[eli_oat]Does anyone know of a quick and easy way to see an example of the JSON output form a micropub client? I’m trying to work off of the w3.org docs, but I’m not having much luck mapping the incoming data
[eli_oat]word, sorry — I wasn’t clear. This is in different context, using micropub.rock I’m able to get the first scenario to work sans HTML, but the second one, which I think is the correct format, just displays “ARRAY”
[eli_oat]I am able to successfully post plain JSON h-entries, and HTML JSON h-entries to my site using micropub.rocks and I am able to post to my site using Quill’s Editor interface. I am not, however, able to post to my site using Quill’s note interface. I’ve tried enabling and disabling Quill’s “Send HTML Content” toggle.
[eli_oat]Because it is so young, or is there something architectural that seems fragile? What I'm doing is storing posts as json, constructing a combine view of those posts as a json feed, and then keying UI off of the feed
[eli_oat]And the json of each post isn't necessarily json feed compliant, since it can get reformatted when it is added to the feed view, so I can add extra info no probleeemo
myfreewebi store json of each post too, but mf2 formatted (each property is an array). i actually store feeds as mf2 objects as well so i can reconfigure them on the fly from micro-panel
ZegnatAh, alright [eli_oat]. So it is more JSON storage then JSON Feed storage ;) I think that was the only thing KartikPrabhu would have found fragile
[eli_oat]Right now I store all my data as plaintext (because I'm stupid obsessed with flat files cmss), but am backing everything up to couchdb. I could reformat on the way to couch to mf2
ZegnatThat update to /jsonfeed I just did needs more work. There is now a _indieweb property extension to JSON Feed committed to Known and definitely worth documenting.
myfreewebhttps://github.com/myfreeweb/mf2sql is my postgres schema. more functions than schema actually :D it can extract nested mf2 objects into separate records when writing, and inline them back when reading. which leads to hilarious bugs sometimes: once i had a micropub client id that was equal to my site's url, it inlined the home feed into the client id property :D
myfreeweb[eli_oat]: hmm my site didn't like your h-entries https://unrelenting.technology/replies/2017-05-28-11-32-03 no author, no url even. i guess it's probably a good idea for me to add the fetched URL if the url property is missing… but i think everyone publishes permalinks as u-url
[eli_oat]@myfreeweb I fixed the missing URL issue. As for the author — should that just be on the main page of my domain, or should I add that to each post within the h-entry?
ben_thatmustbemeThis all shows more of why I want to unify jf2 and jsonfeed. They are quite similar. But to be able to easily and programmatically change mf2 Json to jsonfeed/jf2 I think would make offloading the conversion super simple and it would gain even more traction
myfreeweb[eli_oat]: since you don't have your h-card as the h-entry's author, adding rel=author to your home link (a href="https://eli.li" title="back") will instruct authorship parsers to go there to find the h-card
ben_thatmustbemeIn other words I want to just write it once or just use an external service and as long as my mf2 is correct, I know the Json feed /jf2 is correct
[cleverdevil]If a bunch of IndieWeb sites adopt JSON Feed with the extensions, perhaps we can get the extensions "standardized" and baked into the spec itself.
ZegnatWe’ll see what happens with it. I just started a section for documenting it and was then called away. I might be able to document more of it later
[eddie]Obviously the data comes from compass, but do you store the gps file in your post directory too? Or do you just Store the start/end time, and when the static map image is being created, do you just grab the stuff from compass at that moment and only leave the gps in compass?
myfreewebhttps://unrelenting.technology/notes/2017-05-28-23-33-32 ← in case anyone else thought that AWS Lambda is a great fit for an extended micropub media-endpoint thing that does fancy processing (e.g. WebP images in addition to PNG/JPEG) D:
Loqi[Greg] So Amazon Lambda has a 6 MB limit on request (and response) size. Binary files have to be Base64 encoded (LOL) which makes the limit even SMALLER! So my micropub media endpoint chokes on full DSLR resolution photos. Yeah the "right way" is to have th...