2017-07-01 UTC
Billbennettnz joined the channel
j12t, tantek, [chrisaldrich] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
[miklb], snarfed and [eddie] joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
# 05:38 j_juran gRegorLove++ for curl webmention instructions.
# 05:38 Loqi gregorlove has 30 karma in this channel (166 overall)
# 05:38 j_juran I was able to figure it out, but it was non-obvious.
snarfed and gRegorLove joined the channel
# 09:06 Zegnat sknebel, know of any tricks we can use to do simpler accept header parsing than actual accept header parsing? :p
# 09:49 Zegnat Now I just need to figure out how I decide form vs json from the output
# 10:13 sebsel I was looking into the visitor::acceptance($type) in the Kirby toolkit, seeing if I could use that for my endpoint
# 10:13 sebsel at which float do I return json vs from encoded? :P
# 10:15 Zegnat My regular expression takes care of most of the returning data problem. All I have left is the what-to-return-when problem.
# 10:16 Zegnat The regex will give you the values for */*, application/*, application/json, and application/x-form-... and then we somehow need to wrangle that into which one to return
# 10:19 sebsel yeah, the Kirby code does not seem to handle */*
# 10:30 sebsel or wait, this is a different part in the flow.
# 10:31 sebsel You are not doing token exchange now, right Zegnat?
# 10:31 Zegnat But you are right, indieauth-client-php does not send an Accept header at all. I filed an issue on that yesterday.
# 10:57 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
rhiaro joined the channel
# 11:14 rhiaro I have a large todo list. I cleaned my apartment and did the laundry, so naturally.. I don't know anything about Ruby or Redis and very little about docker.. so suddenly the most important thing to do this weekend seems to be.. to dockerize indieauth.com
# 11:18 sknebel rhiaro:I think I saw something by dougbeal about it
# 11:18 Loqi [Zegnat] #15 First pass at content negotiation
# 11:19 sebsel sebsel is sknebel in this context, right Zegnat?
# 11:20 Zegnat sebsel, I meant you, as you are primarily a PHP developer and I want extra eyeballs on this PR.
# 11:22 rhiaro thanks sknebel. I found dougbeal's fork, but unless I missed something it doesn't seem to be done :)
# 11:23 rhiaro oh man this whole stack is a huge pile of things I know nothing about, hah. Maybe I should wait til aaronpk wakes up..
# 11:37 sknebel Zegnat: I'm not sure how your code deals with accepted types without q= ?
# 11:43 sebsel Zegnat you also delete the `//TODO support scope`, but you don't actually support scope now. But having that in an issue is fine too.
# 11:43 sebsel I'm not really focused at the moment, sorry :)
# 11:45 Zegnat Oh, I might have overwritten a comment, that shouldn’t be a problem though.
# 11:46 Zegnat sknebel, when there is no q value specified, the capture group equals ''. When a type has a q of '' I set it 1, according to HTTP spec
# 11:47 sknebel Zegnat: oh, d'oh, I looked at gist and not the commit ?
# 11:51 Zegnat I have seen a few classes that handle it. But non of them are public domain so I would have to reimplement them. And we really only need to compare 2 types, which seems to work fine with regex
# 11:52 Zegnat For actual real world content negotiation: please use a proper header parser. In the constraints of selfauth (public domain, 1 PHP file only), take the shortcut.
# 11:53 Zegnat I might be proven wrong though, when sknebel and ben_thatmustbeme start reviewing ;)
# 11:54 sknebel Zegnat: 1 PHP file isn't a strong argument, look at JS-devs for what "one file" can be :P
# 11:55 rhiaro I mean, this class is like a 100 line php file :p
# 11:56 rhiaro and I use it eeeeverywhere. It even works for rdf ;)
# 11:57 rhiaro that seems like a reasonable thing to be upset about
# 11:57 rhiaro I haven't quite found the brain space to have strong feelings about licensing yet, but it's definitely on my todo list
# 12:59 rhiaro wooooo running indieauth.com locally in docker \o/ took a bit of redis wrangling but I think it's working
# 13:00 Loqi rhiaro has 2 karma in this channel (267 overall)
j_juran and jjuran joined the channel
# 13:24 rhiaro wtf twitter requires a mobile number in order to get an api key
# 13:31 rhiaro Sigh.. time for a new email address and a new twitter account
barpthewire joined the channel
# 13:48 Zegnat petermolnar, how do you get your backtitude data out of your phone? I *think* I have it running but I have no idea how to access the data.
# 13:50 Zegnat Hmm, I don’t think setting up syncthing just for this is worth it. I’ll have to look at other possibilities.
# 13:51 rhiaro welp twitter doesn't want to send an SMS to my Bosnian number
# 13:57 Zegnat I am not sure how their services work. Maybe systemd, maybe something else.
# 13:57 Zegnat As I only have access to my userdir and then have to use their tools for setting up services
tantek joined the channel
# 14:10 Zegnat Maybe that loops me back to needing to get a VPS again, petermolnar ?
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 14:30 rhiaro or there was some other reason I couldn't get one
# 14:30 rhiaro maybe it required an existing phone number to set up
# 14:32 rhiaro !tell aaronpk ping me when you are awake, I have a mounting number of indieauth.com setup questions
# 14:32 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 14:34 sebsel rhiaro do you want indieauth.com, or do you just want indieauth on your website? :)
# 14:35 rhiaro I want to run an instance of indieauth.com on my own server
tantek joined the channel
# 14:37 rhiaro I've got it running locally but I'm trying to set up some of the id providers.. apparently not as simple as copypasting the client keys and secrets
# 14:38 rhiaro I dunno what to put for the callback URLs.. github seems to work but redirects to somewhere that doesn'tn exist. Twitter just says 401.
[miklb] joined the channel
# 14:55 schmarty ah, you'll probably have to dig into the (i think) controllers code to find the paths that indieauth expects those callbacks to come in
# 14:55 rhiaro aha schmarty, you see, I could do that, or I could just ask aaronpk :)
# 14:56 schmarty i usually find myself doing one and then eventually the other :D
# 14:56 rhiaro I think this maybe the closest I've ever come to looking at Ruby
# 14:56 rhiaro just cos I want to run this software doesn't mean I need to understand how it works
# 14:56 rhiaro I'm actually shocked I managed to blunder through getting it running in docker containers
# 14:57 schmarty oh right, i forgot indieauth.com is a ruby project. i have become more used to deciphering aaronpk's laravel-based projects.
# 15:02 rhiaro Thanks, I'll be back on this in a couple of hours.. it transpires from this twitter registration debacle that my Bosnian phone number just isn't recieving SMS at all, so I'm taking a wander to the phone shop
snarfed joined the channel
# 15:20 Loqi aaronpk: rhiaro left you a message 48 minutes ago: ping me when you are awake, I have a mounting number of indieauth.com setup questions
# 15:40 Loqi [sebsel] #12 Do not rely on `me` param in callback
# 15:40 aaronpk i think it's the responsibility of the thing using this library to not rely on the `me` param in the callback, does that sound right?
# 15:47 sebsel I am confused about how I ended up in this repo, trying to trace that back. I think it was meant for Quill then. Sorry :(
# 15:48 sebsel refrains from opening new issues for aaronpk now
# 15:57 aaronpk wonders what is the best way to start migrating clients to not expect the `me` parameter
# 16:00 Loqi [aaronpk] #79 Don't rely on `me` in the callback URL
# 16:01 sebsel yeah, I was starting that, but filed the wrong way, because I misread the buildAuthorizationUrl thing. (that has to have a me)
davidmead joined the channel
# 16:06 sebsel OwnYourSwarm seems fine, I don't use any other at the moment
# 16:18 davidmead aaronpk: getting something odd with OwnYourSwam. I wan’t getting anything come through as my micropub endpoint had errored too many times. checked again and it seems fine now, BUT, I’m getting <p>Checked into <a class="h-card p-location" href="h">h</a>.</p> written into the post which seems weird. No idea what that is. Same for the 2 posts I’ve tried with the ‘import past checkin’ function
# 16:19 aaronpk davidmead: sounds like the Micropub endpoint isn't expecting the value of the URL to be an array
# 16:19 [miklb] davidmead have you updated WP micropub plugin lately? I know there have been some changes in last week since IWS
# 16:21 aaronpk I really need to do some cleanup on the OYS dashboard to make it more useful for debugging
# 16:22 davidmead i just checked in to my house, see how a non-imported post would act. it’s shown up in OwnYOurSwarm, just waiting for it to show up in WP
# 16:23 aaronpk also part of the reason there's no feedback after clicking the button is the button triggers the same flow that the Swarm checkins do
# 16:24 GWG davidmead: Micropub got a push that does markup for checkins from OYS
lukasros joined the channel
# 16:27 davidmead aaronpk: OwnYourSwarm is still saying my account is disabled
# 16:28 aaronpk i think if you do a test post it will re enable it
# 16:31 davidmead Illegal string offset 'properties' in <b>/nfs/c03/h05/mnt/56448/domains/davidjohnmead.com/html/blog/wp-content/plugins/micropub/micropub.php</b> on line <b>513</b>
