Loqicc is the pattern of mentioning someone in a public post to bring it to their attention, for example "/cc @username" at the end of a tweet https://indieweb.org/cc
tantek.comedited /Dublin_core (-106) "replace self-claimed org dfn nothing to do with indieweb with reference to "DC:" prefix that you may encounter in the HTML of some indieweb sites" (view diff)
Loqisnowflake in the context of the indieweb, is typically used to refer in a derogatory way to "snowflake APIs", APIs that are (often silo) website or service provider-specific (unique like snowflakes) rather than an open standard https://indieweb.org/snowflake
tantekbecause I'm seeing enough overlap with some of the W3C work that I do that I want to start actively engaging in person with people who are currently actively doing work at IETF in those areas
[eddie]Well, I’ve been using Webfaction for web hosting up until now, but I’ve run into issue with their npm versioning, so it’s time to move to an actual cloud server, rather than a shared server. I have experience with EC2, but also heard a lot of good things about linode. Anyone have any thoughts on either?
LoqiAmazon EC2, or "Elastic Cloud Compute", is an Amazon.com service that rents out Virtual Private Servers with a variety of Operating System, Pricing, CPU, and Memory options https://indieweb.org/ec2
[cleverdevil]DreamCompute is a cloud server platform from [[DreamHost]] built on OpenStack. It provides virtual servers, block storage, and networks via an easy to use API, command line tools, and web panel.
tantekA friend is typing a comment... is an indication usually at the bottom of a [[comments]] section that someone is in the process of composing a reply, supported by [[Facebook]] in grey text, with an animated bouncing ellipsis icon to the left of it.
tantekA friend is typing a comment is an indication usually at the bottom of a [[comments]] section that someone is in the process of composing a reply, supported by [[Facebook]] in grey text 'A friend is typing a comment...', with an animated bouncing ellipsis icon to the left of it.
[cleverdevil]By that, I mean it might be cool if you could create a stub reply on your own site as a declaration of intent to write a detailed response, and then have that register via a webmention, and then later send an update when the post is finished.
tantekthen you could put in p-summary text for the fallback behavior, e.g. your name if you choose like "Tantek is typing a comment..." which would show up *today* in current webmention receivers/displayers
tantekyou could even set the h-card u-photo URL to an animated bouncing "..." GIF in the hopes that it would show up at the destination that way, and then send your image as the u-photo once you've published
LoqiRealtime generally refers to a user experience where content is updated live; for example: a new comment shows up on a page while you're viewing it, or chat notification "your friend is typing a message." https://indieweb.org/Realtime
tantek aaronpk, ok, bonus round: how would a micropub client tell a micropub server to "post" and send webmentions for a "... is typing ..." h-entry? i.e. no dt-published?