#cweiskeaaronpk, what do you think about letting indieauth servers return different final "me" URLs as the user entered at the beginnning of the process? (limited to the same domain)
#cweiskethat way we'd support the "give domain, return specific author url" use case that would apply to multi-user known instances
#cweiskeso the client does not know if the 400 bad request it gets from the ?q=source query is a problem on his side, or simply an unimplemented feature server-side
#cweiskemuch easier than actually implementing ?q=source support
#aaronpksome servers still won't implement that, so the client has to be prepared for it anyway
#cweiskebut if it's in the spec, then clients could point fingers
#aaronpkin general, I want to make it as easy as possible to implement both ends
#aaronpkso the fewer requirements the better, usually
#aaronpkbut if the server can do something that makes the client implementation significantly easier, then that's a good reason to require the server behavior
#GWGI would say returning not implemented should be a recommended practice at the least
#GWGBut the client will have to handle both regardless