# 16:32 lukasros Is there any live example where I can see JSON feed with _indieweb extension?
# 16:51 GWG davidmead: How is the rest of the Indieweb suite treating you?
# 16:52 davidmead seems to be good GWG. last post i sent to twitter looked great and seems to have cleaned up some of the extra markup being pulled though - unless i just hit a sweetspot for the amount of content ;-)
# 16:52 GWG davidmead: Bridgy Publish working for you then? Someone a few minutes ago was having trouble
# 16:53 davidmead i’m hoping to actually make it out to next years summit. not just pop in on video
# 16:53 davidmead ah. having tried that today. let me post something and i’ll let you know
# 16:54 GWG davidmead: Anything else outstanding? I'm on a business trip for the next 3 weeks and therefore have nothing better to do out of work than code
# 16:57 GWG I do have to do something about the shortlink issue.
# 16:57 GWG But if you have shortlinks it isn't one
# 16:57 [miklb] speaking of, I want to get summary/excerpt working. I think it has to be in the post too, at least I had to when I was using Jekyll
# 17:01 davidmead adding a line break might be good when posting though. esthetically
# 17:08 davidmead so the shortened URL is under the title, or post snippet, in the twitter card
# 17:18 Loqi [davidmead] OwnYourSwarm posting issues
# 17:30 GWG snarfed and I approach display differently. That looks like his auto-markup from Micropub.
# 17:31 GWG [miklb]: This is why snarfed has agreed to move from static to dynamic generation of markup.
# 17:31 GWG It allows for more customization. It is just the how we've been debating
# 17:31 davidmead when i post a reply to twitter i have a TextExpander snippet that adds <p>in reply to:
# 17:31 davidmead <a href="" class="u-in-reply-to">[embed][/embed]</a></p> where I can add the URL I’m replying to. Then I type my reply above that.
# 17:32 [miklb] GWG, yep, I like the direction of that discussion.
# 17:34 [miklb] davidmead, I had some issues with replies when using the rich twitter embeds, had to make sure the u-url was getting set on what is being stored in the db
# 17:36 GWG davidmead: We're trying to harmonize implementations in that regard.
# 17:36 GWG [miklb]: Although I do like the kind_view template idea for that.
# 17:36 GWG I would gladly split Post Kinds and the templating system.
# 17:36 [miklb] that’s an interesting proposal. Would the templating system work better with mf2 plugin?
[barryf] joined the channel
# 17:38 davidmead would a class on the containing <p>, that could be ignored when posting, help?
# 17:38 GWG [miklb]: I sort of vaguely suggested it. But, generalized, it could be a good solution rather than us writing separately. Then the markup can be in the theme if desired. It might need some changes, but..
# 17:38 GWG davidmead: I think Bridgy has some classes it uses to override its auto formatting.
# 17:38 GWG You can look at the about page on the Bridgy site.
# 17:39 davidmead we only need the “in reply to” on the web site. it becomes extra content in the tweet
# 17:39 GWG davidmead: But the tweet is generated by parsing the site.
# 17:39 [miklb] davidmead the u-in-reply-to should be on the container, and u-url on the tweet you are replying to
# 17:40 davidmead ah - so if i move the u-in-reply-to into the <p> and have u-url on the <a> [miklb]?
# 17:41 [miklb] davidmead I believe so. That’s basically what I have, except `<cite class="h-cite u-in-reply-to">` instead of a `<p>`
# 17:42 GWG [miklb]: The cite isn't strictly necessary. In your case, it is because the reply has context
# 17:42 [miklb] sure. I just throw stuff against the wall and see what sticks ?
# 17:44 [miklb] davidmead and what I discovered is that the oembed stores the link in the DB so that’s why I have that little DOMDocument function to find the url and add the `u-url`. Probably should be done when written to the DB instead of when serving the page, but I haven’t revisited it since getting it working.
