2016-09-21 UTC
KevinMarks_, KevinMarks, tantek, schmarty, gRegorLove, AngeloGladding, ChrisAldrich and cweiske joined the channel
# 07:47 cweiske I just wanted to see if Loqi has something for me
# 07:47 cweiske .. I'd have to do this in every channel since Loqi only shows tells in the current one
# 07:51 cweiske I want to extend my instagram2micropub script to also submit location info; geo coordinates and the name of the place
# 07:52 cweiske coordinates is no problem since I can add the location property to geo:23,42
# 07:52 cweiske question is what property I should use to transmit the location's name?
# 07:53 aaronpk I'd say h-card is appropriate since instagram locations are most often names of venues rather than just a city name
# 07:54 voxpelli how would one embed an h-card in an h-entry with micropub?
# 07:54 cweiske I could use the "card" property, and hope that it implies the p-name
# 07:54 aaronpk this is where the JSON format of micropub is easier
# 07:54 cweiske voxpelli, I'd like to not do that, and hope that submitting "card=opera" would imply that it's the p-name of the h-card
# 07:56 voxpelli aaronpk: I guess the one tricky thing is to produce something like <data class="p-longitude" value="-27.116667">27° 7′ 0″ S</data>, from that
# 07:56 voxpelli the "27° 7′ 0″ S" would be similar to an img alt text
# 07:57 voxpelli aaronpk: I just took that from the h-geo page as an example showing that the presentation string is lost in the parsing
# 07:57 aaronpk most places other than old school map systems stopped using degrees/minutes/secons and just use decimal notation now
# 07:59 aaronpk anything consuming latitude and longitude will know it's coordinates and can display it with deg/min/sec if they want
# 07:59 voxpelli aaronpk: that wasn't my point – my point is that if <data class="p-foo" value="bar">xyz</data> is impossible to create through mf2 json
# 07:59 voxpelli mf2 json would always create something like <div class="p-foo">bar</div>
# 08:00 aaronpk voxpelli: that "xyz" is lost in the mf2 parsing so yes
# 08:00 voxpelli so if "bar" is a user hostile representation of the data, then it's probably currently impossible to give a user friendly alternative like "xyz" to present instead
# 08:03 voxpelli aaronpk: yeah, but just like img alt text it's surfaced by Micropub
# 08:04 voxpelli that assumes that the fragment isn't included in a larger mf2 context that has a "name" property
# 08:06 voxpelli well, one could probably easily look through mf2 standards and see if there's a case where a the value-pattern is used that wouldn't make sense if the value would also be the thing presented to the user
# 08:06 voxpelli but I'm not going to push it, I just wanted to point it out
loicm_ joined the channel
# 08:17 cweiske does anyone know a MP client that sends content[value]?
tantek and AngeloGladding joined the channel
tantek, plindner and KevinMarks joined the channel
KevinMarks and tantek joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
singpolyma joined the channel
# 15:39 Zegnat KevinMarks: did you get verify-me working on rhiaro's site? I just pulled the latest source and am getting red crosses in Firefox
# 15:41 Zegnat Yeah, I see that now. Give it a sec, indiewebify.me needs some time
# 15:41 Zegnat Right. Seeing green checks now. Beautiful. Will package for Fx :)
# 15:45 Zegnat KevinMarks: do you mind if I run JSLint on the code to normalise code-style? Wont do it if you will not merge.
# 15:47 KevinMarks Oh, please do. I was being a bit sloppy when removing the jQuery
# 15:48 KevinMarks !tell aaronpk, gregorlove did you work out how to update indiewebify.me so it wasn't case sensitive on urls?
# 15:48 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 15:55 Zegnat I’ll just go with default JSLint and only fix whitespace/indentation/brackets related stuff. That should be fine :)
# 16:01 Zegnat Oh lovely, I can’t sign it with version number 0.2.2 because that is a number I used for testing a broken build.
tantek joined the channel
gRegorLove joined the channel
# 17:11 KevinMarks I picked squash, which should have got rid of the extra commits
# 17:14 Zegnat Does GitHub offer that now? Prtty nice if so!
# 17:19 Zegnat Everytime GitHub solves something for me with a single click in their web UI: I rejoice. Though sometimes it doesn’t result in what I expected. Like the automatic extra commit when getting equal with the origin master.
chrisaldrich1 joined the channel
# 18:21 singpolyma Zegnat: you mean if you do a git pull without --rebase? Yeah, given the "blessed repo" model most Githubbers use, they really should advise --rebase as a default
# 18:49 gRegorLove Hey, sweet. A remote attendee for Bellingham HWC (from Seattle)
# 18:49 Loqi gRegorLove: KevinMarks left you a message 3 hours, 1 minute ago: did you work out how to update indiewebify.me so it wasn't case sensitive on urls?
# 18:50 gRegorLove KevinMarks: Yeah, just haven't had time to do it. I should be able to tonight at HWC.
# 20:22 KevinMarks Great, I want to write up distributed verification as a post, but I didn't want the known glitches to trip people up who try it.
# 20:39 Loqi aaronpk: KevinMarks left you a message 4 hours, 51 minutes ago: did you work out how to update indiewebify.me so it wasn't case sensitive on urls?
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 21:01 Zegnat Ugh, Twitter verification for my verify-me-locally stopped working again. I thought I had it working in at least 1 browser using the empty User-Agent trick
# 21:25 KevinMarks I was asking about fetch in #whatwg yesterday or the day before
# 21:26 KevinMarks The concern is that you may be able to intercept credentials, but by default there aren't any
# 21:27 KevinMarks So we should write up the use case for fetching something without user credentials, and getting the full list of redirects
# 21:30 Zegnat Wait … I thought manual mode already allowed me to step through the redirect chain? Why would anything you asked about be any different?
# 21:47 Zegnat I am off for bed, extra early riser tomorrow to pack my stuff.
ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
gRegorLove and tantek joined the channel