[tantek]jacky, I've found it was worth the time to get full webmention.rocks support working for my webmention sending code, since so many do discovery differently e.g. http headers vs link elements etc.
LoqiAn autolink is a hyperlink that was automatically added to some text to link that text to an obvious or useful destination, like hyperlinking a URL in plaintext to the URL itself, linking hashtags to search results, and @-names to their profile pages https://indieweb.org/autolink
[tantek][nick] that's interesting about Django and drafts - could you consider documenting that since it has to do pretty directly with indieweb / blogging on https://indieweb.org/Django ?
vasilakisfilI checked the matrix protocol, hmm I am not sure if I like it or not. What I don't like is the approach to solve everything at once, we all know where this usually leads (xkcd standards). Another thing is, at least in their docs/website, they emphasize in the HTTP API and not in the high level overview. It's good to be rigid and extensively specify the http API responses/requests, but I would like to see something more
vasilakisfilhighlevel, in case you need to apply the matrix under a different protocol (like mqtt). I feel it's more like an IRC replacement rather than a generic IM/Voip replacement.
strugee, calumryan, krychu and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
@vasilakisfil↩️ We already have standardized protocols by IETF like XMPP, OAuth2, WebFinger (just to name a few) and W3C recommendations for social apps like ActivityPub with ActivityStreams, LDN, Micropub, Webmention, Websub. We already have the infrastructure there! (twitter.com/_/status/1079326567577337856)
ZegnatFor things like redirects, that might be a little opaque in browsers, I would recommend testing URLs with curl. E.g. I did the following command to request your archive, have curl print out both the requests it did and the responses it received back (with all headers), and limit it to follow 5 redirects:
@vasilakisfilWe should built protocols that can be reused in various ways and complete the whole picture. You see something missing ? Then yes go on and create the missing piece. BUT FIRST, we should first try to use the existing protocols before reinventing the wheel. (twitter.com/_/status/1079326569125040128)
ZegnatThat is true, but if your consuming code is written for http/2 and looks for lowercase link, all you need is an intermediary step in the HTTP request to convert all HTTP/1 headers to lowercase.
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "build time" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "build time is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[schmarty]I am tempted to have a two-step build process by splitting the Hugo theme into two. One step for permalink pages, after which syndication and webmentions can happen. A second for feed, tag, and archive pages, after which websub triggers.
ZegnatHmm, looking at the curl code included in that rel parser, I wonder at what point a page is no longer "curlable" because it requires to many curl options to be set.
Loqipin or pinning is a feature that allows the author to choose a post to put at the top of their profile (or homepage) which is then called a pinned or sticky post https://indieweb.org/Pin
[smerrill]i forget: is it possible to have multiple <artcile class=“h-entry”> on a page? Rather than one-tweet-per-file, I’m rolling up tweets by month. I dont think I want a list (<ul>) of items; but before I jam dozens of h-entries on a single page thought I’d sanity check.
[relapse]I agree with Kartik. It's embedded in the HTML, and HTML is meant for human readers (after being parsed by a browser, and you can get the gist of a page reading HTML with semantic markup)
[smerrill]let me refine my question. I am moving all my tweets from one file per tweet to one file per month. Is h-feed the suggested best way to present each tweet as its own h-entry on a page with lots of such tweets?
[tantek]that way you can also markup the name of the collection of tweets on that page, e.g. if you have a heading for "tweets from December 2018" or something