#bridgy 2018-03-12

2018-03-12 UTC
tantek, snarfed, [miklb], [kevinmarks], [snarfed], [eddie], [mrkrndvs], schmarty and swentel joined the channel
Really like Webmentions and how it works especially when used with http://brid.gy https://indieweb.org/Webmention The web is a conversation again.
snarfed and [snarfed] joined the channel
Python 2+3 compatibility, whee
snarfed++ whee!
snarfed has 7 karma in this channel (368 overall)
[eddie], tantek, [cleverdevil], snarfed and snarfed1 joined the channel
oh boy - yes "wheee" -- 2.7 with it's forward look lib is a huge boon
until you run into Requests
[mrkrndvs] and [snarfed] joined the channel
bear: huh. urllib.requests? (I'm using the third party requests library in 2/3 compatible code now and that seems fine so far)
huh ok, i haven't hit issues yet
it doesn't (that i've seen) have a 3.0 release out for some of it's more fun features
oh sure, but at least functional
btw porting these projects to circle 2 has gone well so far! a bit tricky getting both Python 2 and 3 usable, had to install python3 pip manually since evidently the one Debian (14?) shipped was broken (?), but otherwise ok
most of mine were related to really old uses of it
you can specify your own container base image if that helps
what is your github org name on circleci - let me see what extras I can enable for you
ooh sure! the repos are just under my username, snarfed. oauth-dropins, granary, bridgy
example config in https://github.com/snarfed/oauth-dropins/blob/python3/.circleci/config.yml , feel free to tell me anything i'm doing wrong
oh and i misspoke, i needed a fixed version of py3 venv, not pip. got it with apt-get install -y python3.4-venv
ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
yea, venv and pip and wheel sometimes cause me waves of glitches, but then they settle down
snarfed joined the channel
porting my work repo, however, will be a whole different beast...
so, one of the easier things you can do is to check the box "open source"
in your project preferences
as long as the project is public you will get a bump from 1 to 4 containers
doing that should enable most of your tests to run in parallel
true! thanks! latency/throughput aren't actually problems or priorities for my open source projects, so i haven't parallelized them yet
(er, latency/throughput/build speed)
another thing you could try is to persist your pip/venv working environment in a workflow - workflows share artifacts so once it's installed the other job runs will pick that change up
https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/artifacts/ <-- has the config-fu on how to mark a directory as being persisted
ah, interesting, so a more explicit, manageable alternative to cache
tantek joined the channel
and the workflow keeps it sync'd across workflow job runs so you don't have to be explicit about it
snarfed, tantek, [eddie], [cleverdevil] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
@doriantaylor @rhiaro Yes, in that microformats tries much harder to converge and reuse properties rather than declare equivalence. In a sense http://brid.gy is doing the sameAs mapping as a service. Subclasses etc don't fit the worldview, it's more like mixins.
[miklb] joined the channel