Zegnatpetermolnar: I think it is allowed as long as pypandoc does not ship with pandoc? Pandoc would have needed to be LGPL for it to be shipped inside non-GPL licensed packages, I think.
petermolnar'GPL is viral on purpose. When applied to a module or a library, it's as much a license as a political statement saying "we think software should be free - here is a piece of code, if you want to use it in your own software, you need to make it free".'
ZegnatI like that summary. And just like with other political statements, they are an expression of personal opinions and hard to argue about ;) My own view is that stuff I want to make available for free use isn’t truly free under GPL. Thus I prefer MIT/BSD style licenses, or even public domain dedications (CC0 / Unlicensed / SQLite-style).
ZegnatGPL is about spreading the concept of Free. All derivatives must be as Free as the source. But of course that is then forcing a limitation (being Free) onto those derivatives. This limitation is a non-issue in a world where Free is the de facto (obviously RMS’ goal). The world hasn’t changed to that standard yet and I would rather not force the wor
Zegnatld to change by putting limitations in place either. Others would like to help the de facto change come along and promote GPL. Both views are fine, just political.
aaronpkmy reply context is tripping up on your post right now because it's using the implied name rule which includes a bunch of junk around the post content
aaronpkwell if you add <a href="/" class="u-author"></a> inside your h-entry (adding an invisible link to your home page as the author URL) then XRay *should* find your home page h-card and use that as the author
aaronpkj4y_funabashi: the problem is right now XRay doesn't recognize your home page h-card because it's the author of the h-feed. This seems correct on your side, so I might have to fix XRay to catch that.
aaronpkand it would make it more explicit for consumers if there was an "author" property on the h-entry, so adding that invisible link like I mentioned before would still be good
aaronpki believe XRay has a test case to match this, but it's somewhat ambiguous since there are two top-level h-* objects and no direct relationship between them
ZegnatAlright, I tried to create a centralised issue for licensing of projects in the IndieWeb GitHub organisation. If people would please take a look and comment, that would save me the time of going through all the repos and @-mentioning all contributors: https://github.com/indieweb/wiki/issues/39
martymcguire[m]hey folks. looking through the draft of This Week in the IndieWeb for the audio edition. just noticed this note about IndieAuth and seeing aaronpk's avatar when authenticating with GitHub: