2018-04-27 UTC
eli_oat, snarfed, [asuh], leg, leg1, jgmac1106, [tantek], renem, Mandrake, [chrisaldrich], oodani, tantek, cweiske, gRegorLove_, swentel, barpthewire and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 07:54 Zegnat Alright, I brainstormed an idea of keeping track of the redirects that curl is following. Now to see if aaronpk has already implemented this.
# 07:54 Zegnat I should really check his code before I start brainstorming.
chrisaldrich, Mandrake, iasai_, iasai and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 11:31 GWG Zegnat: I always figure aaronpk is ahead of me.
jgmac1106 joined the channel
# 12:44 Zegnat Turned out, this time, no. aaronpk is looping curl requests himself to figure out the redirect path, while my brainstorm should be able to pull the path from curl itself. Time to get implementing
jeremycherfas joined the channel
# 12:52 aaronpk Zegnat: I couldn't figure out how to use any existing libraries to give me the url stopping at a temporary redirect
[matthilt] joined the channel
# 12:52 aaronpk I did find something that would return every http request along the way but that seemed harder for some reason
# 12:53 Zegnat I am going to have it return the entire path it walked to get to the final resource.
# 12:53 Zegnat Testing with it now. Maybe I’ll PR on p3k http, aaronpk, so you can take a look
# 12:54 aaronpk Make sure you include each http code along with the url
# 12:54 Zegnat That’s what I am testing right now if it is possible, aaronpk :)
# 12:55 Zegnat skippy: permanent redirects “rewrite” a URL, so if aaronpk uses aaronpk.com, we can rewrite it to aaronparecki.com for indieauth purposes because it uses a 301. But if it had used a temporary redirect code, we shouldn’t rewrite because it might point elsewhere at a later date.
# 12:57 aaronpk Actual example of someone who wants to use their url for IndieAuth but their url is a temporary redirect elsewhere: dreev.es
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 12:59 Zegnat wonders if we should document these examples of redirects somewhere
# 13:00 aaronpk I started making some test identities when I was working on this last week
leg, deathrow1 and [tantek] joined the channel
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# 14:50 aaronpk klez: a couple things. looks like your "e-content" class contains the published date which makes the date show up in the content which is kind of weird. i'd suggest moving the published abbr outside of the e-content element
# 14:52 aaronpk the author issue seems to be the backcompat parsing getting confused, and i'm not sure whether it's bad parsing or if the markup is wrong
# 14:52 aaronpk in any case if you remove the "vcard" class then it looks like you'd expect
# 14:53 aaronpk the URL of the author h-card inside the h-entry is "/author/federico-klez-culloca.html" and then you have a more complete h-card lower on the page with the URL "https://klezlab.it". It'd be better if those two matched, so see if you can get your home page URL https://klezlab.it into the first h-card
# 14:57 klez aaronpk++ thanks, now it's just complaining that there's no photo, but that I think I can solve on my own once I decide I actually want a photo :) thanks again
# 14:57 Loqi aaronpk has 140 karma in this channel (1625 overall)
[kevinmarks], AngeloGladding, deathrow1, bhh, maingo, barpthewire, gRegorLove_ and tantek joined the channel
snarfed, eli_oat, [miklb], KartikPrabhu, tantek and AngeloGladding joined the channel
# 18:55 pstuifzand GWG, have you been able to use the latest version of Wrimini ?
tbbrown, cweiske, ALT3R3D and eli_oat joined the channel
# 19:34 pstuifzand I'm trying to login a WordPress using the Indieauth and Micropub plugins, but I get a 401 "Unauthorized" message
snarfed joined the channel
# 19:36 aaronpk pstuifzand: is the wordpress set to use the built-in auth endpoint?
# 19:38 aaronpk and you get a 401 response from the micropub request?
# 19:40 pstuifzand It's debugging for the Android app, but I have the same problem with Quill
# 19:41 pstuifzand I added the url I login with, as website in the profile, I think that should work
# 19:41 Loqi [vishae] I just tried logging in with a new browser and still got the same error message. Raw response:
HTTP/1.1 100 Continue
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Server: nginx/1.12.2
Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2018 05:47:25 GMT
Content-Type: application/json
tantek joined the channel
# 19:57 sknebel the plugins code is positively readable, but I don't know enough about the surrounding mechanisms for remote diagnostics
eli_oat joined the channel
# 19:59 sknebel (e.g. there's a bunch of errors being created for various cases, but I don't know if and how they'd surface here...)
