2018-01-24 UTC
# 00:01 aaronpk odd, probably something about the large file size
# 00:17 aaronpk hm, i'm thinking I should move my grid images into a separate file rather than inlining the SVG, since it seems to be confusing things
# 00:18 aaronpk I just realized that my own plaintext conversion of the "HTML" has resulted in the contents of the <style> tag being the plaintext
# 00:18 aaronpk strip_tags is stripping the <style> tag but keeping the contents I guess
AngeloGladding joined the channel
# 00:22 tantek also you can put the <style> tag contents in <!-- --> for HTML
# 00:22 aaronpk oh let me see if cdata fixes it since I should do that anyway
# 00:25 tantek like: <style type="text/css">/*<![CDATA[*/ p { color:gray; }
# 00:28 Loqi [kartikprabhu] #13 change href in <use> to xlink:href
# 00:29 j12t kartikprabhu how did you figure this one out?
# 00:30 KartikPrabhu strangely, I was using the xlink:href syntax on my own site since the beginning, but had forgotten about it :P
# 00:32 j12t Actually, this will take a ew minutes, I have a git setup problem here.
# 00:39 j12t KartikPrabhu: hmm .. afaict, it's the same on Safari but stopped working on Chrome and FF
# 00:42 j12t (BTW, Safari doesn't like your SSL cert)
# 00:43 j12t Cert worked in FF, but I needed to override in Safari.
# 00:43 j12t What shall we do about the svg? Inline?
# 00:47 j12t I don't think I messed with my CA settings on this machine, but I won't exclude the possibility either ...
# 00:50 j12t I'm on 10.11.6 (El Capitan) but not High Sierra.
# 00:50 Loqi [kartikprabhu] #14 add xml namespace for xlink to make valid
eli_oat joined the channel
# 00:54 j12t KartikPrabhu: there are changes, but ... now the Safari logo looks like it did on FF in the early PR you sent. And FF has lost the white background.
# 00:55 j12t I spent a few hours on this myself month ago, and -- just like here -- I never recognized some causal relationship between a change and how it looked
# 00:56 KartikPrabhu j12t: do we need the background? The PNG can be moved into a <picture> thingie
# 00:56 KartikPrabhu i a assuming the background in the SVG exists to prevent showing the background PNG or something
# 00:58 j12t I have to remind myself how this worked ... I think the PNG was the fallback for Safari
# 00:59 KartikPrabhu yes. I think we can remove the background from the SVG so it will be transparent. The PNG can be used as a fallback using <picture>
# 00:59 j12t I seem to remember we tried the <picture> fallback but that somehow didn't work either
# 01:00 KartikPrabhu because the SVG iteself failed. But now the SVG works with the xlink and namespace in it
# 01:03 j12t KartikPrabhu: BTW, for easier testing than to go through github pages every time, if you install jekyll you can say "make" and it emits the files locally into directory _site, from where you can serve files locally
# 01:04 j12t It stopped working on my Mac, but it's like a charm on an Arch Linux VM I'm running on the same Mac.
# 01:05 j12t Old Ruby version on the Mac. But then, aaronpk wants me to upgrade anyway :-)
# 01:11 j12t KartikPrabhu: the "fill" attribute on the <use> for the background seems to be ignored.
# 01:12 j12t But we probably don't need that at all.
# 01:13 j12t Hey, what just happened?!? It looks like I have something working ... hang on
# 01:15 Loqi [kartikprabhu] #15 Kartikprabhu safari logo fix
# 01:16 j12t This is just about the same thing I played around with ... hang on
# 01:18 j12t Hmm, both browsers look good but the animation is gone.
# 01:23 j12t Yes. I just removed the <picture> and it seems to work!
# 01:26 j12t We have been working as if sitting next to each other! I just did that locally with Jekyll and it works!
# 01:29 Loqi kartikprabhu has 8 karma in this channel (160 overall)
# 01:31 j12t Duh, I am in the middle of refactoring a few 10's of thousands of lines of Java, so ...
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# 01:39 j12t Just reading through your CV ... not thesis any more, but publish or perish? :-)
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# 04:48 aaronpk mblaney: have you seen any of the talk about Microsub? I’m curious if it’s something you’d be interested for your reader
# 04:57 mblaney hi aaronpk yes I've been following it's progress, it would be interesting to think about how to convert my reader to implement it.
# 04:59 aaronpk It's only really relevant to you if you want to be able to use other apps like eddie's iOS app to view the same data
# 05:01 aaronpk I'm always interested in input from people who are building stuff like this tho so I'd love to hear your thoughts!
# 05:12 mblaney I like using my website as my reader interface, so don't feel the need to work on it for that reason.
# 05:14 mblaney a standard communication protocol might help a user wanting to switch servers though? There will probably be lots of things it could help with.
snarfed, j12t, cweiske, loicm, [pfefferle] and sl007 joined the channel
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# 10:02 dgold notes that you never _ever_ say 'Over and Out'
# 10:07 dgold 'OVER' means "I am finished speaking and I am now waiting on your response"
# 10:08 dgold 'OUT' means "I am finished speaking and I am not waiting for a reply"
sl007 and syp1 joined the channel; mblaney left the channel
# 13:02 sknebel keithjgrant++ for what (going by the torrent of github mails in my inbox) looks like a lot of progress on omnibear
# 13:02 Loqi keithjgrant has 7 karma in this channel (20 overall)
leg, eli_oat, John_Ivan, dougbeal|mb1 and eli_oat1 joined the channel
eli_oat, [kevinmarks], leg, snarfed and [keithjgrant] joined the channel
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# 15:25 Loqi dgold has 9 karma in this channel (28 overall)
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# 15:29 dgold [jeremycherfas]: its totally off-topic, but having been a radio operator (briefly) it grates awfully when you hear such nonsense being used in TV/Movies
# 15:30 dgold like when there's a Military-type scenarion, and they use the word 'Repeat'
# 15:30 dgold in military sense, that means 'Whatever the last thing I told you to do was, do that again'
# 15:31 jeremycherfas No, no. I'm all for well-informed pedantry. So, what should they say? "Say again?"
tbbrown, [pfefferle], snarfed, sebsel, KartikPrabhu, grantcodes, John_Ivan and tantek joined the channel
# 17:13 dansup :O ActivityPub is #1 on HackerNews
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# 17:26 tantek more true would be " There are no more posts in this list "
# 17:26 aaronpk (I also want to make it not show the next page link in the first place, but that's harder)
# 17:28 tantek microcopy is small bits of text, a word, phrase, maybe a sentence, typically in a UI, designed to very quickly and simply communicate something about the UI without going into a lengthy glaze-over explanation. Due to its brevity, microcopy is often harder to write, and is considered a specific writing skill.
snarfed joined the channel
# 17:41 dgold has anyone gotten strugee's lazymention to work?
strugee joined the channel
# 17:50 strugee I hear from tantek that my services have been requested :P
# 17:51 Loqi A consultant is someone you can hire to help complete specific projects; there are a few consultants in the IndieWeb community that have experience helping people setup and maintain their own sites, and are available to help you do the same; details inside https://indieweb.org/consultant
# 17:52 strugee bear in mind that my laptop screen is broken so I'm typing on a terrible phone UI
sl007, snarfed and calumryan joined the channel
# 18:10 tantek strugee oh no! not the laptop with all the awesome stickers!
# 18:14 strugee heh that reminds me tantek, you're mentioned in my latest blog post *specifically* because of the stickers :P
# 18:17 tantek probably did! somewhere lost in my homepage webmentions from Twitter
# 18:20 strugee heh, that'd do it. mine was a homepage mention too
# 18:20 strugee although I guess it wasn't a real mention, just a link. oops
tbbrown, John_Ivan and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 18:29 aaronpk twitter shows a link preview of the second link, right?
