jeremycherfas!tell zegnat Hi Martijn. Can you try and help me understand whether I am better trying to POST direct to an endpoint in withknown or via Quill or another micropub client?
snarfedi'd like to publicly thank everyone here who was in any way involved with the decision to use domains (and SSL) for identity assertion in webmention, relmeauth/indieauth, oauth2, etc opposed to e.g. salmon's public key crypto, which i've been debugging for interop for the last n days, and i'm ready to throw out a window
snarfedyeah that's still an open question for me too. if i'm, and i don't have anything like u-nickname in my h-card...and i use my site to talk to someone over ostatus/activitypub...what's my username
LoqiZegnat: jeremycherfas left you a message 3 hours, 47 minutes ago: Hi Martijn. Can you try and help me understand whether I am better trying to POST direct to an endpoint in withknown or via Quill or another micropub client?
[tantek]!tell snarfed therefore you could pick a single obv company-only arbitrary username that no-one would reasonably actually want for themselves, e.g. ostatuscompatusername@aaronpk(.)com
[tantek]!tell snarfed or you could use it as an opportunity to market the fact that on the IndieWeb we are masters and in control of our own domains, e.g. masterofmyowndomain@aaronpk(.)com
Loqisnarfed: Zegnat left you a message 5 hours, 20 minutes ago: Wikipedia has you covered, it has a table of blank Unicode chars that aren’t classified as whitespace on
Loqisnarfed: [tantek] left you a message 3 hours, 1 minute ago: AFAIK AP does *not* require username@ identities. Just URLs are ok. So this is a legacy ostatus/mastodon compat issue
Loqisnarfed: [tantek] left you a message 2 hours, 59 minutes ago: therefore you could pick a single obv company-only arbitrary username that no-one would reasonably actually want for themselves, e.g. ostatuscompatusername@aaronpk(.)com
Loqisnarfed: [tantek] left you a message 2 hours, 58 minutes ago: or you could use it as an opportunity to market the fact that on the IndieWeb we are masters and in control of our own domains, e.g. masterofmyowndomain@aaronpk(.)com