tantek.comedited /Instagram (+27) "/* Single Photo Bookmarklet */ update to work for multiple ways of navigating to a permalink, from recent photos homepage or directly" (view diff)
aaronpkshowing a summary of the page content even if that's not a match of the search seems reasonable. Pretty sure Google search results always show something in the content summary
tantek, ChrisAldrich, gRegorLove and rMdes joined the channel
LoqiGeocoding is the process of turning a text form location (such as an address or name of a place) into a set of geographical coordinates https://indieweb.org/geocoding
LoqiGeocoding is the process of turning a text form location (such as an address or name of a place) into a set of geographical coordinates https://indieweb.org/geocode
aaronpkGoogle released an SDK for OAuth for Cordova and iOS and android and I think it could be used for IndieAuth login for Micropub. Need to try that out.