jmacHullo everyone! It's been a long time. I feel the call to make some POSSE posts again and I need some help finding my way around. What I'd like to do is make a post on my own website, and have that show up on my Mastodon server and on Bluesky, with link-backs. Am I right that one way to do this is to set up *two* accounts on Bridgy, one for Mastodon (which I already have) and one for Bluesky, with both listening for new blog posts?
jmacPersonal snapshot since I was last here: I quit Google in the summer because of a bizarre encounter with an Estonian clown (the story of which is still on my blog front page at, down at the bottom) and I have rededicated myself to documenting open source software and supporting the open web.
jmacSeeing how long I can skate ahead on a freelance writing career. Very lately I've been reconsidering my use of Mastodon. I love the regional server that I co-administrate ( and post there every day, but I start to feel the call to make my personal website the locus for my micoblogging again.
jmacPoking around, I found evidence that I had a POSSE system essentially all set up and ready to go in November 2022, when a coworker launched and i got totally distracted by it for two years