2016-07-30 UTC
KevinMarks and mblaney joined the channel
# 01:05 mblaney tantek I went to a hack/hackers meetup last week, might turn out to be a good place to find indieweb interest.
tantek joined the channel
# 01:23 mblaney there used to be more meetups in Brisbane, people don't seem to run them as much now.
tantek joined the channel
# 01:35 miklb hmm. I know someone who attends the brisbane hacks/hackers
KevinMarks_ and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 03:05 miklb mblaney Simon Elvery aka drzax. I don't know him personally, just internet friends.
# 03:07 mblaney nice one! he runs it. was chatting with him last week about a project we're both interested in.
# 03:08 miklb I wasn't sure of his involvement, just see him mention it on Twitter. Met him through Habari.
mindB, tantek and KevinMarks joined the channel
loicm_ and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 07:36 miklb aaronpk does OYG have support for syndicate-to?
# 08:24 miklb guess that doesn't make sense since it's PESOS
# 08:53 miklb !tell voxpelli when you have a few minutes, I have a couple of questions about micropub markup in Jekyll
# 08:53 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 09:25 voxpelli miklb: I will work a bit on the project in 45 min or so
# 09:25 Loqi voxpelli: miklb left you a message 31 minutes ago: when you have a few minutes, I have a couple of questions about micropub markup in Jekyll
# 09:26 miklb voxpelli OK. I was just curious if it was a personal decision to not output some of micropub stuff on single pages
# 09:28 voxpelli miklb: can't recall, got a specific example? (I'll have to run, I'll be back in a bit)
# 09:30 miklb some of the other examples use post instead of page in the file as well
# 09:44 voxpelli miklb: doesn't all micropub posts have the micropub layout? not sure I understand what's happening there
# 09:45 voxpelli miklb: everything is added to everything – the only thing that is "derived" and different for different types of micropub content is the category, and that should change as we have discussed in an issue
# 09:45 miklb yes, but before I added that code, on single posts, using post.mf-photo it doesn't
# 09:46 voxpelli but the yaml front matter is correct, right? so it's more of a Jekyll issue then, or?
# 09:47 miklb voxpelli well,yes I just wanted to make sure there wasn't a reason notes and likes, etc shouldn't have a single post view
# 09:47 miklb thus the question if it was a personal decision to not output on single post views
# 09:48 voxpelli no, I actively link to the individual pages for everything but likes
# 09:48 miklb hmm. I copied that code from your theme. I must have missed something
# 09:49 voxpelli I know that Jekyll changed some weird stuff in jekyll 3 or something that totally broke some stuff
# 09:51 voxpelli maybe could be that you copied the stuff from me before it was fixed for Jekyll 3?
# 09:52 miklb In that post, is the image in the markup or coming from the front matter?
# 09:55 voxpelli but it appears like you're not using an include in your layout
# 09:57 miklb I use a few includes, but a best practice I read for Jekyll was not to use as many
# 09:59 voxpelli my thinking was to put my includes as a external submodule eventually
# 10:00 miklb right , but now you can have a theme as a gem (though they have to be white listed for use on GH)
# 10:01 miklb which ever way i go about it, now I now it was just me missing some code, not an indieweb reason to not display single post views
# 10:01 voxpelli great! :) now I should get the micropub endpoint more configurable
# 10:10 Loqi voxpelli has 87 karma (3 in this channel)
loicm_, singpolyma, rMdes_ and rMdes joined the channel
# 14:51 voxpelli miklb: permalink configuration is out! and you have to do nothing but update the code for it to work – because magic is awesome!
loicm_, KevinMarks and tantek joined the channel
# 16:14 aaronpk miklb: "have support for"? it sends a syndicate-to parameter if that's what you mean
# 16:15 aaronpk i was considering adding a setup step where you could choose additional tags or syndicate-to parameters that ownyourgram will send with each request
# 16:18 miklb OK. yeah, my thinking was if I wanted to post to IG, then be able to POSSE the OYG post to FB or Twitter from my own site automatically
# 16:18 aaronpk the other way you can do it, if you're writing your own micropub endpoint, is it could notice that it's ownyourgram that made the micropub request and base additional logic off of that
# 16:19 aaronpk that's part of the reason of including the client_id in the login flow
# 16:21 miklb I might open a ticket for voxpelli for that.
mindB, loicm_, mindB2, KevinMarks and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 23:51 bear hmm, I need to update my micropub code to support json