#petermolnarI have that on my home server, partially (2 zfs pools, one encrypted, the other isn't, otherwise it's really hard to turn it back on remotely, should that ever be needed)
#petermolnarI have been burglared once but my home server survived: it was locked together with the docking station AND it's an ancient looking thinkpad :D
#petermolnarI more or less mirror my home server and my remote one
#petermolnarso I can relatively fast spin up my home server in case I lose my main one
#petermolnarsecurity implications apart losing my mailing is certainly a problem for me, hence the mirror to the local server
#petermolnarand yes, I don't really like the fact that I have an internet facing server with wordpress & such which also has my backups, even if they are well separated
#petermolnartrouble is, that server costs me ~30€/month
#petermolnarand I'm yet to find anything to hold ~3TB of stuff for the same prices which I'd trust well enough
#cweiskeI split with 2 friends, so we pay 10€ each
#LoqiPrivacy is “the ability of an individual or group to seclude themselves or information about themselves and thereby express themselves selectively” https://indieweb.org/privacy
#tantekhmm - that dfn should be improved to not require such a giant quote (which sounds too abstract)
#www.boffosocko.comedited /Planning (+253) "/* Los Angeles */ 2018 date possibilities; Yahoo! will likely host; removed some unlikely October dates" (view diff)