#dev 2016-12-05
2016-12-05 UTC
KevinMarks, KevinMarks_, KartikPrabhu and ChrisAldrich joined the channel
# https://booklaunch.io/llwroberts/thedoor - The Door is free. #IARTG #Kindleebooks #mustread #readers #Kindletouch #indieauth #IAN1pic.twitter.com/8LCenVAYrJ ( twitter.com/_/status/805587201467654144)
snarfed, plindner, TheGillies, ChrisAldrich and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
KevinMarks, KartikPrabhu, tantek, KevinMarks_, gRegorLove, ChrisAldrich, cweiske, loicm, plindner, TheGillies and j4y_funabashi joined the channel
KevinMarks, tantek and snarfed joined the channel
ChrisAldrich joined the channel
tantek, gRegorLove, KartikPrabhu, bret_, GWG-, aaronpk, plindner and TheGillies joined the channel
# @elpep réponse à venir demain matin avec une n-ième tentative de trackback/pingback/webmention chez toi :-p #ettoc ( twitter.com/_/status/805898065680990209)
KevinMarks and KevinMarks_ joined the channel