2017-08-30 UTC
mindB, dougbeal|iOS, deathrow1 and snarfed joined the channel
# 00:54 aaronpk I love how all the demos at this conference end with "and I'm logged in!"
davidmead and [miklb] joined the channel
# 01:06 aaronpk i said that in irc then realized I should post it to my website
# 01:06 aaronpk I did have IRC as a syndication button for a while tho
# 01:07 [miklb] I thought you had mentioned working on it, thus why I thought it could have been
# 01:07 aaronpk I changed how my irc client setup works tho so it's not up anymore
eli_oat, snarfed and j12t joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, EmreSokullu, snarfed and loicm joined the channel
cweiske, barpthewire, EmreSokullu, j12t, KartikPrabhu and [pfefferle] joined the channel
# 09:39 cweiske but having a server on the public internet is mentally different for me
# 09:39 petermolnar I used to think that as well, but then how is any cloud sync service different?
# 09:40 cweiske one at home that syncs between desktop and laptop machines
# 09:40 cweiske and one on my public server that is used to share selected images to other people
# 09:40 petermolnar that's the thing: when I started running syncthing between my hosts, I realised I'm already exposing "sensitive" data that way
# 09:41 cweiske only those data that I share with others, privately
# 09:42 petermolnar that's a difference then, I tend to run everything TLS/SSL only what's public facing
# 09:43 petermolnar I have that on my home server, partially (2 zfs pools, one encrypted, the other isn't, otherwise it's really hard to turn it back on remotely, should that ever be needed)
# 09:44 cweiske the threat model for hdd encryption is stealing of the hardware, which I'm not that concerned at home
# 09:45 petermolnar I have been burglared once but my home server survived: it was locked together with the docking station AND it's an ancient looking thinkpad :D
# 09:47 petermolnar but yes, somewhere, deep inside, I'm not completely happy with the setup
# 09:47 petermolnar I'm yet to find a solution to have rsync or zfs send to a place I trust and I can afford
# 09:48 cweiske desktop and laptop backup their data to the home server, which mounts the NAS
# 09:49 petermolnar so far, mine is similar, except it's an old laptop, and I sync with ssh+rsync
# 09:49 cweiske backups are weekly/monthly/yearly with hardlinks, so data are secure from accidential deletion
# 09:50 cweiske and yearly, I manually transfer the backup data onto a two HDDs. one is locked in a safe at home, one is locked in a safe at my father's house
# 09:55 petermolnar so I can relatively fast spin up my home server in case I lose my main one
# 09:56 petermolnar security implications apart losing my mailing is certainly a problem for me, hence the mirror to the local server
# 09:57 petermolnar and yes, I don't really like the fact that I have an internet facing server with wordpress & such which also has my backups, even if they are well separated
# 09:58 petermolnar and I'm yet to find anything to hold ~3TB of stuff for the same prices which I'd trust well enough
davidmead and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 10:49 cweiske and it's external service that you'd have to trust
barpthewire, jjuran, Zegnat and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
[pfefferle], jeremycherfas, tantek and snarfed joined the channel
# 16:51 tantek cweiske++ that's an impressive security + backup setup
# 16:51 Loqi cweiske has 17 karma in this channel (113 overall)
# 16:52 tantek hmm - that dfn should be improved to not require such a giant quote (which sounds too abstract)
tantek joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
snarfed, [cleverdevil] and j12t joined the channel
EmreSokullu and [keithjgrant] joined the channel
# 19:04 Loqi [Keith J. Grant] Test post from Omnibear in Firefox!
[kiai] joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 19:07 tantek [keithjgrant]: do you have more details (datetime, venue) on your talk on the IndieWeb next month at @connect_js?
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
# 19:14 [keithjgrant] cleverdevil I knew you'd say that. ;). They need to support WebExtensions
# 19:17 tantek fundraiser is a type of post similar to an [[event ]] that encourages readers to donate in response to it, supported by at least [[Facebook ]].
gRegorLove, loicm, [miklb] and j12t joined the channel
[kiai], snarfed, tantek, [kevinmarks] and [tantek] joined the channel
tantek, [sebsel] and snarfed joined the channel