#bridgy 2018-03-07

2018-03-07 UTC
tantek, [asuh], [miklb], [eddie], snarfed and chrisaldrich joined the channel
@joshicsin using http://brid.gy to poll my account (you can host that yourself too if you want). Custom code on Drupal side is at http://github.com/swentel/indieweb
@swentel That's great! So, the integration is handled by http://brid.gy. Quick!
@hussainweb If there's an URL back to my site in the (original) tweet, http://brid.gy will send a webmention which can be a like, retweet, comment .. on the receiving end I then can choose what to do with it. It's big fun!
[pfefferle], [jeremycherfas], [gerwitz], asde, [manton], [cleverdevil], [kevinmarks], [tantek], tantek, chrisaldrich, [schmarty], [snarfed], [eddie], swentel, snarfed1 and [jonathanprozzi] joined the channel