2017-01-04 UTC
# 00:04 tantek can you talk to your alexa now to do food posts?!?
# 00:05 GWG Alexa, tell Teacup I drank too much coffee?
# 00:07 aaronpk i can log in to grant alexa an access token to teacup
# 00:07 aaronpk i had to build an oauth2 server into teacup first o.O
# 00:21 aaronpk good thing i'm the only one who uses teacup. not gonna worry too much if it's not perfect.
# 00:22 GWG aaronpk: I thought there were a few others?
# 00:23 aaronpk well technically 47 people have posted something to teacup
# 00:24 GWG Who used it for more than one or two things?I know I tried it to see how it worked.
# 00:25 aaronpk only me, indiewebcat and rhiaro are regular users
# 00:25 aaronpk one person posted 7, a few posted 3, everyone else posted 1 or 2
# 00:29 GWG aaronpk: Not so sure. Calorie counting is popular
# 00:30 GWG I still think Micropub needs a draft/private mode.
# 00:40 aaronpk so now at least i can *have* draft posts, next step is making a micropub client set that property
# 00:40 GWG aaronpk: If the property is adopted, I'd love to get it into wordpress-micropub
# 00:42 martymcguire[m] woohoo! i kind of want to give alexa karma but i also don't want to give alexa karma.
# 00:42 aaronpk i did! i have a video i'm gonna include in the post too :)
# 00:42 martymcguire[m] aaronpk++ for bending the internet of things to your will :}
# 00:42 Loqi aaronpk has 22 karma in this channel (1169 overall)
# 00:43 GWG aaronpk: What is the draft post property?
# 00:43 aaronpk GWG: not sure yet. internally it's "p3k-status = draft"
# 00:44 aaronpk oookay now that the alexa+teacup integration is launched i just have to blog about it now
# 00:45 GWG At the price Dots are going for...
# 00:46 aaronpk i wish my apartment was bigger so i could justify getting a Dot!
# 00:48 GWG Alexa is the trigger word or name for the Amazon Echo service.
# 00:49 GWG Amazon Echo is a voice interaction service and associated hardware devices.
# 00:54 martymcguire[m] aww, no "Amazon Echo is a silo for voice interaction"?
# 00:55 GWG martymcguire[m]: I'm stirring food.
# 00:55 GWG I'll elaborate later. But if you want to beat me...
# 00:55 aaronpk it actually isn't really a silo since it doesn't store any data...
# 00:55 aaronpk i can't create things that live inside their service
# 00:56 martymcguire[m] (sorry for the gripes. any listening device with a centralized service provider rather that local processing is probably going to creep me out.)
# 00:57 martymcguire[m] aaronpk: "silo" is the wrong word, i agree. however, i recoil at the idea that amazon (or google, or apple) wants to collect, store, and do who-knows-what with my utterances and their related internet traffic.
# 00:58 aaronpk i don't know if it's completely justified, but I do trust amazon more than google to act in my best interested in this regard
# 00:58 martymcguire[m] and i do believe that if the service becomes unprofitable to run that they will shut down the service without making it easy for someone to create an alternative
# 00:58 martymcguire[m] leading to dead devices
# 00:59 aaronpk yes, bricking devices is bad, but it's very different from losing content that I've created
# 01:00 martymcguire[m] of the choice of apple/google/amazon i think i agree that amazon probably has the best consumer protection. then again, they made a phone with four user-facing cameras to track gaze...
# 01:00 martymcguire[m] agreed. i think my gripes are tangential to indieweb principles. :}
# 01:02 GWG martymcguire[m]: Is that like four cupholders?
# 01:04 martymcguire[m] if those cupholders are reporting to Amazon about the beverages you put in them and how you drive, then I suppose so!
# 01:37 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 01:37 Loqi [Aaron Parecki] Day 14: Posting to my Website from Alexa #100DaysOfIndieWeb
# 01:38 GWG "Of course, I can't risk posting fake data, so I had to open a beer."
# 01:39 GWG It could have been a glass of water."
# 01:39 aaronpk i don't track water cause i drink too much of it :P
chrisaldrich, chrisaldrich1 and chrisaldrich_ joined the channel
KevinMarks and tantek joined the channel
# 04:50 GWG When is the Indieweb flash briefing for the Echo?
# 05:18 aaronpk GWG: i want to make an indieweb flash briefing so bad
# 05:19 GWG aaronpk: You want me to read This Week in Indieweb in my 'announcer' voice?
# 05:21 GWG There was a Homebrew Website Club meeting on Wednesday, December 28th in Los Angeles, Nuremberg, Portland, and San Francisco....
# 05:24 GWG aaronpk: Ever asked the Echo to sing you a song?
# 05:26 GWG Hmm...how about this week in aaronpk?
# 05:27 aaronpk i actually listen to the flash briefing quite frequently, and it annoys me when feeds update less often than daily!
# 05:27 aaronpk and committing to daily indieweb updates is... a lot
mindB, prtksxna, JulianFoad[m], martymcguire[m], plindner, tantek, chrisaldrich, chrisaldrich_ and chrisaldrich1 joined the channel
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# 13:05 petermolnar hah! bing maps are significantly better for my photo location links: https://www.bing.com/maps?cp={{
post.exif.geo_latitude}}~{{ post.exif.geo_longitude }}&v=2&lvl=16&sty=a&sp=point.{{ post.exif.geo_latitude}}_{{ post.exif.geo_longitude }}_{{ site.url|urlencode() ~ '/' ~ post.slug|urlencode() }}
chrisaldrich, chrisaldrich1, chrisaldrich_, coopey and KevinMarks joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
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# 19:32 Loqi A draft in the context of the indieweb refers to a draft post, a post that an author has partially written, or otherwise does not consider finished https://indieweb.org/draft
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 20:33 tantek did your Alexa post get slashdotted/digged/hackernewsed/...
# 20:34 tantek maybe the botnets found you, now that you're openly experimenting with IoT
# 20:54 aaronpk oh hey i forgot i had implemented post visibility already
# 20:56 aaronpk i think i got half way through implementing that cause there's no way for people to log in yet
KevinMarks_, KevinMarks, miklb and KartikPrabhu joined the channel