#GWGI have a microformats storage problem. I currently store just a URL in properties like in-reply-to and metadata on the URL in a key called cite. snarfed made me think about moving from a string to an array for things like in-reply-to, but what do I do with the metadata?
#KartikPrabhuwebfonts seem to be the major hurdle to staying below WebBS = 1
#tantekThe NOSCRIPT add-on blocks webfonts by default
#tantekso much nicer to get pages faster than some designer's sense of an important detail. so few pages actually benefit in any appreciable way from the marginal improvement
#tantekthat's up to you. point being it's information *from* somewhere else, not something you wrote or created.
#tantekbeing a cache, it's not strictly necessary for export/import, reconstruction of your posts etc.
#KartikPrabhuben_thatmustbeme: <title> shows up correctly for me now
#tantekcaching it is an optimization of sorts, not having to continuously re-retrieve that information from the web every time you want to display it on your site
#tantekyou can also treat that cache as a snapshot (archive) of that parsed microformat information from that URL as of the time you retrieve it which is likely close to when you posted your response about / in-reply-to it
#tantekthen you can later decide how important (or not) is it for you to keep that original snapshot vs. allowing it to disappear / be reretrieved / or updated later
#GWGThat is going to be difficult to change though. But I'll think about how I might move it out of post meta and where it might go. Or I may just keep storing it in Post Meta and figure out a different key for it.
#tanteksure, you can keep it together as you currently do
#tantekmy point was to *not* try to cluster / collapse it further together
#tantekand if you're changing anything like that, tend towards separation, since the source of the information is separate
#tantek(and potentially a vulnerability, something you want to filter etc., e.g. if that parsed "title" ends up being a megabyte or something)
#tantekBTW that "potentially" is one of the problems I've been thinking about needing/wanting to solve as part of supporting any degree of parsing other people's stuff (including supporting receiving / displaying webmentions)
#GWGtantek: WordPress has a feature regarding that. They have a function that limits the return to a safe amount.