@franco_scarpa92La mia motivazione di inizio settimana è quella di riuscire a implementare le webmention sul mio sito personale. Sono sempre più attratto dalla mission di @indiewebcamp.
#MondayMotivation #webmention #webdev #personalwebsite (twitter.com/_/status/1107567585980239872)
[Rose]SetApp is pretty handy if you need/want at least a few of the apps. I have found myself using more and more of the apps offered - I owned quite a few apps to start with but as they needed paid upgrades SetApp made more and more sense.
ZegnatI’ve started relying on PSR-7 request objects and comopatible http clients. Makes life a lot easier on me when I only need to care about what the request looks like and not how it is being send
[eddie]I've heard people mention the idea of only showing part of a post to certain people and having part of the post be public. I haven't seen a use-case for this in my own mind until today. I was reading a week note and I realized, if I were to do week notes, it would be nice to make some of the bullet points or paragraphs private for me or semi-private for specific people.
jeremycherfasI keep getting string conversion errors when trying to do things with my PHP arrays. I think it is because one element is a timestamp. Is there some magic flag that says treat all the elements as a string, or similar?
jeremycherfasDoing things like array_diff to find elements in one that aren't in the other. All elements have a timestamp. There are some other array operators where there is a flag that says don't try and change the type.
Zegnatarray_diff() specifically compares string representations of whatever is within the array, so yeah, that could give trouble of the array contains objects that do not cleanly convert to strings
Zegnatjeremycherfas: you could use array_udiff() instead. There you supply the function that is used to the diffing. The callback could probably be as easy as function($a, $b){return $a === $b ? 0 : 1; } (untested)
jeremycherfasRight. I did something like that to dedupe on array, using array_unique because it was a multidimensional array. I’ll try something similar tomorrow.
Loqi[schmarty]: [jgmac1106] left you a message 1 day ago: a recording on how to fork the webring would be pretty cool, want to set one up for https://remixer.visualthinkery.com/a/bloggersInk lot of my friends adding this
[tantek]because I have a bunch of images with text in them cued up, and it's enough to push me over the edge to try to code it up (to at least avoid KevinMarks's ire, not to mention obv do the right thing for accessibility 🙂 )
Loqialt is a required attribute of the <img> element and should be provided in any use of images on indieweb pages from photo posts to featured and other images in articles https://indieweb.org/alt_text
[tantek]BTW the reason I'm asking so much about alt text use / publishing / UI in #indieweb (from a publisher perspective) is that I'm now actively figuring out how to add alt text support to the CASSIS auto-linker
[tantek]at which point it will definitely have grown beyond mere auto-linking and auto-embedding, and starting to enter into the realm of a markdown replacement
[tantek]I already have the TBI hooks in the code and now I'm thinking about *how much* alt text to "allow", e.g. multiline alt text etc (which AFAIK Markdown does *not* support) 😉