#dev 2017-11-02

2017-11-02 UTC
ok! do you think we should default to single-valued and whitelist syndication etc? or default to multiply valued and whitelist u-photo etc?
moving to #-wordpress
benwerd, KartikPrabhu, tbbrown, benwerd_, tantek and dougbeal|iOS joined the channel
created /? (+17) "claps? why not pay?"
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edited /? (+4) "-r"
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ok looks like that works locally
benwerd joined the channel
deployed and updated!
or vice versa as it were :)
My localhost server was trashed by upgrading OSX D:
Oh yeah don't upgrade without a plan to redo your dev environment
aaronpk do you use homebrew for your local dev?
what is a dev environment
It looks like we don't have a page for "dev environment" yet. Would you like to create it?
Apache is taunting me with its "it works!" message
"It works!" never means it's working
except I install a few things like nginx from source
[sdepolo], benwerd, tantek, renem, [keithjgrant] and snarfed joined the channel
benwerd: try sudo cp /etc/apache2/httpd.conf~previous /etc/apache2/httpd.conf , or something similar
[Ryan Barrett] Mac OS X
^ Good call. Thanks!
tantek joined the channel
(and then sudo apachectl -k restart)
tantek, benwerd, mblaney and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
benwerd, tantek, snarfed and [miklb] joined the channel
so I just hacked together an Alfred workflow so I can star a repo and post a micropub like. But I’d like to figure out how to do it with a syndication target still in the WordPress plugin
I’m confused by that
miklb the logs at https://twitter.com/khurtwilliams/status/925794855787417600 errantly include the comma after your User: page URL in the URL thus resulting in a broken link. I created a redirect to "fix" it
[khurtwilliams] @ChrisAldrich Definitely agree. Wish I had read this, https://indieweb.org/User:Miklb.com, sooner.
I kinda got thatt, but wonder what it was about my user page he wished he had read sooner
I replied to the tweet to find out
I wondered the same, perhaps just that there are WordPress indieweb folks who have been working on these things?
edited /Falcon (+98) "/* Payment Links */ simple payment page done, add specific amount payment URL, Payment page with amount and what for"
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edited /payment (+184) "add my example, Payment page is no longer brainstorming, multiple sites with it, move why before how"
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seems like a generic "+Follow" webaction, if it has a follow on Twitter fallback, should have text / graphics that indicate that fallback rather than just a generic Follow
barpthewire, tantek, cweiske, [colinwalker], benwerd and agn1 joined the channel
edited /payment (+126) "adding monzo"
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[kevinmarks], jeremycherfas, eli_oat and [eddie] joined the channel
miklb: that’s awesome! Nice job with the Alfred Workflow
miklb has 10 karma in this channel (49 overall)
micropub has 1 karma in this channel (4 overall)
snarfed joined the channel
moves Micropub to one of his top priorities this IWC
[miklb] joined the channel
eddie it’s really basic, just grabs the url of the frontmost browser tab and then uses shpub in shell script to do the micropub part, then I just curl silo.pub to trigger the star.
Miklb I left a message over in chat, which was a mistake. Would you mind sharing your Alfred workflow? I find studying ones that work a good way to learn.
sure. I need to clean it up a little, I want to add a check to make sure it’s grabbing a GitHub url before sending. It is my 1st workflow so can’t be sure it’s the *right* way
what are you talking about?
Alfred is a macOS helper app that allows you to trigger a keyword that then can run a workflow chaining scripts and actions
did you post something? I have the feeling I missed a part of the conversation, especially the start
I mentioned it early this morning?
ah, it was early morning here ?
Right. And I don't want to use it with Gihub, but I can imagine using it to post to Known in similar fashion.
I definitely think with what I learned about Alfred workflow I could see creating a more robust workflow that does more than just like/star a GitHub repo. Use secondary keywords to bookmark, post a note, etc
But I’ll share what I have now for sure.
tantek joined the channel
That was the kind of thing I was thinking about. Given Alfred's ability to store clippings and other things, it would be a useful way to use shpub without having to invoke the Terminal and remember all the details.
I’ll put it in a GitHub repo. I just need to move my silo.pub access key to a variable that doesn’t export first.
snarfed, John___ and benwerd joined the channel
John___ joined the channel
edited /payment (+144) "/* IndieWeb Examples */"
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tantek joined the channel
created /badge (+3053) "a little about badges, with indieweb, service, and silo examples"
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[eddie] and [miklb] joined the channel
edited /microcast (+628) "a bunch of indieweb microcasts"
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edited /microcast (+28) "see also"
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edited /microcast (+149) "+ microcast"
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singpolyma, benwerd and bengo joined the channel
edited /Gratipay (+97) "shutdown notice"
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[chrisaldrich] and snarfed joined the channel
@SaraSoueidan Perhaps something can be done with https://indieweb.org/Webmention ? Having a page where people put link of their questions ...
KartikPrabhu and [eddie] joined the channel
!tell aaronpk: Is this the project you currently use to bridge IRC and slack? https://github.com/aaronpk/Slack-IRC-Gateway
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[aaronpk] Slack-IRC-Gateway: Bridge Slack rooms to IRC channels
benwerd, [kevinmarks], [chrisaldrich] and [miklb] joined the channel
I’m intrigued by the Watson integrations. I know there are some adapters for Hubot already, should open up more.
benwerd joined the channel
@alienlebarge @SaraSoueidan People who wanted to ask questions anonymously could ping with webmentions via https://commentpara.de/
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
edited /microcast (+28) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ alphabetize"
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edited /microcast (+179) "/* IndieWeb Examples (Alphabetical by full title) */ TWITIWAE"
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benwerd joined the channel
[eddie] yep that's it!
aaronpk: [eddie] left you a message 1 hour, 9 minutes ago: Is this the project you currently use to bridge IRC and slack? https://github.com/aaronpk/Slack-IRC-Gateway
edited /podcast (+16) "/* See Also */"
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edited /Planning (+14) "/* Austin */ +me"
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[eddie] joined the channel
aaronpk: I was thinking about a couple of things. 1, I was thinking about a slash_command in slack that would list all the users of an irc chat room. 2. I know often times there can be delays between the IRC room and slack and looking at the code I think it's because of the webhooks rather than the RTM api. I'm thinking when I have the time I might investigate adding RTM capability to the gateway.
Have you ever looked into using the Real Time Messaging API before? Just so I know if there's anything that's prevented it in the past
yeah i should probably rewrite it with the RTM API
it got a lot easier to use since i first wrote this
the other reason that delay exists is because the first time a slack user sends a message it spins up a new IRC bot and connects to freenode
that won't be solved by the RTM API
the web hooks actually run surprisingly quick when everything works well. sometimes their hook processing falls behind though.
Yeah sometimes it's quite speedy. I think the big thing about hooks is that Slack puts them as a lower priority so depending sometimes there are strange delays
one way to help solve that delay is to use the presence API methods to spin up a new IRC user as soon as a slack user becomes active, even before they say anything
as far as the IRC bot, do they shut down after awhile?
Ohhh yeah that would work
yeah the IRC bots disconnect after like 10 minutes of not being used
tantek and benwerd joined the channel
ahhh gotcha. Yeah, so if the bots used the presence API that would definitely help.
that'll be a pretty significant rewrite
Yeah. I can imagine ? I don't know the IRC stuff well but I know the Slack stuff pretty well.
the other good thing about using the RTM API is it means this project will finally work both directions
right now the IRC->Slack is handled via Loqi
ohhh I was wondering how that happened
also because Loqi knows how to look up name and pictures for IRC users
so that part would need to get built into this project too
ohhhh that makes sense
it's not a trivial amount of work which is why i haven't gotten around to it :)
most definitely. I would say I have a little more incentive to write code for it because I use it often. lol Is the name and pictures look up code in a github project?
I imagine loqi might have a lot of code you don't necessarily want to open source so I wasn't sure if it would be up there or not
do you use it for a different slack group or just here you mean?
just here
this isn't the best explanation of how it works, but I'd like to use this same mechanism https://github.com/aaronpk/TikTokBot#profile-data
[aaronpk] TikTokBot: TikTokBot is a bot framework for Slack and IRC.
the code loqi uses for that isn't open source but essentially it responds to that web hook and returns that payload, and it looks up the profile information from the microformats on the /irc-people page
ohhhh I never looked at the code of the IRC People page. So basically each person is an h-card :thumbsup:
yep! that's how you're getting pictures for the IRC users in slack :)
calumryan joined the channel
Thanks for brainstorming, feels good to get some of that stuff documented for later reference
KartikPrabhu, benwerd and [miklb] joined the channel
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
@miklb @ChrisAldrich Had I read your “Thoughts on WordPress” section before starting out with IndieWeb my expectations would have been properly set.
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
vanderven.se martijn
edited /Planning (-26) "/* Planned */ Removing voxpelli from Berlin on-site Leaders Summit"
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leg joined the channel
vanderven.se martijn
edited /Planning (-152) "/* Planned */ Meet-up instead of Leaders summit. Details to follow."
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benwerd, KartikPrabhu and snarfed joined the channel