#dev 2017-04-19

2017-04-19 UTC
[kevinmarks], leg and tantek_ joined the channel
GWG in a bit of irony, I'm back to using a custom Walker for my main comments loop. You tried to tell me :-)
miklb: People disagree with me on the point, but I think it is the least invasive way.
yep. What motivated me was wanting to support the webmention comments, so will need proper threading. Also for my IW theme, think I need to stick with get_comments & list_comments.
looked at just a callback, but the "Use with caution." line leads me to believe would be a path of hurt.
tantek_, [cleverdevil], loicm_, KartikPrabhu, cweiske, [kevinmarks] and miklb joined the channel
RT @ReadersGazette BLOG Indie Author Answers by Jim Heskett http://www.thejugglingauthor.com/indieauth/ Get help writing your book #bookbloggers 88
ReadersGazette: BLOG Indie Author Answers by Jim Heskett http://www.thejugglingauthor.com/indieauth/ Get help writing your book #bookbloggers 88
barpthewire, sebsel and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
edited /communication (+69) "[kevinmarks] added "https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2017/04/whatever-happened-to-uri-schemes/" to "See Also""
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[jeremycherfas] and [dgold] joined the channel
marcthiele joined the channel
edited /indieweb_network (+84) "/* Larger or multi-user software */ update gnusocial / postactiv webmention receiving plugin"
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singpolyma joined the channel
edited /Events (+590) "add domain swap"
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edited /Events (+637) "/* May */"
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KevinMarks, barpthewire, [kevinmarks], leg, loicm_, [cleverdevil], gRegorLove, miklb, [jeremycherfas], [chrisaldrich], KartikPrabhu, jonnybarnes, KevinMarks_, cweiske and kants joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme: inkstone is listed in the micropub client impl reports as having support for querying source parameters for a post (https://micropub.rocks/implementation-reports/clients/)
any guidance on how to get started with that?
when i sign in to inkstone using my site it only requests the "create" scope
kants and [eddie] joined the channel
Workflow updates Responding to Webmention knock Post navigation Your email address will not be published. ... https://srikanthperinkulam.com/2017/04/19/workflows/