#Zegnatpetermolnar: I think it is allowed as long as pypandoc does not ship with pandoc? Pandoc would have needed to be LGPL for it to be shipped inside non-GPL licensed packages, I think.
#ZegnatI don’t think “if you have GPL licensed package X on your system, then non-GPL licensed package Y will use it” is a breach of GPL.
#petermolnar'GPL is viral on purpose. When applied to a module or a library, it's as much a license as a political statement saying "we think software should be free - here is a piece of code, if you want to use it in your own software, you need to make it free".'
#petermolnar(I know this is a little offtopic, but I think still relevant to -dev)
#ZegnatI like that summary. And just like with other political statements, they are an expression of personal opinions and hard to argue about ;) My own view is that stuff I want to make available for free use isn’t truly free under GPL. Thus I prefer MIT/BSD style licenses, or even public domain dedications (CC0 / Unlicensed / SQLite-style).
#petermolnarand you are quite correct with that opinion; truly free is you can do whatever you want with it, no questions asked
#petermolnarthis is why so many, formerly Free Software started to use the word "Libre" instead
#ZegnatGPL is about spreading the concept of Free. All derivatives must be as Free as the source. But of course that is then forcing a limitation (being Free) onto those derivatives. This limitation is a non-issue in a world where Free is the de facto (obviously RMS’ goal). The world hasn’t changed to that standard yet and I would rather not force the wor
#Zegnatld to change by putting limitations in place either. Others would like to help the de facto change come along and promote GPL. Both views are fine, just political.
#aaronpkj4y_funabashi: try adding a "p-name" class next to your "e-content". that should help the link preview
#aaronpkmy reply context is tripping up on your post right now because it's using the implied name rule which includes a bunch of junk around the post content
marcthiele joined the channel
#j4y_funabashiaaronpk: like this <div class="p-name e-content"><p>Winter is coming</p></div> ??
#aaronpkwell if you add <a href="/" class="u-author"></a> inside your h-entry (adding an invisible link to your home page as the author URL) then XRay *should* find your home page h-card and use that as the author
#loqi.meedited /tinbox (+44) "aaronpk added "https://indieweb.org/authorship#Questions" to "See Also"" (view diff)
#Loqiok, I added "https://indieweb.org/authorship#Questions" to the "See Also" section of /tinbox
#aaronpkj4y_funabashi: the problem is right now XRay doesn't recognize your home page h-card because it's the author of the h-feed. This seems correct on your side, so I might have to fix XRay to catch that.
#j4y_funabashiaaronpk: Hang on, it could also be because my homepage feed h-card u-url is http, not https
#aaronpkthat works too! and saves me an HTTP request. couple things
#aaronpkchange "p-author h-card" to "h-card" because the p-author isn't doing anything there because it's not inside another mf2 object
#aaronpkand it would make it more explicit for consumers if there was an "author" property on the h-entry, so adding that invisible link like I mentioned before would still be good
marcthiele joined the channel
#aaronpki believe XRay has a test case to match this, but it's somewhat ambiguous since there are two top-level h-* objects and no direct relationship between them
#aaronpkother than Micropublish, are there really no other Micropub clients that query for a post's content when editing?
#bearthat's on my todo list but lacking a GUI makes it hard for me to implement that feature :/
#aaronpkYeah there isn't much point in it without a GUI
#ZegnatAlright, I tried to create a centralised issue for licensing of projects in the IndieWeb GitHub organisation. If people would please take a look and comment, that would save me the time of going through all the repos and @-mentioning all contributors: https://github.com/indieweb/wiki/issues/39
#ZegnatAlso, the CC0 / OWFa 1.0 dual-licensing made me frown, aaronpk. Can you elaborate on that?
#martymcguire[m]hey folks. looking through the draft of This Week in the IndieWeb for the audio edition. just noticed this note about IndieAuth and seeing aaronpk's avatar when authenticating with GitHub: