#dev 2018-12-30

2018-12-30 UTC
cuibonobo and [nick] joined the channel
↩️ Basically there is a third-party service I have attached to the site, and I'm trying to figure out why webmentions aren't working.
eli_oat and [asuh] joined the channel
pulling my hair on doing URL extraction at the moment lol
there isn't a _clean_ (read: plug-n-play) library for it in Elixir so I'm going to have to write it by hand
aka find a good PCRE regex and use that
and got it! :D
↩️ Even better Bill is if we had such conversations from the comfort of our own backyard using http://brid.gy and webmenbtions, rather than someone else’s playground? #indieweb (https://collect.readwriterespond.com/something-weird-is-happening-on-twitter-right-now/)
barnabywalters joined the channel
agh koype didn't support pulling webmention info from headers
broke a little test I had going
[tantek] joined the channel
dunno if I should skip this for my MVP or just aim for full spec support
jacky, I've found it was worth the time to get full webmention.rocks support working for my webmention sending code, since so many do discovery differently e.g. http headers vs link elements etc.
that makes sense
back into the plumbing I go :)
[asuh] and eli_oat joined the channel
welp lol now I'm in the hole of parsing the Link header
going to bring this to a hacky MVP and write a test a wee bit later
[asuh] and [relapse] joined the channel
First draft of h-resume peppered page. https://vonexplaino.com/blog/posts/resume/resume-of-colin-morris.html Feedback/ advice welcome.
[tantek] joined the channel
[nick] definitely check the indieweb dev channel for more implementation discussions!
[nick] joined the channel
nice [relapse]!
[relapse] has 1 karma over the last year
hmm so I _really_ have to do some soft conversion of the raw text in my notes into links when detected
what is autolink?
An autolink is a hyperlink that was automatically added to some text to link that text to an obvious or useful destination, like hyperlinking a URL in plaintext to the URL itself, linking hashtags to search results, and @-names to their profile pages https://indieweb.org/autolink
[nick] that's interesting about Django and drafts - could you consider documenting that since it has to do pretty directly with indieweb / blogging on https://indieweb.org/Django ?
I think I might just treat "plain text" as markdown tbh
I'd get the full strength of Markdown in my plain text posts and would be able to HTML-ify to disk
and I'm comfortable with markdown
lol I think I might have to work on my own micropub client that defaults to use Markdown :D
[tantek] I could write something up pretty simple I suppose.
I'm planning on OS my page soon
I've done a bad thing though... I have some secrets in my git repo... which means I can't do it yet
most secrets exist now in docker secrets but there's a couple lingering and I haven't had the energy to remove them...
[relapse] joined the channel
Thanks Jacky.
Interestingly, the parser is picking up the p-education names in the p-resume name list. erf.
alright I added myself to the django bits as well.. but I've got some work to do on my site! 😉
time to go to bed for me...
thanks for the help earlier.
o/ g'night!
barpthewire, strugee and loicm joined the channel
I checked the matrix protocol, hmm I am not sure if I like it or not. What I don't like is the approach to solve everything at once, we all know where this usually leads (xkcd standards). Another thing is, at least in their docs/website, they emphasize in the HTTP API and not in the high level overview. It's good to be rigid and extensively specify the http API responses/requests, but I would like to see something more
highlevel, in case you need to apply the matrix under a different protocol (like mqtt). I feel it's more like an IRC replacement rather than a generic IM/Voip replacement.
strugee, calumryan, krychu and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
↩️ We already have standardized protocols by IETF like XMPP, OAuth2, WebFinger (just to name a few) and W3C recommendations for social apps like ActivityPub with ActivityStreams, LDN, Micropub, Webmention, Websub. We already have the infrastructure there!
jjuran, [relapse] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
Did you write up notes on dat, scuttlebut and matrix?
