2016-12-26 UTC
tantek, KevinMarks, miklb__, myfreeweb_, petermolnar_, KartikPrabhu, benborges, KevinMarks_, Zegnat and Sebsel joined the channel
# 17:21 miklb__ GWG I want to filter my posts on the home page by post kind. I'm currently looking to use a tax_query with a WP_Query. Any other suggestions?
# 17:27 tantek miklb, what particular posts do you want to show or not show on your home page? Curious about your use-case
# 17:28 miklb tantek I want to show my latest article in one section, with a link to all articles, then a show a larger section of notes, with a link to all notes. I might also separate out photo posts for another section.
# 17:53 GWG You might be able to cache the results
# 18:10 tantek I have a little box for that, but it only shows the latest 3 articles
# 18:21 miklb I may show more than 1, still working out the UI. I'm pretty much determined to switch and launch on WP by 1st, warts and all.
# 18:23 miklb kinda funny. 12 years ago Feb I launched that site on WP and here I am re-launching it on WP
# 18:26 miklb GWG thanks. Mainly I've been dilly dallying with theme. Other big thing is manually porting metadata from Jekyll
# 18:27 GWG I want to do some theme work in 2017
# 18:28 GWG Lots has changed since the last project I did on that
# 18:30 miklb I manually applied your mf2 changes to my underscores based theme and am using some Sass/CSS from an HTML template I found, with custom code for the rest. Just have been slow in making design decisions so trying to push through enough to go live and then just keep tweaking.
# 18:31 miklb For my WP install, I'm looking to use Redis for opcache and test out Varnish as well
# 18:32 GWG miklb, the issue comes with placement of the additions made by the plugins seamlessly.
# 18:33 GWG The easiest way is to add them to the_content filter, but that results in some weirdness
# 18:34 miklb I never had good luck with that. When I did Genesis customizations, used their filters and sometimes felt it would be easier to just write my own queries and skip them.
# 18:36 GWG Well, if you put reply context into e-content some parsing issues come up, such as with Bridgy Publish.
# 18:42 GWG miklb: It was frustrating at the time and the solution I came up with was not ideal.
# 18:47 aaronpk it's a pretty good way to have a podcast RSS feed look like a web page
# 18:52 miklb GWG just saw you comment about caching results. That's what I'll use transients for
# 19:07 aaronpk so much better than looking at a blob of XML in the browser
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 20:22 Zegnat aaronpk, do you let the browser run XSLT, or do you convert your podcast RSS to HTML offline?
# 20:25 aaronpk then i copied it for archiving a different podcast feed
# 20:26 aaronpk when i generate podcast feeds i generate the HTML and XML separately
# 20:26 aaronpk but i kind of like this XSLT trick just to make the XML feed itself look a little nicer
# 21:10 KevinMarks That was odd - when I hit chrome's make mobile friendly link it only showed episodes 10 through 4
# 21:14 GWG aaronpk, whatever happened to Drunk Transit?
# 21:15 aaronpk we want to still do more episodes but lots changed this year so we've had to re-prioritize things
# 21:15 GWG The podcast reference put me in mind of it.
# 21:15 Zegnat aaronpk, looks real nice for an XML file, well done
# 21:38 Loqi kevinmarks has 1 karma in this channel (257 overall)
tantek and KevinMarks joined the channel