#[schmarty]Happy to wire things back up but a little worried I broke something and/or have lost my following list.
#[schmarty]I am headed to bed for the night so I won't ping 🥱
#[schmarty]Oh. The page was 404 because I was signed out. 🙈 Looks like stuff is all still there! I'll look into the feed and my feed reader setup tomorrow.
grufwub, bterry, nightliife, alfiee, nemonical and [snarfed] joined the channel
#[snarfed][schmarty] ah sorry, user page URLs changed to /web/ year(s) ago, and I finally removed the redirects yesterday
#[snarfed]Bridgy Fed doesn't have authed logins btw, if you entered the domain into the form it just sent you to /web/...
MyNetAz joined the channel
#[schmarty]snarfed++ thanks for the hint! My feed reader had an old /user/ url in it. Over 60k posts had been served through the old feed url! 🫡
#Loqisnarfed has 28 karma in this channel over the last year (84 in all channels)
alfiee, cedric, nemonical, khimaros, jak2k, jak2k1 and mathilde joined the channel
#epiphron6423Hi all, I'm a freelance web developer in London interested in blogging a bit more this year, I build with WordPress, Hugo, and Laravel mainly, but interested in trying out some new tech and integrations for syndication. Happy to help with any web dev questions if needed. 👋🏻
alfiee joined the channel
#[tantek]epiphron6423++ welcome! you may also be interested in the #indieweb-dev channel for web dev questions in particular
alfiee, user23, geoffo, jak2k, mathilde, jak2k1, strategictravele, Guest64, rvalue, doesnm, plantroon, Guest76, GuestZero_ and bterry joined the channel; Guest76 left the channel