# 17:49 davidmead [miklb]: nope. get a ‘Bridgy Error: Could not find a tweet to reply to.’ message in WP and it doesn’t send it to Twitter
# 17:50 [miklb] yes, that’s what I was getting until I added the u-url to the embed link.
# 17:51 [miklb] assuming you are using rich embeds or however it’s referenced.
# 17:53 [miklb] davidmead. WordPress stores the oembed in the DB for caching purposes. Thus why I cooked up that little script to parse the $embed_html (from post-kinds) to add the u-url.
# 17:53 [miklb] it’s different than what is stored by the plugin iirc
# 17:54 [miklb] @davidmead have a link to the last post that failed?
# 17:57 Loqi [davidmead] Reply to one of my tweets so it’ll fail using Bridgy
in reply to:
Any chance you’ll be posting videos from Patterns Day @adactio?
in reply to:
> Rolling out the red carpet for… https://t.co/6T9hhnTzXq
— David Mead (@davidmead) July 1, ...
# 17:59 davidmead as an aside it’s really infuriating to me that Twitter now “hides” who you’re replying to in tweets. i end up doubling the persons name in the tweet as I forget
# 18:01 [miklb] davidmead. Only thing I can think of is that there is a second link to your tweet in the source but it is outside the `<p class="u-in-reply-to">`
# 18:06 [miklb] which may have to do with how WP handles the stored oembed code
# 18:08 davidmead seems like it is pushing the [embed] out of the <p> maybe
# 18:15 davidmead nope. still has a bridgy error and doesn’t post to twitter
# 18:18 [miklb] I don’t know the differences between mf1 & mf2 to know if not having `h-entry` on the article would make a difference
# 18:21 davidmead i know i ran inot issues when using the SemPress WP theme (which I really like) so I swapped back to a general WP theme
# 18:23 [miklb] Only thing I see is that you don’t have `e-content` or `h-entry`. But I’m not versed in microformats enough to say for sure that would make a difference. Maybe try adding the MF2 plugin?
# 18:24 davidmead i think i took that out due to the conflict with SemPress
# 18:24 [miklb] right, they both do similar things. There are ongoing discussions on how to prevent the collisions.
# 18:25 davidmead also PESOS Instagram and Swarm content would add that so I’d get double which causes issues
# 18:26 [miklb] also part of the discussion for the micropub plugin to defer markup to themes/plugins before it inserts its own markup.
# 18:30 [miklb] GWG I didn’t mean to suggest that post-kinds was a required plugin. Just a path I chose to take.
# 18:31 davidmead i guess if i were to phrase it as a problem statement it’d be…
# 18:31 davidmead “i want to show the thing i’m replying to on my blog, but not include it in the reply on twitter"
# 18:33 [miklb] davidmead, the `e-content` p tag is being closed before the a tag
# 18:38 Loqi [davidmead] Reply to one of my tweets so it’ll fail using Brid.gy
in reply to:
Any chance you’ll be posting videos from Patterns Day @adactio?
in reply to:
> Rolling out the red carpet for… https://t.co/6T9hhnTzXq
— David Mead (@davidmead) July 1...
# 18:39 davidmead it pulls in content thats outside the e-content class too
# 18:40 davidmead so i’d have to somehow put the [embed] outside the h-entry, which wouldn’t show up in the post then
# 18:41 davidmead feeling like i’m a very special snowflake with this need [miklb] :-)
# 18:41 [miklb] looks like the u-in-reply-to is still inside a <p> but don’t know if that would mess up the parsing.
# 18:42 [miklb] I think what you want to do is a common expectation. Appreciate your patience in sorting through it.
# 18:42 davidmead well the expectation for Gen2+ ( i think) would be everything i put in should be sent
# 18:43 [miklb] But since I started with post-kinds I’m not as familiar with the manual method of marking up the post.
# 18:43 davidmead in WP, or any CMS, it would come down to the boxes you fill in. If i put it in ‘box A’ it sends it to website and twitter. if i put it in ‘box B’ it just gets sent to my website, etc.
