#bridgy 2018-03-17

2018-03-17 UTC
snarfed, [kevinmarks], tantek, LJA7KKAnnabail, cbfishes, [kim_landwehr] and Kyle-K joined the channel; Kyle-K left the channel
hey all! having some trouble understanding Bridgy... I am running a WP site with the Bridgy plugin, and if I post something and check "syndicate with Bridgy", the post is shared on social media and the syndication links show up under the post. BUT if I share a post manually on Twitter for instance, Bridgy can't seem to find the original ("no webmention targets")
tantek, [kevinmarks] and [snarfed] joined the channel
cbfishes: you'd need to add the synd link manually then
[kevinmarks], gerwitz, [eddie] and [cb] joined the channel
(this is cbfishes) [snarfed] I'd need to add the syndication link manually to the post in wordpress? would the syndication link be the full URL to the twitter post, or something else? (sorry I'm new!)
[dshanske] joined the channel
Try adding the Syndication Links plugin
It adds so you don't have to
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[cb] you can add it manually with markup and that will work too, but GWGs suggestion is easier.
I have the Syndication Links plugin installed. Maybe I'm misunderstanding how this is all supposed to work
And yes you'd want the full permalink
If you've already got the plugin, it has a meta box in the admin UI for putting the link
that makes sense. I think maybe I was confused; I thought the purpose of Bridgy was to go out to social media sites and find occurrences of links to my posts "in the wild," then send webmentions back to my site so they show up with my post
[gerwitz] joined the channel
but if one needs to manually add these occurrences, then it's not very automatic... what about random folks I don't know who might share things? I may not know their shares exist, so I wouldn't be able to input the URLs into the Syndication Links text fields
chrisaldrich joined the channel
that's one of it's purposes.
Bridgy matches the permalink of your original post and the copy in social media to get likes and replies.
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
It will watch for other occurences of your original's permalink and try to catch those as well so you'll get those shares.
the first one makes it a lot easier for bridgy to find your stuff as the second is looking at a lot more data to find the needles in the haystack.
The brid.gy faq page will give you a lot more detail about what it does and how in a pretty straightforward fashion: https://brid.gy/about
thanks for your help.. I've been reading that page over and over again and I think I'm missing something
I've got to run but I'll keep trying and share my results!
btw [chrisaldrich] I love your blog, so much fantastic information!! thanks for putting it out there
cb try the main #indieweb channel where you'll likely find more help than this much quieter room...
There's also a #wordpress specific channel as well.
Oh! OK will do, thanks
cb, most welcome. Catch you later.
[snarfed] and tantek joined the channel