#tantek.comedited /Instagram (+27) "/* Single Photo Bookmarklet */ update to work for multiple ways of navigating to a permalink, from recent photos homepage or directly" (view diff)
#aaronpkNot sure I want the title tag to be the chat like content
#aaronpkseems like it would be hard to get that to look right in all cases
#aaronpkshowing a summary of the page content even if that's not a match of the search seems reasonable. Pretty sure Google search results always show something in the content summary
tantek, ChrisAldrich, gRegorLove and rMdes joined the channel
#LoqiGeocoding is the process of turning a text form location (such as an address or name of a place) into a set of geographical coordinates https://indieweb.org/geocoding
#LoqiGeocoding is the process of turning a text form location (such as an address or name of a place) into a set of geographical coordinates https://indieweb.org/geocode
#tantek.comedited /Instagram (+33) "/* Single Photo Bookmarklet */ update prompt text instead of "Photo" placeholder" (view diff)
#beartechinically you can put *anything* inside of CDATA as it is defined to be where you put data that is not to be parsed as XML
#gRegorLoveOk. That's what I thought and was meaning to confirm.
tantek, chrisaldrich1 and AngeloGladding joined the channel
#aaronpkben_thatmustbeme: are you using Cordova still?
#aaronpkGoogle released an SDK for OAuth for Cordova and iOS and android and I think it could be used for IndieAuth login for Micropub. Need to try that out.