# 18:44 [miklb] needs to get that test site up so I can experiment with bridgy.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 18:48 [miklb] davidmead, out of curiosity have you tried adding h-entry to your article classes?
# 18:50 [miklb] no, it adds hentry which is mf1 so not sure if bridgy is catching it. SemPress or the mf2/uf2 plugin would also add the h-entry
# 18:52 [miklb] mind you I’ve seen h-entry put on the body tag for single posts, but for testing purposes, adding it to article should be fine.
eli_oat joined the channel
# 18:57 davidmead Theme is Twenty Seventeen. single.php doesn’t have article in it
# 18:57 [miklb] otherwise, check for a template-parts directory for content.php then
# 18:58 [miklb] but you will need to filter the post_class. one sec
# 19:00 davidmead trying to do it through the WP interface. Doesn’t show me that. Let me FTP in and check
# 19:12 [miklb] not sure if it would be simpler to just install the mf2 plugin
# 19:17 davidmead [miklb] now i don’t see ‘hentry’ or ‘h-entry’ in the source :-)
# 19:19 [miklb] sorry, copying and pasting and not reading code. I just updated the gist but haven’t tested it yet.
# 19:19 [miklb] the mf2 plugin puts h-entry on the body tag on single posts, so without the companion function won’t get it. I just removed the check for single
# 19:21 [miklb] so the updated gist should put h-entry and hentry on all articles now.
# 19:23 [miklb] I guess we could be doing this in -wordpress but it’s pretty quiet today.
# 19:24 davidmead it’s in there. now let me try and create a post like before
# 19:25 davidmead i’m going to choose a different tweet to reply to. don’t want to piss off @adactio keep reply & deleting to one of his tweets ;-)
# 19:32 davidmead shows as a reply on twitter, but has the embedded tweet on the blog
# 19:33 davidmead doesn’t pass the content that’s outside of ‘e-content’ to twitter so “in reply to:” and the embed stays on the blog
# 19:33 [miklb] so you may want to experiment with the mf2 plugin and remove that function at some point.
# 19:34 davidmead i thought i had that at one point. may have deleted it when i moved to SemPress
# 19:34 [miklb] it’s been recently updated and moved to wp.org repo. Now part of the indieweb GitHub repo.
# 19:35 [miklb] it will also automagically wrap `the_content` with `e-content` as well.
# 19:36 Loqi miklb has 5 karma in this channel (39 overall)
# 19:36 [miklb] but you may not want that the way you are formatting your reply posts ?
# 19:36 davidmead ah, well wrapping all the content with ‘e-content’ will break what you just fixed for me
# 19:37 [miklb] indeed. Can always browse through it and cherry pick any other functions you want to add. Feel free to ping me if you have any questions.
# 19:38 [miklb] my pleasure. Glad we could sort it out. Now I know that hentry isn’t picked up in that instance.
# 19:40 [miklb] one suggestion I would make is if you think you are going to stick with 2017 for a bit is to create a child theme and put your functions there so you can update the parent theme if need be.
# 19:41 davidmead yeah. even though i’ve been using WP for years now, i’ve dived too far into how it actually works
# 19:42 davidmead when i switched from frontend coding to UX some years back I kinda let it pass me by
davidmead, [barryf], madgoat, KartikPrabhu, KartikPrabhu1 and tantek joined the channel
# 21:42 [miklb] aaronpk I misplaced that link for SSL on localhost you shared. have it handy? Going to give it a go.
# 21:43 [miklb] thanks. Now to see if I can figure this out for my local nginx web server
# 21:53 [miklb] I had it working with a self-signed cert, then something broke, and now I don’t know what is wrong. I’ve used certbot on my VPS, but that’s my extent of doing https
davidmead and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 22:32 j_juran Who needs an IndieWeb SSL cert?
# 22:32 aaronpk if you want to test sites locally without having to confirm security exceptions, you can add the indieweb ssl root and this will sign certs that your browser trusts
# 22:36 j_juran Ah, so it’s for testing
# 22:36 aaronpk i mean you can use it in production if you want, i just wouldn't recommend it :P
[miklb] joined the channel