#dev 2019-01-27

2019-01-27 UTC
[tantek] and tw2113 joined the channel
mblaney: the "like-of" on my post is a whole h-cite rather than just a URL
maybe that was the problem?
I should be able to handle h-cite, looking into it now
the general rule is if your'e expecting a string value and you see an object instead, use the "value" property
it is probable
that's why the parser returns the URL for the "value" here: https://media.aaronpk.com/Screen-Shot-2019-01-26-19-24-01-Od9QBFNhsO.jpg
is this a mf2 thing or webmention.io thing?
well the mf2 thing is how to generate the "value"
it's one of the parsing rules
then as a consumer of the mf2 data, using that value properly
goes to test this against his parser
ooh it does it
this is _useful_ info
dunno who is in control of the IndieWeb GitHub repos, but this is me https://github.com/indieweb/wordpress-indieweb/issues/130
if desired, i'm willing to try it myself and issue PRs
tw2113: PRs are welcome
tw2113: It is a community effort, but I've contributed to that plugin
tw2113: We have a WordPress room if you want as well
↩️ I’m intrigued by webmentions and while I’m sure WordPress can do them, it’s somehow more fun if I set it up in such a way that I have no idea how to fix it if it breaks. https://mxb.at/blog/using-webmentions-on-static-sites/
if there's an IRC mirror, i'm game, otherwise i'd have to switch how i connect :D
tw2113: On Freenode #indieweb-wordpress
they're all IRC at heart :)
↩️ …or maybe I could just install a plugin and have it working right away? https://wordpress.org/plugins/webmention/
[tantek] joined the channel
omg aaronpk I worked it out. You sent me 2 webmentions, the first was to my home page and then I don't create duplicate notifications from the same source...
I guess I should allow more than one notification if I find a different post type.
or dedupe on source+target combo
needs to add dedupe logic
yup that did the trick
leg, KartikPrabhu, barpthewire, [DavidBlue], oodani, [jgmac1106] and [jdpinto1] joined the channel
Is there a way to have an h-feed on a site that uses pagination? My microblog spans multiple pages, and I’ve tried using `rel="feed"` on each page’s link to older posts, but it doesn’t seem to be doing the trick.
Or maybe it does work the way I have things set up at https://juanpinto.me/microblog, but it’s just that brid.gy can only parse the first 10 h-entries. Is that correct?
[jdpinto1]: IIRC you'll need to have rel=next and rel=previous on the paginator links
lemme check the wiki
hmm interesting I don't see anything about that
but I've used `rel=next` and `rel=previous` to indicate the such
someone mentioned it
but this isn't documented anywhere hmm
what is pagination?
pagination is a UI pattern for navigation across (typically chronologically) sequential pages that show one or more posts such as permalink post pages, archives, search results, and lists of tagged posts https://indieweb.org/pagination
and yes, bridgy only considers the first 10 or so entries if I remember right - check your bridgy logs to see what it considers
thinks this bit re: rel=next and rel=prev should be more clear
it's a wiki, add it :D
Great, thanks for the tip. Is the use of `rel="next"` and `rel="prev"` considered “standard”? Meaning, do most h-feed parsers know how to read them?
It seems like such a fundamental thing since most blogs use pagination to some extent. Or maybe most people just don’t care about parsing through older posts?
it's standard, but I'd guess mostly used for consumers that explicitly try to download a full feed (e.g. site archiving tools etc), with many things that only are interested in recent changes assuming they'll crawl often enough and don't bother with it (but that's a guess, I haven't looked at what various things do in detail. the necessary info is in parser output, which is what I mostly work on)
(rel=prev/next actually comes from HTML specs)
[jdpinto1]: I, for one, do care lol
but yeah, I remember seeing it on MDN. Again, I'm assuming feed parsing look into it
I can do a bit of digging around it tho
[jgmac1106], swentel and dgold joined the channel
I got my first wildcard cert from LetsEncrypt.
dustyweb joined the channel
Oddly enough, installing Indieweb plugins on a clean test site is giving me a chance to troubleshoot things I might not have noticed.
[jdpinto1] joined the channel
Is it possible to change the `wm-received` timestamp on individual webmentions using webmention.io? I’m using brid.gy to essentially import old comments and likes from Instagram and Twitter, but the timestamp on comments shows when the webmention was sent (recently) intead of the original date the comment was made (in some cases, years ago). Any potential way around this issue? It’s relatively minor but could be confusing for people visit
I don’t think there is a way to do that. The wm-received is special data added by webmention.io and not really related to the actual data on a reply.
But doesn’t Bridgy expose the original post dates on the comment HTML it generates?
Proving MUCH easier to abandon the about-me plugin on Grav and build my own h-card if I want to use Simple Icons (which I do).
@Zegnat Can’t believe I missed that! That’s so much easier than changing a bunch of timestamps
[davidmead] joined the channel
GitHub question for the group - I have idno/known cloned on my local machine so I can FTP updates to my site. Should I clone the plugins I use into the plugins folder of that local idno/known, or keep them separate?
jeremycherfas: Glad you like it. It helped me a lot.
Not there yet!
[davidmead], I wouldn’t do it that way because if the reason for the clone is to FTP I wouldn’t want to upload a .git folder for every plugin. Which will inevitably happen when I would drag the plugins folder
thx zegnat. I’m using Coda2 which has a “publish” feature where it tracks modified files and lets me send only those up
That could still have .git folders show up as changes though, right? Or can you exclude those folders? Another option may be to put the plugins you use into your current git as submodules (see e.g. https://github.blog/2016-02-01-working-with-submodules/) but I am not super familiar with those
yeah, maybe. I have it set to ignore certain files, like .DS_Store from Dropbox. As my GitHub knowledge is less than basic I thought I’d ask 😉
Is it a problem is the h-card on my home page is different from the h-card on other pages, e.g. Single posts?
iasai joined the channel
The answer I wanted!
another rookie github question - is it best to `fork` something then pull it down as, say, `djm-whatever`?
over trying to `branch` in the `master`
branching has nothing to do with what GitHub calls “forking”
So it’ll depend a lot on what you want to achieve.
Forking on GitHub just means you make a copy on your own GitHub account, giving you a place you can `push` to
Trying to change something in indo/Known-Listen. created a branch then didn’t have permission to put that branch up to github, so i thought forking would be the way to go
but that fork can’t go in the same local folder as the master i cloned
just looking for best practices when playing with plugins etc
Ah, if you already have a git repo locally, you can go on GitHub, press fork, and then add that fork as a second remote
That way you can push to it
Let me see if GitHub wrote some documentation about that!
https://help.github.com/articles/configuring-a-remote-for-a-fork/ - basically you would see the origin is the original repo (that you cannot push to for obvious reasons), so you would want to add your own GitHub fork URL as an extra remote (maybe not call it upstream...)
All done. Now to write it up.
Sorry if that is a bit of an info dump, [davidmead]. Trial and error is a pretty good thing with git, I have found, haha
But speaking of getting tangled up in Git, I really want to try and get Grav's gitsync working, but first I have to work out why things that used to sync, once, no longer do. I might need to delete my /user folder on Git and then repopulate from my existing local version, but sort out gitignore before I do.
I typically fork on GitHub, and then clone that. So my GitHub fork is `origin`, and then I add the original as `upstream`.
that’s helpful zegnat
jjuran, yeah, that seems to be the most documented way. But if you already cloned and find a reason to need to push later, you can still do it the other way around
ok jjuran. that’s what i was thinking too, but i don’t know about `upstream`. i need to read more before i dive in and “do” 😉
“upstream” is just a name for “the version my version branched off of” (or something like that)
You can also rename remotes
`git remote rename oldname newname`
Though that doesn't affect defaults
snarfed and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
What is the fi9le `.idea` that I keep seeing in `.gitignore` files? It doesn't seem to be present anywhere, so why ignore it?
It looks like we don't have a page for "fi9le `.idea` that I keep seeing in `.gitignore` files" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "fi9le `.idea` that I keep seeing in `.gitignore` files is ____", a sentence describing the term)
config/data directory for JetBrains' IDEs
So it is put there by whoever made the repository I have cloned? And they used JetBrains. Thanks.
or they added in just in case so nobody using jetbrains can accidentially add theirs to the repo
*added it
many people take gitignore files from templates that just include all kinds of things that might appear but are safe to exclude
OK. I'm trying hard to tidy up, but I don't want to throw away things that might matter. Those seem harmless.
dustyweb and [Rose] joined the channel
I use the JetBrains stuff and having that there is very handy so I don't mess up my own repo - or anyone else's
yeah, same here. I like that they *didn't* use a different name for each of their products too, but kept it at .idea, even if I'm not using idea
Yup, yay for freebies for education people.
(Also, I'm weird, sometimes I open the same project in different IDEs)
pats Loqi
Thanks for the further education. Little and often ...
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
ironically the features missing from the community level I might use were fairly buggy anyways, so I haven't pulled the trigger on paying yet
jjuran and [tantek] joined the channel
So much I want to do
leg, jjuran, KartikPrabhu and [Rose] joined the channel
!tell sknebel if you still have your university email address you can get the JetBrains suite for free
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Thank you Loki
*Loqi, darn autocorrect.
true, I still could get it for a year or so longer I guess
sknebel: [Rose] left you a message 6 minutes ago: if you still have your university email address you can get the JetBrains suite for free
jjuran, tw2113, [davidmead] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel