#bridgy 2018-05-28

2018-05-28 UTC
[quinnvinlove], [cleverdevil], snarfed, [Natris1979], [tantek], [jeremycherfas], tantek_ and ben2 joined the channel
so there will no longer be the ability to syndicate from the wp backend, but entering syndication links manually will still enable backfeed form facebook? Do I understand that right?
[jgmac1106], snarfed, [miklb] and [snarfed] joined the channel
right. backfeed and publish are independent.
Facebook backfeed is also unhappy right now, https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/826 , but that's unrelated
[armingrewe] #826 Seems Facebook mentions have stopped again
tantek, [pfefferle], [miklb], [tantek], [cleverdevil], [jeremycherfas], snarfed, [chrisaldrich] and [keithjgrant] joined the channel