2016-09-01 UTC
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# 01:32 tantek aaronpk: where are you seeing "some people to not take it seriously as a profile of OAuth 2"?
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 03:23 miklb The Readability bookmarking service will shut down on September 30, 2016.
tantek, KevinMarks, miklb and cweiske joined the channel
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# 07:20 cweiske aaronpk, I get connection timeouts on my server from chat.indieweb.org
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# 12:34 GWG pfefferle is here? I have been wanting to talk to him.
# 13:09 aaronpk cweiske: no rate limiting, might be hitting max nginx workers or something
# 13:09 aaronpk once I switch to disk based logs instead of DB I'll take a look at it
# 13:14 cweiske to increase initial import speed i'll extend phinde so I can simply add a list of URLs that should be indexed, and will extend chat.indieweb.org to dump a list of *all* urls
# 13:19 aaronpk all URLs?? I'm not sure that page will ever finish generating
# 13:23 cweiske 1s to extract the links and check if they are already in ES
# 13:23 cweiske sounds like a performance problem with my ES instance
# 13:24 cweiske but you're right, i'll probably trying to optimize the wrong issue
# 13:32 Loqi Universal Greeting Time is the convention of greeting people in online chat with "good morning" regardless of the local time of day of either person https://indieweb.org/UGT
KevinMarks and cweiske joined the channel
# 15:50 ben_thatmustbeme don't know everything thats possible yet, but what are people interested in as far as mobilepub v3 functionality?
# 15:50 ben_thatmustbeme i'm thinking i'm going with a more single view layout for post editing, just add and remove fields
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# 18:33 cweiske I known now why crawling is so slow. Before adding a new URL to elastic search, I'm checking if the URL is already know
# 18:33 cweiske for a day page with 100+ log line URLs this takes too long
# 18:41 KevinMarks Can you use memcache for that, or are the urls sparse enough that it doesn't help?
# 18:53 aaronpk cweiske: would it be faster to not check if it exists and just overwrite it if it does?
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# 19:50 cweiske aaronpk, they might be already indexed, and I don't want to throw all that info away
# 19:51 aaronpk for my site search, I just replace the ES record every time I update the post, whether or not the record exists before
# 19:51 cweiske aaronpk, I have different processes for indexing and crawling
# 19:52 cweiske at first the URL is added to the index when it's detected, marked as to-crawl and to-index
# 19:52 cweiske the crawl process then extracts all urls from it and marks it as crawl-done
# 19:52 cweiske and the index process extracts the relevant content from the URL and updates the document with that info
# 19:54 aaronpk if you move your "to-index" list outside of ES then you can always replace the ES record with the new doc and not bother checking if it exists
# 19:54 cweiske and I check if the document exists because I don't want to re-crawl and re-index it
# 19:54 cweiske it's an existance check. I don't understand how it can be that expensive
# 19:55 cweiske I'll check all URLs at once with a single query; this is hopefully faster
# 19:55 aaronpk so querying really just does take that long no matter what?
# 19:56 cweiske yes. 40ms for a simple "does a document with URL $x exist"
kants joined the channel
# 19:56 aaronpk i guess it's an HTTP request so you also have that overhead
# 20:03 KevinMarks I may just edit the php so that it returns 'article' instead of 'note' as the databases are so tangled
# 20:07 tantek KevinMarks, sounds like there may need to be some rethinking how WordPress works with modern varieties of posts
# 20:10 KevinMarks 'note' default doesn't really make sense in wordpress, as the ux default is article.
# 20:10 tantek perhaps the ux default of "article" doesn't really make sense, as social media UX has moved on from that
# 20:11 tantek article as default UX is an obsolete left-over from mid-2000s blogging UIs
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# 20:34 ben_thatmustbeme I was a bit hesitant going to another JS framework, but this is working out REALLY nice
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# 21:51 bret ben_thatmustbeme: are those attributes used in templates specific to aurelia?
# 21:51 bret or is it some kind of web component thing
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# 22:54 tantek.com edited /framework (+211) "attempt a more direct (less abstract) definition, reduce introduction of new jargon, example React, contrast with library" (
view diff )
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# 23:29 tantek I think since people primarily use it as a framework (i.e. as a replacement for HTML, CSS, DOM), it's a framework
# 23:30 sknebel it's a tool to manage the DOM, and with similar logic many template languages are a framework as well?
# 23:31 tantek do you mean like Mustache is a framework replacement for HTML?
# 23:40 sknebel I'm not sure how mustache works internally, but generally all that do not only work on string-level but create individual dom-nodes from an internal representation mostly do "here is a template, here are some values, please fill them in and insert into the DOM here"
# 23:40 sknebel React does the same, with the addition of logic to update them more efficiently if you change values
# 23:41 sknebel but it's always my code calling react with "here is an update, please make the DOM match that"
# 23:41 sknebel (from what I remember, I've only used it for a university project last year)
# 23:44 bret ben_thatmustbeme: the for attributes that let you do for loops in your template
# 23:46 sknebel looking up mustache it works on strings, so it is a different approach (tantek)