mblaney!tell voxpelli I've been thinking about indie-config since my firefox issues with it last week. What do you think about the privacy implications of any site being able to load your config once you have the web+action protocol registered? (Imagining a world where everyone has done that...) the iframe loading can be done without the user having any visual indication that their details have been given to the website they have visited...
Loqivoxpelli: mblaney left you a message 4 hours, 41 minutes ago: I've been thinking about indie-config since my firefox issues with it last week. What do you think about the privacy implications of any site being able to load your config once you have the web+action protocol registered? (Imagining a world where everyone has done that...) the iframe loading can be done without the user having any visual indication that their details have been given to the website they have visited...
Loqivoxpelli: jeremycherfas left you a message 2 minutes ago: I’m having a problem with your app picking up Author. This post https://www.jeremycherfas.net/blog/making-link-posts-in-wp-work-for-me points back to my home page as author, and that has an h-card with my details, but they don’t show up
voxpelli!tell mblaney An indie-config iframe can have a whitelist of pages it wants to send the config to and have some kind of mechanism for prompting the user to add a site to that whitelist, so the privacy implication should be possible to handle
sebselThe way I do it, is that I determine the Atlas URL I need (so: the coordinates and the settings as params to the URL) and then I just do a curl, and save the returned body to a file.
ZegnatI.e. the micropub endpoint knows it has to go and save a checkin type post, at that point it can also fetch the image and save that alongside it. No reason to have the MP client upload the image separately.
sebselAnd it's a neat function you can reuse. I fetch external author images for incoming webmentions, and u-photo from posts I like, so I have a personal copy of it (not shown on my website).
mblaneyvoxpelli yes implementing a whitelist for indie-config seems to be the only way to deal with the privacy issue. Unfortunately that pretty much defeats the purpose of it, which is to provide an easy way to tell a site you want to interact with who you are.
Loqimblaney: voxpelli left you a message 3 hours, 26 minutes ago: An indie-config iframe can have a whitelist of pages it wants to send the config to and have some kind of mechanism for prompting the user to add a site to that whitelist, so the privacy implication should be possible to handle
mblaneyYes I guess I just came to the realization that there's no way to automatically tell another site who you are. If there was such a mechanism it would be a privacy violation, hence the need for a prompt from the user.
voxpellimblaney: one way to solve it is to actually never give the site the info but to only have the site tell the browser what it wants to be done, a browser native indie-action button could do that
mblaneyyes I was thinking about that too, but it's not very webby if you don't put the links in the page. And as soon as you do that, the site has access to your details.
mblaneybut you could write a bookmarklet to sign in a user or pull their own config, all prompted by the user undertaking the action, so that's what I'm going to look into doing next.