#bridgy 2018-03-23

2018-03-23 UTC
snarfed, snarfed1, tantek and [eddie] joined the channel
@_dgoldsmith @ChrisAldrich Thank you. So I believe we have to rely on Twitter or similar for "comment system", and feed back the tweet replies/likes as mentions via http://brid.gy -> http://webmention.io -> ?? -> my blog. I am trying to figure out the ?? part at the moment.
ben_thatmustbeme, snarfed, tantek, [eddie], [jeremycherfas], chrisaldrich, [asuh], [kevinmarks], test, [cb], [unoabraham], [pfefferle], [cleverdevil], [manton], [snarfed], [jgmac1106], [kim_landwehr], toomim and [tantek] joined the channel