gRegorLoveTemporarily fixed my webmention URL extraction, using WordPress' regex for it, actually. Mine was working pretty well, but dropping trailing slashes. Considering doing DOM parsing to grab the <a> elements instead, though.
loicm, [johnholdun], [kevinmarks], [colinwalker], [jeremycherfas], [pfefferle], tantek, KevinMarks, KevinMarks_, miklb, jonnybarnes, barpthewire, leg and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
voxpelliI'm looking into Web Push a bit, but one part of the spec I'm a bit unsure about: How do an application server know that the submitted Push URI is an actual Push URI and not a target that someone wants you to trick into pinging?
voxpelliHas anyone here done any work with push notifications on the web? Blindly trusting the client feels so wrong, would somehow want to validate that the supplied Push URI is indeed the URI of a Push Server
LoqiWebSub (previously known as PubSubHubbub or PuSH, and briefly PubSub) is a notification-based protocol for web publishing and subscribing to streams and legacy feed files in real time
sknebelvoxpelli: FWIW, I'm not sure how it would be solved without some complicated out-of-band mechanism – otherwise you'd be doing an HTTP request to verify the endpoint, so you avoid sending it a misguided HTTP request later...
voxpellisknebel: I was thinking something additional beyond the 201 HTTP status in the push notification response, that would tell that it's actually a push that was created
voxpellion the other hand: somewhat the same issue with WebMention, one can't know if the 201 is to be considered a WebMention success or a success of some other kind
voxpelliSo one could eg. probably submit a Webmention ping as a WebPush Push URI to a WebPush application server and have that application server believe that it's sending successful push notifications to that URI
sknebel(and even without encryption would be kind of weird. and still poses the question why you are doing that complicated dance instead of just DDoSing the server you don't like...)
voxpelliif one were to find an endpoint on the webpoint that returns a 201 for any kind of payload sent to it, then one could easily register it as a Push URI and no one would notice that it would be wrong
KevinMarks, [chrisaldrich] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
voxpelli[kevinmarks]: yeah, it absolutely does :/ two differences are: Web Push URI:s aren't scraped from a URL but given created in a browser client + it's called is triggered separately from the lookup of the URI
voxpelli+ Webmentions actually deal with the DoS scenario of the target parameter, while Web Push only deals with the DoS scenario of a user-agent, not of the Push URI: