Loqiaaronpk: [jgmac1106] left you a message 25 minutes ago: in terms of collections Telegraph doesn't recognize children. I remove top level h-entry and then add it back
iasai, barpthewire, cweiske, KartikPrabhu, [kevinmarks] and swentel joined the channel
sknebel(on the other hand, using a property would easily resolve the difference between child elements like the h-cards and explicit members of the collection.)
sknebel(sth like "u-part h-trip" for travels, or "u-part h-cite" for collections of generic posts (u- because I'm assuming urls for the individual parts exist)
[kevinmarks]The medium/quill/buzzfeed post editors are implicitly collections, with the buzzfeed one making it more explicit. I now wonder if this edges towards the Gutenberg Block model too
[jgmac1106]I am doing drupal training at work now, our new website is all Drupal...but they said they built a CMS on top of the CMS...that phrase scares me
ZegnatI got the feeling Drupal is very much a framework offering a ligh-cms. So a lot will turn into CMS built on Drupal. (Correct me if I am wrong, swentel
swentelthe ultimate goal is to have a set of components and libraries provided by the 'api' community, and then a 'product' community that builds a proof of concept cms
[Vincent]Is anyone syndicating to Mastodon at the moment? I would like to do it from Node but I can’t find Mastodon API docs or a good Node module I can look at so I can understand how to do it. (I know I need an app token etc, which I have generated from my account). But the actual mechanism and URL etc needed to POST in to it, is evading me
aaronpkthat turns your website into something that can be followed from mastodon rather than having to maintain another account and agree to someone else's terms of service for where that account lives
aaronpksyndication implies there's something you're syndicating _to_, whereas making your content available so that it can be subscribed to on mastodon is not syndicating to mastodon
aaronpktechnically federating is the most accurate term because it encompasses both publishing and also receiving the posts, but i'm not sure that's the best term to use when telling someone the differences between syndicating to a mastodon account and turning their site into something that can be followed from mastodon
[eddie]I was thinking two things. One: color differentiation or Two: space differentiation (either increasing the width of the top post or decreasing the width of the bottom posts)
[eddie]Step Two (the tricky part) using Charles Proxy (or some other sniffing agent) you have to get the OpenID/OAuth credentials that get passed from the iOS app to the nintendo servers. This also means temporarily allowing Charles proxy to decrypt your HTTPS by installing a root certificate on your iPhone. You can delete that after retrieving the OpenID credentials
[eddie]Every 15 minutes they expire the Bearer token, so every time my script runs it has to refresh the token (if expired) and then use the new Bearer token
[eddie]Also the API just tracks the play time for the entire day, so the code has to be smart about remembering what play times have already been sent to the server and to wait until the play times don't change so that it doesn't send a bunch of play posts in the middle of your play session
[eddie]I also have an idea about how to get my NintendoSwitch script to be able to send to my site when I'm "actively playing" a game (similar to your "I'm still here")
[Rose]I would love to have an instagram story-like aspect for a now page, so I can show stuff without it being on my site permanently, but with some stuff being permanent
aaronpkI guess I fix that on my webmention receiving code? if a post gets a webmention from a source URL that is a collection that contains the post, ignore it?
[eddie]aaronpk OR you could check if the type of post is a trip, and if so utilize the webmention to say "Part of the following trip" with the webmention of the trip
aaronpkI have a *lot* of posts generated during the trip so maybe what I need is some sort of UI to quickly select which ones should go into this post from a subset that my site can be smart about generating
jeremycherfasWoohoo. My PHP listens script can now extract the salient details for an episode from the Overcast extended OPML and create a post in Grav with resized image artwork. That'll do for today. Tomorrow, polish the display template. Might even run it for real and see what happens.
snarfedi love error reporting tools for this kind of thing. they email you every time your site serves a 500, etc. (ideally only on new ones, to avoid floods.)
snarfed[eddie]: i'm guessing the one for your homepage is a monitoring probe? ie it fetches it every minute or so and tells you if it's down? or is it built into your site?
snarfedah. yeah these are different. they're catch-all error handlers built into your site's code itself that trigger whenever you have an uncaught exception or serve a 500, etc
snarfedi'd also encourage people to distinguish between *outages*, which is what uptime monitoring is generally for, vs errors/bugs, which are better caught and aggregated by buillt in error reporting.
snarfedand especially for self care etc, be deliberate about what you consider an "emergency," ie something worth getting worked up about or interrupting whatever you're currently doing. outages may be worth it; bugs usually aren't.
[cleverdevil]!tell [aaronpk] it would be cool if Aperture included a bit more metadata on feeds within channels. Presently, all it returns is "url". I'd love it if it also had a title or name, etc. This would be for a specialized microsub client that generates shareable OPML files.