#GWGWhat is the easiest way to take a set of parameters in a priority and return the first that exists in php?
#LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "easiest way to take a set of parameters in a priority and return the first that exists in php" yet. Would you like to create it?
#aaronpkmaaayyyybe i need a word length limit for Loqi's "what is"
#GWGWell, if you set an array in advance in order and run a function like the one you suggested above that breaks when it gets to the first one that fits...
#GWGI suppose that would be slightly neater and easy to maintain.
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#[kevinmarks]In php candidates you just say $locality = $hamlet | $village | $town | $city;
#[kevinmarks]That seems clearer than making an array and running a function
#aaronpkWell that assumes you have them in variables and that all the variables exist otherwise you get undefined notices
[eddie] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
#[kevinmarks]Ah, right, and PHP doesn't have something like python's d.get(key,default)
#GWGSee why I said that there was a solution that lacked simplicity and elegance.
tantek, KevinMarks, KevinMarks_ and cweiske joined the channel
#Loqi10 Centuries(10C) is a blogging/microposting silo, similar in scope and intent to ADN, for posting notes(blurbs) of up to 1,024 bytes, and longer-form articles(blog-posts) up to 8,192 bytes https://indieweb.org/10C
#aaronpki think another factor here is that while this is trying to be a "cover photo", it doesn't actually bleed to the top of the page, so it kind of just looks like a regular photo
#tantekwhat does donutjs use for featured / link-preview photos for their event posts?