# 18:37 strugee dgold: I'm turning off IRC because it's draining my phone battery like nobody's business. however. feel free to file issues in the lazymention issue tracker! I'll also probably put irc in a `screen` or something and check that
# 18:38 Loqi Thanks! We need one more person to confirm the retweet!
# 18:42 strugee tantek: that's incredible!! huge congrats to everyone <3
# 19:10 dgold strugee: I've installed lazymention, I've got it running - that's all okay.
# 19:10 dgold the port is open & listening - however there is zero response to any calls to the api
# 19:18 strugee ummm. I'm in class atm so I can't really spare a lot of brain cycles to debug lol
# 19:19 strugee I'm done in a half hour though if you'll still be around?
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# 19:49 dgold is there any MacOS share sheet micropub extension?
# 20:05 strugee but does it switch to POSTs when you provide a parameter?
# 20:05 Loqi [Daniel Goldsmith] For my first Micro Monday, I’d like to suggest @jamesshelley. Discovered his writing via the Discover tab on micro.blog and I am thankful to @manton for allowing me to do so.
# 20:07 dgold and I just used httpie to get a command line arg to paste; i've done it with postman & curl as well
# 20:14 dgold I cannae help it, captain! I dinnae hae the power, like.
# 20:15 dgold fair fa' your honest sonsie face, great chieftan o' the puddin-race
# 20:19 dgold however, he discovers, when i try it locally, it now works
# 20:19 dgold locally on the server upon which it is working
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# 20:21 dgold oh gods, I'm so sorry, strugee to have wasted your time
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# 20:26 dgold ok, -now- i have an actual error to throw at you!
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# 20:32 strugee hmm can you file a bug? I'll fix it for now but really I should just rewrite that module from scratch lol
# 20:39 strugee just include the URL and the stack trace, that's really all I need
# 20:46 aaronpk oh no, webmention feedback loop. what am I doing wrong.
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# 20:47 aaronpk chris' site sent a webmention to me after my comment was displayed on his site
# 20:49 aaronpk ohh because my check for that case was only checking reply posts!
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# 20:51 chrisaldrich Really!! I've been monkeying around lately and figured for sure I'd botched up the comments section....
# 20:53 aaronpk you're sending the webmention with a source URL that contains the comment ID, which is great but almost nobody else does that
# 20:53 aaronpk XRay takes that URL and parses the whole webmention as an h-entry that represents *my* comment, rather than an h-entry that represents your post
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# 21:09 aaronpk k so I now ignore webmentions if the source url has a fragment ID and the h-entry URL is the same as the target URL
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# 21:51 [eddie] !tell dgold no macOS share sheets that I know of yet that support micropub. Is there a specific reason you’re asking?
# 21:51 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
tantek joined the channel
# 22:19 Loqi A reader (or indie reader) in the context of the indieweb is the portion/feature integrated into an indieweb site that provides a way to read content from other indieweb sites, possibly including posts from the current site as well https://indieweb.org/reader
snarfed and tantek joined the channel
# 22:37 Loqi Discovery for the IndieWeb is a set of algorithms to start with a URL like a home page or post permalink, and determine information about that URL, such as authorship, page-name, and date published https://indieweb.org/discovery
chrisaldrich and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 23:17 tantek {"errors":[{"code":186,"message":"Tweet needs to be a bit shorter."}]}
# 23:17 tantek couldn't they have told me how many characters shorter?
# 23:17 tantek (also means I need to investigate what my tweet length estimation code is doing wrong)
# 23:19 aaronpk "Tweet length is measured by the number of codepoints in the NFC normalized version of the text"
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# 23:20 tantek and I supposedly still have 7 chars left over
# 23:25 tantek yes 9 is precisely the number that mine comes up with
# 23:25 tantek (well, 5, plus 4 extra for the overcompensation that PHP string counting is doing for the two ’ in the text)
# 23:26 tantek ok so my code's math is the same (basically) as what you're seeing in their UI!
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# 23:37 aaronpk so it thought there were 17 chars available before it was able to post?
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# 23:40 aaronpk probably so recently that their UI counter hasn't updated for the new rules
# 23:48 tantek do I just disable my ttk.me code now I guess?
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# 23:58 Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "those warnings in car commercials" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "those warnings in car commercials is ____", a sentence describing the term)