss

Hoinkas Thanks for links and explaination. I read some of it before, just couldn't quite get the difference between event topics and chat topics :)
Hoinkas Btw. I am starting to cutting my ties with "silos" and the whole idea of indieweb is pretty amazing for me but I the more I read about it the bigger my concern becomes. How do you reconcile cutting yourself off from a content-overloaded internet but still know what's going on in the world?
Hoinkas Would you mind sharing those ways of yours?
Hoinkas Oh, interesting. Thank you very much
Loqi Homebrew Website Club - Pacific Special Holiday Edition is starting soon! Join us! https://events.indieweb.org/j26UrI3OowGP

[mattl], grufwub, MyNetAz, claudinec, Guest6, [KevinMarks], aelaraji9, ttybitnik, ren, bterry1, klymilark, nemonical, petermolnar, [Joe_Crawford], merlins, [snarfed], alfiee, sebbu2, gRegor, CRISPR and [morganm] joined the channel
[morganm] Im bored with my personal website lately, its ok to take breaks, but I hope in the next few days I work on something fun 🙂
CRISPR, tyil and klymilark joined the channel