jonnybarnesaaronpk: your Quill client, I’m looking at the code on github, if I try and upload a photo to a media endpoint, is the photo first uploaded to and then your server POSTs it to the actual media endpoint?
aaronpkthat's in there because the iPhone uses exif data to set the rotation rather than writing the image data in the correct order, so that function rewrites the image to the proper orientation without needing exif support
jonnybarneswell, this may be a silly question, but when did browsers first start supporting images? and when did image orientation being put in EXIF data become a thing
martymcguire[m]aaronpk: is it possible to get the token endpoint to return a form-encoded response rather than a JSON payload with the access_token?
martymcguire[m]i forked and made some updates to kylewm's flask-micropub lib that i use to handle client auth. PR is here if anyone is interested:
aaronpkmartymcguire[m]: it's not part of OAuth, I am just planning on switching the IndieAuth spec to do JSON responses so I am adding conneg to my endpoints to slowly transition
tantek, tantek_, barpthewire and cweiske joined the channel
aaronpkI would totally use that. I have a keyboard shortcut to upload a screenshot to my media endpoint, and I often then paste the URL into Quill to add the photo to a post
aaronpkah crap. "Due to a number of technical limitations and concerns, Google Chrome is unable to trust all pre-existing certificates while ensuring our users are sufficiently protected from further misissuance. As a result of these changes, customers of WoSign and StartCom may find their certificates no longer work in Chrome 56."
sknebelthat's why I'm asking. Are there extensions where something useful happens when an endpoint doesn't understand them and falls back to normal behaviour?
sknebelfor the internal calls. e.g. the initial call I receive with with client_id, redirect_uri, state, response_type, or the token verification call at the end of the indieauth flow
aaronpksome examples of extension-like things that some providers have done are things like: add a parameter so the app can request the user be required to authenticate again
[chrisaldrich]tantek, I'm not aware of anything supporting XSPF, but added it more as an example of something that existed. I haven't heard anything relating to it in over 5 years....
LoqiThis page documents technical details of Webmention, specifically for Webmention developers so they can support cross-site comments and other responses in their code, or on their site or service
LoqiGratipay (formerly Gittip) is a payment silo that allows individuals and organizations to receive tips to their Gratipay account which is associated with a number of different silo accounts such as github, bitbucket, twitter, openstreetmap, etc
tantek.comedited /Webmention-developer (+25724) "just copy everything else over because it's nearly all developer centric by default, can clean it up *for developers* here incrementally, How to stubs" (view diff)
tantek.comedited /Webmention () "(-20105) trim indieweb examples down to those with screenshots, cut dev-only examples / tools / resources (already on [[Webmention-developer]]), simplify other sections too" (view diff)
tantekaaronpk, now take a look at /Webmention - I think I'm done with the first major round of coarse edits to make /Webmention more user-centric instead of dev-centric. Mostly involved cutting content rather than writing anything new
tantekit's by no means complete, but I wanted to at least do a first pass to reduce the amount of developer-isms that are likely 'wall of text / tl;dr' turn offs to non-devs
LoqiGomix is a tool by Fog Creek Software to allow you to quickly prototype web applications in a complete IDE with built in version control, sharing, and more
tantekanyway, I'm happy to do this incrementally as you or others see specific pages needing such an upgrade - like you want / need to link to a page on the wiki that describes something so gen 1-3 can grasp and act