voxpelliI only IndieWeb tagged the repos of mine that are directly related to indieweb – there's a couple of ones that are just generic utility methods
aaronpkit's a *little* more complicated than just a justified layout, because ideally you don't have to know how many items to show per row, and it's fluid
petermolnarif you know the image sizes and the ~target height, you can calculate where to break the lines (when the images would fill up); combining that with KartikPrabhu's solution would work
tantekyou start with posting a use-case to www-style@w3.org and claiming it doesn't seem like you can do this with CSS, and you should be able to since the effect is purely presentational on a "list of images" :)
aaronpki believe it's typically called "justified layout" but the unique part of flickr's which i'm trying to replicate is that none of the photos are cropped
tantekthis is a little better: "back-end tools for mobile developers that help mobile developers store data in the cloud, manage identity log-ins, handle push notifications and run custom code in the cloud."
tantekthey used to offer basically, "servers as a service", so you could "just build your app and call their APIs on their service" instead of having to manage / deploy your own "servers"
tanteknow they offer all their code as open source, the Parse servers themselves that would provide that "service" as well as SDKs and client frameworks
tantekif you used Parse, you would now be right back where you started before Parse. managing your own server including software deployment ... of the Parse server
LoqiParse was a mobile backend as a service company that was acquired by Facebook in 2013, who subsequently shut down the service 2017-01-28, yet Parse still released their software as open source, including SDKs, libraries, and their Parse Server, so you can setup and manage your own mobile backend as a service, which is what you had to do before Parse https://indieweb.org/Parse
tantekliterally figuring out how to best manage storage for received webmentions without causing my site to go down is the "hard problem" that I'm still stuck on (requires like a day or two of continuous design thinking) to implement actual webmention receiving and display
tantekand the problem is, I need features like /block/mute and /moderation *from day 1* due to the Bridgy @t mention flood (yes my own fault on several levels)