sknebelIn I claimed that a the W3C annotation stuff would already be accepted by a webmention receiver as a valid basic "mention", and I today talked to someone from hypothesis and discovered that they already publish annotations in that W3C data format
sknebelyes, that would be the next problem, and the point where there isn't enough standardization in generic "JSON" sources to do it without special cases
sknebelGWG: JSON-LD seems to have a bunch of ways of expressing that (just manually looking at various sources of it right now, and they do it differently)
sknebelhm, from a quick read it seems like scanning for a field named "@id" and linking to that URL might be useful -> thats more or less what u-uid is in mf2 and the sites I've looked at deliver human-readable content there
[kevinmarks]JSON-LD is very flexible. This can be a good thing (as it can represent something like activity streams 2) but it also means there are a lot of ways to represent a given thing.
tantek"vertical middles of ... text" is just rephrasing the above. by "text" do you mean the metrics, glyph ink, including ascenders? accents? descenders?
tantekalright, with multiple publishing uses of p-checkin / u-checkin that seem to "work", that's probably worth documenting as current "best practice"
jonnybarnesif you have an h-entry note, with an associated download link, maybe its a pdf of a flier for an event the note talks about, or whatever, how would you markup the <a> tag?