Dat felt OK to me as a swap out for http, but l had a bit of contention with the Fritter folks for their json centricity
jgmac1106, swentel, loicm, strugee, [Khurt] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
.hhmmmm I can't get my archive site to load https://archive.jgregorymcverry.com
Looks like there is an infinite redirect going on, [jgmac1106]
Which will then go infinite
Okay, need to work on my redirect then... Hmmm was working for days. Wondered what changed
Did you put the same redirects you are using for jgreg...com on archive.jgreg...com by accident? That might be making it redirect to itself
[relapse] joined the channel
Subpages seem to work? https://archive.jgregorymcverry.com/posts/ for example.
And 404s work (e.g. adding index.html).
loicm joined the channel
@zegnat maybe will poke around. Good place to start
Thx Zegnat and [relapse]
For things like redirects, that might be a little opaque in browsers, I would recommend testing URLs with curl. E.g. I did the following command to request your archive, have curl print out both the requests it did and the responses it received back (with all headers), and limit it to follow 5 redirects:
What is curl?
cURL is a common Linux software library and command line used to get/send a file from/to a URL using only HTTP(S) https://indieweb.org/cURL
jgmac1106 joined the channel
here is my current htaccess file: https://gist.github.com/jgmac1106/0082fb5a23130316f2e7030a137223f5 on the archive site...that is my default WP htaccess set up
[habari], swentel and strugee joined the channel
morning guys
cweiske and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Was was was
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
just deployed an updated unmung.com which uses tot mf2py, so the id parsing shoudl show up
was there an example for that?
I also restored my bbc recipes custom backcompat, though the author image isn't working
@zegnat and [relapse] it was a redirect plugin I added to WordPress... Going to revise tutorial
strugee, [tantek], jackjamieson, [tmiller], swentel and [schmarty] joined the channel
[kevinmarks] my home page has IDs on its h-feed elements
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
Tantek Çelik
Should unmung allow filter by I'd?
[kevinmarks] can you note that in mf2 issue 44?
We should built protocols that can be reused in various ways and complete the whole picture. You see something missing ? Then yes go on and create the missing piece. BUT FIRST, we should first try to use the existing protocols before reinventing the wheel.
vasilakisfil has 1 karma over the last year
[asuh] joined the channel
Especially “can be reused in various ways”
That’s a key design element of IndieWeb /building-blocks which some of the other approaches don’t follow (they attempt be all - all in one)
yeah exactly
strugee, gRegorLove_, [kim_landwehr], [kevinmarks] and jjuran joined the channel
[kevinmarks], jacky, petermolnar, this is my go-to resource for url regex. Though not specifically for extracting URLs: https://mathiasbynens.be/demo/url-regex
yeah extracting is rough
that's where I was looking to
jacky: “If more than one [webmention endpoint] is present, the first HTTP Link header takes precedence, followed by the first <link> or <a> element in document order.” https://webmention.net/draft/#sender-discovers-receiver-webmention-endpoint
scribbles RTFM onto my monitor
:) thank you Zegnat
[davidmead] joined the channel
I wonder how many people's implementation fail at https://webmention.rocks/test/7 lol
[Webmention Rocks!] Discovery Test #7
I'm good from 1 - 6
ooh this is a nice one
[Webmention Rocks!] Discovery Test #15
jacky, http/2 is all lowercase on the headers, so that solves that issue ;)
[pfefferle] joined the channel
indeed but I can't rely on everyone to have that!
That is true, but if your consuming code is written for http/2 and looks for lowercase link, all you need is an intermediary step in the HTTP request to convert all HTTP/1 headers to lowercase.
At least that is how I tend to solve it :)
strugee joined the channel
hm that's close to what I began looking into just now
[tantek] joined the channel
jacky I made sure Falcon passes all the Discovery tests, and coded a lot of the logic into the PHP library that I shared
Ooh, I totally missed that wiki page, now I need to go add my discovery library
Which also passes all tests
webmention << webmention-developer
ok, I added "webmention-developer" to the "See Also" section of /Webmention https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=55107&oldid=55067
well that was useless
[nick] joined the channel
I'll extract my logic once I get it tested more
for webmentions
the approach I have for micropub feels nice
it's agnostic to the kind of content being passed in (entry, card, etc)
Zegnat I added a "Libraries" stub on the Webmention page - would that have helped you find that?
