#LoqiProgressive Web App (PWA) is a web site that a client can progressively enhance into a standalone app that's comparable with a native app https://indieweb.org/PWA
[nate658], iasai, snarfed, KartikPrabhu, barpthewire, [jgmac1106], [wiobyrne], tantek__, [snarfed], [anika] and sebsel joined the channel; mblaney left the channel
#aaronpkI just learned some cool tricks with letsencrypt
#aaronpktheir wildcard certs require DNS based validation, which is a bit trickier since it requires that the client have API access to write DNS records
#aaronpkrather than set that up for each domain, you can create a CNAME record from the domain where you want the wildcard cert to a sort of "control domain" that will answer the challenges for every domain
#aaronpkthen you can run a standalone DNS server on that domain, and someone wrote one that has a simple HTTP API for adding entries, which of course are then available immediately
#ZegnatI might ping you re that on tuesday, if you have a couple of minutes, aaronpk. I would like to setup a wildcard cert on zegnat.net so I can stop creating new certs for every experiment I run on the subdomains.
#aaronpki'm trying to prep aperture for a public launch, and as part of that I actually don't want to store data permanently for a few reasons. Kinda wish I could take advantage of the built-in expiration of keys and the nice list mechanisms that Redis provides for that
#pstuifzandI was also thinking about that, but perhaps the keys expiring is not enough
#aaronpkdoes cascade delete work that way? it's the inverse of the normal examples given for it
#pstuifzandI would have to think about it some more
#aaronpknormally you have a "buildings" table where each record has many "rooms" and when you delete from the buildings table it deletes all associated rooms
#aaronpkbut in this case, it's like deleting the building if all the rooms have been deleted
#aaronpkin any case, like you said it wouldn't work with cleaning up the files. so essentially what i've got now is that cascade delete built in software hooks so that I can delete files.
#pstuifzandDELETE e FROM entries e LEFT JOIN entry_channel ec ON e.entry_id = ec.entry_id GROUP BY entry_id HAVING COUNT(e.entry_id) = 0;
#pstuifzanddid you include the media_id = 342 in the join?
#sknebelif you want to generally delete everything after X days, I'd just organize the file storage per day?
#aaronpkI am making this more complicated for myself, because I want to be able to change the threshold of how long before stuff gets deleted *per user*
trip_, [jgmac1106], gRegor-mobile, KartikPrabhu and [grantcodes] joined the channel
#ZegnatThis dev project is going to be expensive. Different Puppeteer projects I want to test all download their own version of Puppeteer, with its own embedded version of Chromium. That’s way too much data... I need to move to developing in the cloud rather than locally, I guess