#bridgy 2017-07-03

2017-07-03 UTC
[miklb], tantek, snarfed, [cleverdevil], [pfefferle], [jeremycherfas], [chrisaldrich] and schmarty joined the channel
I think Bridgy "invitation" backfeeds may have broken - I'm seeing all invitations just say *I* (event organizer) was invited (like 20 of them) instead of the actual person that was invited.
lots of "Tantek Çelik is invited." when I did no such thing - I did invite ~40 people though
funny, they look fine in the mf2 tho
a-ha then it's a Bridgy UI / display issue, I'll file an issue
tantek, [kiai], [pfefferle], [miklb], [kevinmarks], arush, [cleverdevil] and snarfed joined the channel