so if it's not supported; it'll just fail (which makes sense to me)
[tantek], maybe? It depends on what I was reading at the time I wrote this... I may not have looked at the webmention page at all
I should return to do some work on that lib, looks like I have an IWC NYC branch that has been in stasis since then. Oops
Thanks for the encouragement Loqi
you're welcome
I guess as my blogging output dwindled, my need for sending webmentions disappeared as well
[schmarty] joined the channel
re: Hugo build times - my whole site builds in about 2-3 seconds on my laptop. But 20s on the cheap VPS I use for my build server! 😅
what is build time
It looks like we don't have a page for "build time" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "build time is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[schmarty]: does sound like Hugo isn't fast enough for you then!
Zegnat: I think it's too slow. I appreciate that it is better, at least.
I am tempted to have a two-step build process by splitting the Hugo theme into two. One step for permalink pages, after which syndication and webmentions can happen. A second for feed, tag, and archive pages, after which websub triggers.
Hmm, looking at the curl code included in that rel parser, I wonder at what point a page is no longer "curlable" because it requires to many curl options to be set.
[relapse] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] Good discovery work on your redirect issue.
tomasparks, strugee, [kevinmarks], [kim_landwehr] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
very rough hack / preview of my new "homepage" http://98c75c53.ngrok.io/
Anyone with a homepage that starts with "grrrr" is immediately my friend.
Not entirely sure what I'm seeing. It looks like a social-feed but I don't see anything about you/ what to expect from the site.
so this is a local "build" / demo of it
the feed's going to be the guts of the home page
I'm thinking about picking a post from the "now" tag and making it appear as the first one on the page
designing the experience to be around me in the moment as you see it
I like the use of the <aside> tag for the permalink/ metadata.
what is pin
pin or pinning is a feature that allows the author to choose a post to put at the top of their profile (or homepage) which is then called a pinned or sticky post https://indieweb.org/Pin
Is there a reason why you're spanning in a dot rather than using a ul+li?
I want the dot to be on the line
totally futzing around it
might end up using a ul+li and seeing how that fares in a few
Adding a date+time?
I've tried to do a timeline like this before, I feel it's a great way of showing time-based information.
ahh I 100% forgot about that!
yeah it feels more legit
once it's locked in, I might play around with pushing new updates to the feed in real time
[smerrill] joined the channel
i forget: is it possible to have multiple <artcile class=“h-entry”> on a page? Rather than one-tweet-per-file, I’m rolling up tweets by month. I dont think I want a list (<ul>) of items; but before I jam dozens of h-entries on a single page thought I’d sanity check.
[smerrill] Sounds like a h-feed of h-entries?
quite possibly. new territory for me.
it is allowed to have multiple h-entries even without a h-feed
oh man this just _works_ lol
I love it
Oh that's cool. Excellent work with the websocket too.
is h-feed designed to be human-friendly? I hear “feed” and immediately think rss or atom.
that's a good question
like I think it is meant to be
not sure what "human friendly" means. h-feed is as human friendly as any other HTML/mf2 markup
but if multiple h-entry elements are legal and semantically correct on a page, then that’s okay too
"human friendly" depends on the consuming side i.e. /readers
I agree with Kartik. It's embedded in the HTML, and HTML is meant for human readers (after being parsed by a browser, and you can get the gist of a page reading HTML with semantic markup)
https://indieweb.org/feed_discovery#How_to mentions that top-level h-entries count as a feed
let me refine my question. I am moving all my tweets from one file per tweet to one file per month. Is h-feed the suggested best way to present each tweet as its own h-entry on a page with lots of such tweets?
h-feed works for the collection
on a single page
that way you can also markup the name of the collection of tweets on that page, e.g. if you have a heading for "tweets from December 2018" or something
[grantcodes] joined the channel
and then each tweet would be an h-entry, correct?
thank you!
Yes h-feed is where you put info that applies to all of the entries