#bridgy 2018-07-25
2018-07-25 UTC
snarfed, [jgmac1106], [ryan339], [kevinmarks], [chrisaldrich], [dougbeal], [matpacker] and tantek joined the channel
# ↩️ It's gonna be amazing. Go sign into http://brid.gy with Twitter and you can collect webmentions, retweets, and likes on your posts from here as well. ( twitter.com/_/status/1021991607275606016)
# ↩️ Also you can use various syndication options like http://brid.gy to write your notes on your site, publish to Twitter as statuses and replies and retweets, and collect responses to thoses. It's wicked. ( twitter.com/_/status/1021992098717949956)
tantek__, [kevinmarks], [jgmac1106], dmcweeney, [eddie], snarfed, [snarfed], [jsorge] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
[snarfed] joined the channel
[eddie] joined the channel
[cleverdevil], [kim_landwehr], snarfed, [eddie], [pfefferle], [jgmac1106], [manton], bradenslen, [kevinmarks], [matpacker], tantek, [snarfed], tantek__ and [dougbeal] joined the channel