snarfed joined the channel
# 20:05 sknebel are you adding debug info right now, or just reading the source?
# 20:06 sknebel the function for that in wordpress-indieauth creates WP_Error objects for a bunch of cases, but I don't know where those become visible
# 20:07 pstuifzand If I remove that bit, a post get's created, but without the author
# 20:08 aaronpk sounds like the indieauth plugin is not initializing the session right for the micropub plugin to pick it up with get_current_user_id
# 20:08 sknebel get_current_user_id is supposed to call determine_current_user in wordpress-indieauth/includes/class-indieauth-authenticate.php
# 20:09 sknebel so checking that that gets properly called and what it does would be my next step
# 20:10 sknebel aaronpk: by reading the source of get_current_user_id, seening that that checks a filter named "determine_current_user" and searching the inideauth plugin for that filter
# 20:18 pstuifzand {"error":"parameter_absent","error_description":"Bearer Token Not Supplied"}
eli_oat joined the channel
# 20:22 pstuifzand The request contains the Authorization header with the Bearer + token
# 20:22 aaronpk i know some web servers strip the authorization header
# 20:22 sknebel but then it wouldn't get to micropub endpoint either
# 20:23 aaronpk can you tell whether the header is being set at all? maybe dump $_SERVER somewhere?
# 20:24 sknebel otherwise it wouldn't have gone so far as to try verify it
# 20:24 sknebel unless it's somehow only filtered for local requests?
# 20:25 aaronpk the plugin makes an http request to itself to verify the token
# 20:25 aaronpk could be that request is failing for some reason, like a bad cert or something
# 20:25 aaronpk there's a bunch of limitations on wp_safe_remote_get
# 20:25 sknebel the complaint about the missing header is the response from the token endpoint, right?
# 20:26 aaronpk this plugin shouldn't make an http request to validate the token, it should just look it up in the database
# 20:28 aaronpk i had a feeling this was going to come back to bite us
# 20:29 tantek is lost in this discussion and needs to read logs
# 20:30 tantek hah and here I thought it was indieauth internals\
# 20:38 aaronpk so how did the micropub plugin get the header in the first place?
# 20:41 aaronpk what's weird is the micropub plugin was not complaining about the missing header
# 20:41 aaronpk it was only when it then made the api request to the token endpoint that the header looked like it was missing
# 20:41 sknebel ... was it a formencoded request with the token in the params?
# 20:42 tantek aside: still testing and coding emoji-detection related code.
# 20:43 sknebel could the plugin test this itself during installation?
# 20:43 aaronpk yes, also it should just not make an http request to itself
# 20:43 sknebel make a request against itself and check if the header goes through?
# 20:44 pstuifzand With this change I can also post from Wrimini to Wordpress!! :D
# 20:49 cweiske it's always the same. As soon as you begin to actually use some software, bugs and missing features pop up everywhere
# 20:49 aaronpk what's really fascinating to me is all the services that have popped up to fill the "missing features" in twitter like scheduling tweets
# 20:50 GWG I see help. Heading home. Will look. Wrimini doesn't redirect for me.
# 20:50 Loqi [aaronpk] #43 Do local token lookup instead of making an HTTP request
# 20:50 aaronpk GWG we got it sorted out but that ^^ should be your next priority on the plugin :)
# 20:52 Loqi [sknebel] #129 check if Authorization: header is working on install
# 20:52 Loqi sknebel has 34 karma in this channel (95 overall)
# 20:53 pstuifzand GWG, I see the switching between the app and browser is not yet very stable
snarfed and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 21:23 GWG I just parked. Going to put dinner in to cook, and then I might fix whatever it is now
# 21:26 GWG Okay.Once my Instapot starts instapotting, I'll read up
# 21:36 GWG Okay...guess I have my work cut out for me.
# 21:39 GWG aaronpk: I have to go back anyway.
# 21:39 GWG snarfed pointed out I should try an alternate scope and response methodology I want to try
# 21:39 aaronpk i'd say tackle the token lookup first and try to push an update for that first
# 21:39 aaronpk we have a lot of people actually stuck because of that right now
# 21:42 GWG It has to do both versions to cover the IndieAuth.com soon IndieLogin scenario. So I have to fiddle
# 21:43 aaronpk now that the choice is a radio button that selects "local auth" it should be doable
eli_oat joined the channel
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[mrkrndvs], leg and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
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# 23:25 GWG I'd like to see a copy in exchange.
# 23:26 GWG But I posted the image on my website.
# 23:26 GWG So, I already am publicly sharing it
# 23:40 skippy would listing syndication URLs in <link>s in my <head> work? or is u-syndication only valid for <a> in the body?
# 23:40 aaronpk if you have "h-entry" on the <html> tag you could do that
# 23:41 skippy ah. i have h-entry on a div inside the <html>
# 23:41 aaronpk the u-syndication just has to be inside the h-entry for it to count
# 23:42 GWG aaronpk: I think I finished the fix
# 23:42 KartikPrabhu skippy: all mf2 properties like p-* u-* e-* only count inside a root microformats h-*
[miklb] joined the channel
# 23:46 [miklb] KartikPrabhu++ I’m not sure I’ve seen that so simply explained
# 23:46 Loqi kartikprabhu has 20 karma in this channel (195 overall)
# 23:54 skippy ok. i'm noodling through if and how to display syndication links.
# 23:56 skippy yes, i see many do display them. just not sure of the overall utility.
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel