#bridgy 2018-05-31
2018-05-31 UTC
snarfed, tantek, TimC, [chrisaldrich], [Natris1979], [kevinmarks], tantek_, [jgmac1106], [mrkrndvs], snarfed1, snarfed2, [cleverdevil], [tantek], mandy, [Mandy_Honeyman] and chrisaldrich joined the channel
# Wenn ich’s fichtig sehe, hat #Facebook gerade #Brid.gy den Garaus gemacht. #Bridgy #Webmention #Indieweb
https://developers.facebook.com/support/bugs/721093238281702/?comment_id=723967974660895 ( twitter.com/_/status/1002288143951855618)
chrisaldrich, [cleverdevil] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# ↩️ Looks like it did pretty well on your site, though the syndicated version to Twitter needs some help. I suspect you're using http://Brid.gy Publish to do that? Test away... ( twitter.com/_/status/1002315286945595392)
jalcine and snarfed joined the channel